Drott Year end report 2003
Year-end report 2003 * Rental revenues SEK 3.6 billion (3.7) * Profit from ongoing property management operations SEK 0.7 billion (0.7) in line with forecast * Property sales of SEK 12.1 billion (0.9) gains of SEK 1.1 billion (0.3) * Profit after tax SEK 0.7 billion (0.5) earnings per share SEK 8.12 (5.99) * Property value according to independent appraisal: SEK 27.5 billion (40.2) * Estimated adjusted equity: SEK 150 per share (170) Proposal to the Annual General Meeting * Change the name of Drott AB to Fabege AB * Distribute the subsidiary Bostads AB Drott to shareholders * Cash transfer of SEK 3.3 billion to shareholders through redemption Contacts telephone e-mail Anders Böös (President and CEO) +46 8 769 30 10 anders.boos@drott.se Claes Linné (Vice President) +46 8 769 30 12 claes.linne@drott.se Johan Nordenson (Investor Relations) +46 8 769 30 20 johan.nordenson@drott.se ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/02/19/20040219BIT00520/wkr0001.doc The full report http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/02/19/20040219BIT00520/wkr0002.pdf The full report