DONG Energy carries out seismic surveys in Thy

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DONG Energy hopes to find evidence of oil in the Thy underground. Therefore the underground is to be examined and this may cause some nuisance to the inhabitants for a limited period; such as restricted access to certain roads and noise.

DONG Energy hopes to find evidence of oil in the Thy underground. Therefore the underground is to be examined and this may cause some nuisance to the inhabitants for a limited period; such as restricted access to certain roads and noise. The oil exploration began after two fishermen observed a greasy material in their net – and it turned out to be oil. DONG Energy now examines the underground to find out if there is enough oil - in the financial sense. However, the coming activities will only be completed provided that the project is approved by the relevant authorities. Seismic surveys – where, how and when? From mid September till the end of October, Rambøll carries out seismic surveys for DONG Energy. Through a seismic survey, the underground is examined with acoustic waves to achieve a better knowledge of its structure. The seismic surveys are performed in three places: 15 km along the beach, 15 km at the Kystvejen road (181) and at some of the smaller roads connecting the beach and the Kystvejen road. The seismic surveys are done with a land rover with a trailer pulling a 225 meter cable. Measuring instruments are mounted onto the cable, and the land rover drives at a speed of 250-400 meter/hours and stops every 10 meters to measure. At each stop a vibrator is placed on the road and it sends acoustic waves into the underground. The acoustic waves reflect the geological layers in the underground and are detected by the measuring instruments on the cable. DONG Energy plans to send more detailed information to the neighbours concerned to inform them about time and place for the seismic surveys. Thereby the local people know which ways to avoid on certain days and they will be able recalculate time for transportation. Consideration of the birds The time for the seismic surveys has been carefully planned to have the least impact on the surrounding environment - especially with consideration to the birds. In the spring there are migratory birds such at the tringa glareola which breeds in July, and birds like the crane breed in March-July. To most other breeding birds, the planned seismic surveys will not interfere with the breeding season. For further information, contact: Media Relation Ulrik Frøhlke +45 9955 9560

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