Dolphin – awarded large 3D seismic contract offshore Myanmar

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Dolphin have been awarded and signed a contract for 3D data acquisition and processing of 10.000 sq. km. with Ophir Energy in Myanmar. The work will commence in Q1 with a vessel already located in the region planned to tow an industry first configuration.

Atle Jacobsen, CEO commented; “This large seismic contract award adds to our backlog of powerful solutions projects, where Dolphin’s cost efficient wide tow configuration is the preferred acquisition solution selected by one of our large repeat customers”

For further information, please contact:

Atle Jacobsen, CEO
Mobile: +47 97 71 53 36

Erik Hokholt, CFO
Mobile: +47 90 75 60 64

Dolphin Group ASA
Helsfyr Atrium
Innspurten 15

Phone: +47 22 07 15 30
Fax: +47 22 07 15 31

Dolphin Group ASA is the Parent company of Dolphin Geophysical AS, a global full-range, asset light supplier of marine Geophysical services. Dolphin operates a fleet of new generation, high-capacity seismic vessels and offers contract seismic surveys, Multi-Client projects and processing services on a worldwide basis.

Dolphin Group ASA is listed at Oslo Stock Exchange
(OSE ticker: DOLP).