Notification of trade

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 H Møgster AS, (51% owned by chairman Helge Møgster in DOF ASA (“DOF”), acquired 18 January 2012  a total of 50,000 shares in DOF  to a price of NOK 23,3635 per share. H Møgster AS owns after this acquisition a total of 50.000 shares in DOF. In addition, Helge Møgster owns 290.930 shares directly in DOF. Helge Møgster controls 40 % of Laco AS which owns 56.876.050 shares in DOF via Møgster Offshore AS constituting 51,22% of the share capital in DOF.  Total number of shares is 57.216.980 shares, constituting 51,52% of the share capital in DOF.

Moco AS, (wholly owned by CEO Mons Aase in DOF ASA (“DOF”), acquired 18 January 2012  a total of 50,000 shares in DOF  to a price of NOK 23,3635 per share. Moco AS  owns after this acquisition a total of 688,100 shares in DOF, constituting 0.62% of the share capital in DOF.

 The percentage has been calculated based on 111,051,348 issued shares in DOF. 
