We are celebrating 25 years of Danish crude oil transport

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On 21 May 1984, the first oil ran down the new pipeline from Gorm field in the Danish North Sea sector to the crude oil terminal in Fredericia. Ever since then, oil has been flowing from the North Sea to the terminal, where a significant part of the oil is shipped out via the Shell port facilities in Fredericia.

On 21 May 1984, the first oil ran down the new pipeline from Gorm field in the Danish North Sea sector to the crude oil terminal in Fredericia. Ever since then, oil has been flowing from the North Sea to the terminal, where a significant part of the oil is shipped out via the Shell port facilities in Fredericia.

Together with Danish Underground Consortium (DUC) and Shell, the DONG Energy subsidiary DONG Olierør A/S is celebrating the pipeline’s first 25 years of success. The pipeline was inaugurated in1984 by the then Minister of Energy Knud Enggård (Liberal Party) with the words:

”This pipeline is a pioneering effort and can justifiably be ranked alongside the most major construction projects that have ever been completed here in Denmark. It is a milestone for all area of Danish energy policy.”

Continuing the accolades on Tuesday 12 May 2009 will be the Mayor of Fredericia, Uffe Steiner Jensen, who along with DONG Energy’s CEO Anders Eldrup and Managing Director Peter Skak-Iversen will talk about the first 25 years of the pipeline. Following this, Shell Manager Thomas Jenke and head of DONG Olierør’s activities at the terminal, Lars Bach, will be offering a tour in the area around the port terminal.

The festivities are to take place at the Shell terminal, Kongensgade 113, Fredericia – in conference room 1 in the administration building. The event will begin at 1 PM, followed by coffee and anniversary cake and a look around the port area at 2:50 PM.
From Gorm to Fredericia

Mærsk Oil is the operator in the Gorm field, which was discovered as early as in 1971. The discovery and subsequent exploration drilling resulted in one of Denmark’s most costly and complicated industrial projects. The development of the field was begun in 1978, and by 1981 the field had produced its first oil. In 2008 the crude oil led through the pipeline presented a value of app. DKK 44 billion.

The seven export pumps at DONG Energy’s Gorm Ecco pumping platform ensure that the oil is pumped across the 220 km pipeline to the Filsø pumping station seven km from the west coast of Jutland. There the pressure is increased with the aid of five more export pumps so that the oil can be transported the final 110 km right across Jutland to the crude oil terminal in Fredericia. In Fredericia the crude oil is degassed before being stored in oil tanks and finally a significant part of the oil is being shipped out via the Danish Shell port facilities in Fredericia.

Facts: the crude oil terminal
The DONG Olierør crude oil terminal in Fredericia consists of six crude oil storage tanks. In addition, DONG Olierør is in possession of three storage tanks from Danish Shell in order to maintain a high storage capacity. The crude oil terminal includes a large degassing plant, which ensures the removal of up to 10,000 tons of methane and ethane per year.

For further information, please contact:

Media Relations
Ulrik Frøhlke
+45 9955 9560

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