Management change at Drott

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Management change at Drott Following the Annual General Meeting on April 8 this year, the Board of Directors of Drott AB ("Drott") initiated a review of Drott's strategy and operations as well as the ongoing process of appointing a new president to succeed Mats Mared, who resigned in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting. The review of Drott's strategy and operations is expected to be completed prior to the summer and will be disclosed at that time and comprise Drott's future direction. The Board considers that this work must be completed in advance concluding the process of finding a new president for the future. With the aim of not losing pace and time, the Board has appointed Anders Böös as president of Drott. Anders Böös is a member of the Board of Drott and assumes his new position immediately. Consequently, the Board ensures that the process of change proceeds at a rapid pace and that management resources are expanded. Claes Linné, who has been acting president since the Annual General Meeting, reassumes his normal position as Drott's CFO and Executive Vice President. The process of recruiting a new president for the future is ongoing, with the aim of reaching a decision prior to year-end Drott AB (publ) Board of Directors If any questions, please contact: - Urban Jansson, Chairman of the Board, +46 705-90 80 91 - Anders Böös, President, +46 707-20 36 06 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: