Egidaco Investments PLC, the Parent Company of TCS Bank, announces the results on the vote on the Proposal to Bondholders

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Egidaco Investments PLC (“Tinkoff”), the parent company of ‘Tinkoff Credit Systems’ Bank (TCS Bank), announced today that it has received the final results of the vote on the Bondholder proposal as per the Notice issued on 4 March 2009. The results were obtained from the Agent, E. Öhman J:or Fondkommission AB.

The quorum requirement was fulfilled, making the vote valid. However, the required qualified majority was not achieved and the Proposal was not accepted in its current form. The results of the voting were as follows:
Total issued (EUR) – 70,000,000
Total votes (EUR) – 53,950,000
Votes (%) – 77.07%
Eligible votes (EUR) – 52,000,000
% Eligible votes – 96.39%
% Eligible NO – 61.40%
% Eligible YES – 38.60%

Tinkoff remains committed to find a solution that is satisfactory to all parties and is engaged in talks with Bondholders to refine the Proposal further. Bondholders will receive a communication on this in the near future.