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Vestas Wind Systems A/S and Vestas Technology R&D, a division of Vestas Wind    
Systems A/S (hereafter collectively “Vestas”) recently filed an action in the   
Superior Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Middlesex County against   
its former employee, Troy Patton, to enforce certain contractual, statutory and 
common law rights with regard to Mr. Patton's recent employment by Northern     
Power Systems, Inc. (“NPS”).                                                    

Vestas is happy to announce that it has reached an amicable resolution with Mr. 
Patton, NPS and certain other parties. As part of this resolution, Mr. Patton   
will step down from his position as President of NPS's Wind Utility Division and
he will not work in NPS's Wind Utility Division for a period of time.  In       
addition, Mr. Patton and NPS have agreed to reimburse Vestas for costs incurred 
in enforcing its rights.                                                        

Vestas is very pleased to conclude this matter and return to its regular        
business endeavors and has no further comments to the issue.                    

Contact details:                                                                
Vestas Technology R&D                                                           
Finn Strøm Madsen, President                                                    
Telephone +45 9730 0000                                                         

Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Denmark                                                
Peter W Kruse, Senior Vice President, Group Communications                      
Telephone +45 9730 0000


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