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DnB NOR Bank ASA has received a long-term rating of AA from the Canadian credit rating agency Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS). The rating is new and effective from September 2006. The rating is considered to have a stable trend. Complete message at newsweb.no DnB NOR Bank ASA has received a long-term rating of AA from the Canadian credit rating agency Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS). The rating is new and effective from September 2006. The rating is considered to have a stable trend. `According to DBRS, the rating reflects DnB NOR Bank`s dominant position in the Norwegian market. The smooth merger process between DnB and Gjensidige NOR, cost-effective operations and solid risk management were also highlighted. In my view, this rating is a recognition of the Group`s successful and targeted efforts over many years, including a selective and well-planned international expansion strategy,` says Svein Aaser, group chief executive. DBRS is the second rating agency to give DnB NOR an AA rating. This rating is reserved for first- class institutions, providing access to more capital markets and ensuring lower funding costs. http://www.newsweb.no/index.asp?melding_ID=135383
