Mandatory notification of shareholding

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The following primary insiders of Dolphin Group ASA has increased their direct and indirect shareholdings through the close-down of the investment company, Fjord Partners Invest AS and the following distributions of assets to existing shareholders.

Mr.Atle Jacobsen, CEO, has through the Investment Companies Four M AS and Three M AS, increased the shareholding with 227.274 shares. Following the transfer, Mr. Jacobsen and associates owns 3.402.641 shares.

Mr.Peter Hooper, VP Operations, has through the Investment Company EMWI AS ,increased the shareholding with 227.274 shares. Following the transfer, Mr. Hooper and associates owns 1680.607 shares.

Mr.Bjarne Stavenes, VP Technical, has through the Investment Company Stavenes Invest, increased the shareholding with 454.545 shares. Following the transfer, Mr. Stavenes and associates owns 991.212 shares.

Mr.Mike Hodge, VP QHSE, has through the Investment Company Leyline AS, increased the shareholding with 454.545 shares. Following the transfer, Mr. Hodge and associates owns 854.545 shares.

Mr.Phillip Charles Suter, VP Marketing & Sales, has increased his shareholding with 227.274 shares. Following the transfer, Mr. Suter owns 417.272 shares.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements according to section 4-1 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

For further information, please contact:

Erik Hokholt, CFO          
Mobile:+47 90756064

Dolphin Group ASA
Helsfyr Atrium
Innspurten 15
0663 OSLO

Phone:+47 55 38 75 00
Fax:+47 55 38 75 01

Dolphin Group ASA has two main business areas; Dolphin Geophysical AS and Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS. Dolphin Geophysical is a global full-range, asset light supplier of marine geophysical services and operates a fleet of new generation, high capacity seismic vessels and offers contract seismic surveys and multi-client projects worldwide. Dolphin Interconnect is a global supplier of high performance solutions (hardware- and software) for the server and embedded systems market. Dolphin Group ASA is listed at Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE ticker: DOLP).