Ossur Hf : Insider trading
Announcement Össur hf. No. 25/2012
Auðkenni útgefanda/Trade ticker:
Nafn útgefanda/Issuer:
Össur hf.
Dagsetning tilkynningar/Date of announcement:
8 August 2012
Nafn fruminnherja/Name primary insider:
William Demant Invest A/S
Tengsl fruminnherja við útgefanda/Insider's relation with the issuer:
Niels Jacobsen
Dagsetning viðskipta/Date of transaction:
7 August 2012 (expiry date of the offer period)
Tímasetning viðskipta/Time of transaction:
Tegund fjármálagernings/Type of financial instrument:
Kaup eða sala/Buy or Sell:
Fjöldi hluta/Number of shares:
Verð pr. Hlut/Price per share:
DKK 8.2 / ISK 202
Fjöldi hluta í eigu fruminnherja eftir viðskipti/Primary insider's holdings
after the transaction:
Fjöldi hluta sem fruminnherji á kauprétt að/Primary insider's option holdings
after the transaction:
Fjöldi hluta fjárhagslega tengdra aðila eftir viðskipti/Related parties'
holdings after the transaction:
Dagsetning lokauppgjörs*/Date of settlement*:
13 August 2012
Trading due to William Demant Invest A/S voluntary offer for shares in Össur hf.
The offer was valid from 9 July 2012 - 7 August 2012.
Niels Jacobsen is the chairman of the Össur Board of Directors.