Allocation of shares in subsequent offering to primary insiders

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Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement on 1st December regarding completion of the subsequent offering and previous stock exchange announcement for primary insiders that subscribed for shares in the offering. All investors that subscribed for shares were fully allocated shares according to their subscription. Thus the below listed primary insiders that had oversubscribed were fully allocated shares for their oversubscription.

Board member Scott Kerr was allocated 12,451 shares for his oversubscription. Subsequent to the completion of the share issue Mr. Scott will hold 33,000 shares in Dolphin.

Simen Thoresen, board member elected by the employees, was allocated 1,638 shares for his oversubscription. Subsequent to the completion of the shares issue Mr. Thoresen will hold 40,000 shares in Dolphin. In addition he holds 25,000 options in the company.

The share price in the offering is NOK 3.00 per share.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 (Norwegian Securities Trading Act).  

For further information; please contact:

Ketil Sundal, VP Finance & IR          
Mobile:+47 95 92 21 04

Dolphin Group ASA
Helsfyr Atrium
Innspurten 15
0663 OSLO

Tel:+47 23 16 70 00
Fax:+47 23 16 71 80 

Dolphin Group ASA has two main business areas; Dolphin Geophysical AS and Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS. Dolphin Geophysical is a global full-range, asset light supplier of marine geophysical services and operates a fleet of new generation, high capacity seismic vessels and offers contract seismic surveys and multi-client projects worldwide. Dolphin Interconnect is a global supplier of high performance solutions (hardware- and software) for the server and embedded systems market. Dolphin Group ASA is listed at Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE ticker: DOLP).