Eastnine receives five stars in GRESB-ranking
Eastnine reached five stars in GRESBs yearly ranking of sustainability within real estate companies worldwide. The ranking means that Eastnine was placed in the top 20 percentile of the global benchmark.
GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark), which is the leading global sustainability benchmarking organization, covers USD 5.3 trillion in real estate and infrastructure value and a broad spectrum of sustainability aspects.
Among European listed real estate companies Eastnine ranked number 14 out of 83 companies. Between 2019 and 2020 Eastnine advanced by 23 points to 87 points.
“We are particularly proud of this result since it is only our second year with GRESB”, says Kestutis Sasnauskas, CEO of Eastnine AB. “The fact that our portfolio was ranked 14 in Europe in this year’s GRESB assessment clearly demonstrates the focus and the efforts put by the Eastnine team into delivering on ambitious targets of our sustainability strategy. By applying a systematic approach to all aspects of our operations from building certification, and energy efficiency, to social engagement, we are determined to stay firmly on track of delivering sustainable real estate operations and leading by example in our region.”
Eastnine’s vision is to create and provide prime venues where ideas can flow, people can meet and successful business can be developed. Modern, flexible and sustainable premises along with concentrated property portfolios in combination with a considerable market share gives Eastnine the opportunity to be an important performer in the development not just of the properties the company owns, but also of the Baltic region.
For more information contact:
Kestutis Sasnauskas, CEO, +46 8 505 97 700
Britt-Marie Nyman, CFO and Deputy CEO, +46 70 224 29 35
Lilia Kouzmina, Head of Sustainability, +46 70 601 72 55
Visit www.eastnine.com
Eastnine AB is a Swedish real estate company with a property value of EUR 357m and a long-term net asset value of EUR 272m as of 30 September 2020. Eastnine’s vision is to create and provide prime venues where ideas can flow, people can meet, and successful business can be developed. The mission is that Eastnine shall be the leading long-term provider of modern and sustainable office premises in prime locations in the Baltic capitals. Eastnine is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap, sector Real Estate.