Sparebankstiftelsen DnB NOR to sell up to 18.5 million shares in DnB NOR ASA

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Sparebankstiftelsen DnB NOR to sell up to 18.5 million shares in DnB NOR ASA to finance targeted participation in the DnB NOR rights issue Sparebankstiftelsen DnB NOR (”Sparebankstiftelsen”) has today given ABG Sundal Collier and DnB NOR Markets an order to sell up to 18.5 million shares in DnB NOR ASA. The transaction will be conducted through a bookbuilding process. Sparebankstiftelsen owns 151,844,864 shares in DnB NOR ASA (11.39% of total outstanding shares). Sparebankstiftelsen will maintain an ownership of minimum 10% post the transaction. The proceeds from the placing will be used to subscribe for new shares in the upcoming rights issue in DnB NOR so that Sparebankstiftelsen maintains an ownership of above 10% as communicated 25 September 2009. Contact persons: Frode Helgerud, CEO, mobile +47 90 51 85 24 Arne Huser, Director Financial Investments, mobile +47 95 75 38 62 Contact person ABG Sundal Collier: Hans Øyvind Haukeli, Head of Oslo Sales, phone +47 22 01 60 04 Contact person DnB NOR Markets: Paal Karstensen, Head of Equities, phone +47 22 94 89 08