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East Capital has employed Marcus Svedberg as Chief Economist, in charge of macroeconomic and political analysis of Eastern Europe. Marcus Svedberg was last at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economies (SITE) where he was Chief Analyst and also Acting MD for a time.

Marcus Svedberg has vast experience of macroeconomic analysis and has had several reports on and analyses of transition economies published, focusing on Eastern Europe. Marcus was Chief Analyst at SITE for five years and was responsible for political and industry-related analysis of transition countries for the public and private sectors. Previous employers include the Swedish Trade Council and Kreab. Marcus has a master’s degree in economics with a specialisation in international politics from the University of Stockholm and the London School of Economics.

SITE is a leading centre for analysis that focuses on development in Central and Eastern Europe. When the previous MD, Erik Berglöf, left SITE to become Chief Economist at the EBRD, Marcus Svedberg became Acting MD.

“The growth in Eastern Europe is really exciting, with rapidly expanding economies going through great change. What makes East Capital so interesting and successful is its specialisation on the region and its competence, combined with a large dose of curiosity”, says Marcus Svedberg.

Facts about East Capital

East Capital is a leading, independent asset manager specialising in Eastern European financial markets. The company, which is headquartered in Stockholm, with offices in Paris, Hong Kong, Tallinn, Moscow and Oslo, actively manages over EUR 3.8bn, basing its investment strategy on thorough knowledge of the markets, fundamental analysis and frequent company visits by fund managers and analysts.

Further information can be obtained from:

Karine Hirn, phone: +46 (0)8 505 88 526



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