Reporting of Outdoor Products operation in Electrolux Half-yearly Report 2006

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The Outdoor Products operation was distributed under the name Husqvarna to Electrolux shareholders in June 2006. The results for this operation will be included in the Group’s interim report with reference to the period January-May. These results will be reported as discontinued operations in accordance with international accounting standards IFRS.

The above period’s results for Outdoor Products are reported in the Group’s income statement under the item “Income for the period from discontinued operations”, which means that preceding items in the income statement refer solely to Electrolux Indoor Products (see the sample income statement below). Similarly, in the cash-flow statement Outdoor Products will be reported under “Cash flow from discontinued operations”. The financial statements for corresponding periods in 2005 will be prepared in a similar manner. Consolidated income statement SEKm Net sales Cost of goods sold Gross operating income Selling expenses Administrative expenses Other operating income/expenses Items affecting comparability Operating income Margin, % Financial items, net Income after financial items Margin, % Taxes Income for the period from continuing operations Income for the period from discontinued operations*) Income for the period *) For information on results for the first quarter of 2006 for Husqvarna see supplement to the prospectus for listing of Husqvarna on the Electrolux website.


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