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HALF-YEARLY REPORT, 2004 Stockholm, July 16, 2004 * Net sales for the first half amounted to SEK 62,443m (65,375) and net income to SEK 1,743m (2,857), corresponding to SEK 5.70 (9.05) per share * Operating income for the second quarter adversely affected by a charge of SEK 167m for the closure of the Västervik plant and SEK 239m for settlement in a vacuum-cleaner lawsuit * Cash flow improved substantially in both the second quarter and half year * Higher operating income and margin for Consumer Durables in Europe and Rest of the world * Substantially lower operating income for floor-care products in North America, decision taken on restructuring * Brand spending increased by SEK 225m compared to first half 2003, mainly within Consumer Durables in Europe and in North America For more information Financial information from Electrolux is also available at www.electrolux.com/ir ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/07/16/20040716BIT00020/wkr0001.pdf The full report


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