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The Boards of Directors of DnB NOR`s employee investment funds today decided to wind up the funds and realise the shares held by the funds in DnB NOR ASA. The funds own a total of 16.8 million shares, representing 1.3 per cent of the total number of DnB NOR shares. A final decision to wind up the funds will be made by the funds` general meeting in February 2008, and the shares will probably be realised during 2008. Complete statement on www.newsweb.no The Boards of Directors of DnB NOR`s employee investment funds today decided to wind up the funds and realise the shares held by the funds in DnB NOR ASA. The funds own a total of 16.8 million shares, representing 1.3 per cent of the total number of DnB NOR shares. A final decision to wind up the funds will be made by the funds` general meeting in February 2008, and the shares will probably be realised during 2008. The funds are owned by the Group`s employees, who will be paid the value of their holdings when the funds are wound up. DnB NOR has had employee funds since 1997, and allocations have been made to the funds up until 2005 based on the Group`s strong financial performance.