New video digest offers fresh ideas to move journalism forward

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With the digital world changing so rapidly, how can newsroom leaders learn more about the latest innovations and industry research to fuel experimentation and culture change in their newsrooms?

Check out the new weekly Futures Lab video digest, created by the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute and the Missouri School of Journalism. The show launched in March.

Watch the show here –

Digital episodes will include:

  •  Behind-the-scenes case studies of cutting-edge work
  •  Profiles and interviews with leading innovators/entrepreneurs
  •  Tips on integrating new technologies across multiple platforms
  •  Insights from the latest industry research
  •  Management tips for fostering innovation

RJI Futures Lab Editors Reuben Stern and Olga Kyle will oversee the reporting and production of each week’s program, with assistance from a team of students from the Missouri School of Journalism.

The mission is to provide newsroom leaders a five- to eight-minute roundup of fresh ideas; techniques and developments that can help them spark innovation and manage change within newsrooms working across all media platforms. In addition to video content, there will also be supplemental materials that provide additional details about the topics highlighted in each week’s episode.

“We have so many ideas and interesting people who come to RJI,” Kyle said. “We aggregate a lot of information that needs to be shared. We have the facilities that allow us to produce high-quality video and multimedia content and many talented people who can contribute to the programs.”

Endless ideas

“Futures Lab” will interview technology pioneers and explain the latest in gadgets and apps from around the world. They’ll also talk to creative entrepreneurs who are finding new ways to keep journalism profitable.

For example, one upcoming episode will feature a story about a drone journalism project happening at the University of Missouri. Drones have the potential to be a fast, inexpensive and efficient way to add aerial video to news coverage, said Jiselle Macalaguin, a Missouri Journalism student who reported on the project.

 “It’s a new way of covering news,” Macalaguin said. “Imagine having aerial shot of a story or agriculture story, it gives much more context to any news story or idea.”

Other episodes will focus on new ideas for audience engagement, automation tools, mobile news platforms, and managing a newsroom’s transition into emerging areas of the digital world.

Viewer feedback

The RJI team plans to make the program interactive for viewers by providing a platform for comments and suggestions.

“We’d like as much feedback from our audience as possible,” Kyle said. “They will come up with some excellent ideas for us to cover.”

Ideally the videos will also help foster connection and conversation among the news leaders the program hopes to reach.

“In addition to helping newsroom leaders move their organizations forward, we would love to see this program become a catalyst for more conversation among the leaders of news organizations from across the different media platforms,” Stern said.

For more information, contact the team at Become a fan of The RJI Futures Lab show and receive updates on Facebook and Twitter.

How to view the broadcasts

Futures Lab weekly programs can be viewed on the RJI website. Delivery via mobile app is in the works and will be available soon. All episodes will be archived online for future viewing.

In addition, RJI collects and assembles some of the top stories from around the web of interest to journalism innovators and entrepreneurs. Check out RJI Links here at or subscribe to the weekly RJI Links e-newsletter.

Check out the new weekly Futures Lab video digest, created by the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute and the Missouri School of Journalism. The show launched in March. You can watch the show here now.
