Nexcom revises guidance for FY2022

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Company announcement 20-2022

This communication contains inside information regulated by the European market abuse regulation, (MAR).

Nexcom has been working on a large-scale implementation of a Customer Experience solution with a prospective international customer. This prospective customer has decided not to pursue the project based on Nexcom’s solution. Furthermore, there are several ongoing projects impacted by end of year budget reductions and investment postponements, which leads to an adjustment of the guidance ranges for full-year 2022. 

The financial guidance for full-year 2022 is updated: Revenue from 14 to 17 MDKK to 8 - 12MDKK and EBITDA from -5.7 to -7.7 to   -10 MDKK to -14MDKK 

Contact information:

For more information and/or to arrange an interview with CEO Rolf Adamson, please contact Gerdur Dora Adalsteinsdottir, Communications email:

Certified advisor:
Kapital Partner A/S
Jernbanegade 4
1608 København V
Tlf. + 45 8988 7846

Nexcom is a Danish-based SaaS company with a compelling purpose of helping companies of all shapes and sizes deliver consistent, high-standard service experiences to their customers. We design and deliver big data-driven, AI-powered software platforms that enable companies to automate routine tasks, monitor agent and system performance, and become more time-efficient. We help improve productivity, gain more operational knowledge, make informed decisions, and ultimately deliver better service.

Nexcom: Better Customer Service, Less Effort


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