Press release of annual earnings figures period January-December 2003

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Press release of annual earnings figures period January-December 2003 Ecovision shows 23 % increase of the operating result The acquisitions of Newmedia and Delphi Finansanalys further strenghten Ecovision's position on the Nordic financial market. * Turnover year 2003 amounted to SEK 66,3 Million, compared with SEK 64,4 Million year 2002. * Operating profit year 2003 increased by 23 % to SEK 10,6 Million compared with SEK 8,6 Million year 2002. * Profit after financial items year 2003 increased by 150 % to 11,5 Million compared with SEK 4,6 Million year 2002. * In July 2003, Ecovision acquired Swedish Newmedia AB - a leading provider of online financial information services on the Scandinavian market. * In December 2003, Ecovision acquired Delphi Finansanalys AB - Sweden's leading provider of financial information to the media sector. * During 2003, Ecovision received large orders from Skandiabanken, Avanza, Länsförsäkringar and Dagens Industri. * Earnings per share after tax increased to SEK 5,88 (1,27). * The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 1,75 per share (1,50). * Ecovision has no interest-bearing debts and its cash and bank balances amounted to SEK 32,7 Million (37,1) For further information, please contact: Paul Östling, Managing Director, Telephone 0046 31 683450, e-mail: Homepage: ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: The full report The full report