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Elekta Synergy(TM) Systems Aid Netherlands Cancer Institute Advance Cancer Care

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ELEKTA SYNERGY SYSTEMS(TM) AID NETHERLANDS CANCER INSTITUTE ADVANCE CANCER CARE Elekta is the major supplier of modern radiation oncology systems to hospitals in the Netherlands, which under a Dutch government initiative are expanding their capacity to treat cancer patients with state-of-the- art radiation. The most recent installation has been inaugurated at the Netherlands Cancer Institute at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI/AvL) in Amsterdam. The institute increased its number of linear accelerators from six to nine. Two of the last three systems are prepared for Elekta Synergy(TM), the latest development in radiotherapy, making it possible to add on-board X-ray Volume Imaging (XVI) capabilities to the proven delivery system when available. XVI is a technology for creating volume images of the patient at the time of treatment and in the actual treatment position. Currently Elekta has four Elekta Synergy research systems installed and operational, of which one is placed in the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital. The Elekta Synergy(TM) will be a completely integrated system for three-dimensional volume imaging and delivery of cancer treatment. By imaging the patient at the time of treatment and in the treatment position, the clinician can accurately pinpoint the position of the cancer and surrounding organs at risk. This will allow clinicians to introduce new clinical techniques that aggressively targets cancer, potentially increasing the scope of radiotherapy. "By carrying out volume imaging to locate the exact position of the organ just before radiation treatment, we can limit the area of irradiation more precisely to the tumor itself. We can then increase the treatment dose to the tumor which in turn enhances the result and reduces the chance of complications", says Professor Dr. Harry Bartelink, Head of the Radiotherapy Department at NKI/AvL. "We see this treatment method as a way forward for the future. We have successfully applied it to prostate and bladder cancer, and also expect promising results for lung and stomach cancer", ends Dr. Bartelink, one of Europe's leading experts in radiotherapy. "The initiative by the Dutch Ministry of Health to fund a 30-percent increase in treatment capacity for radiation of cancer from 75 to 111 systems is very encouraging. The waiting period for cancer patients is expected to be reduced from 8-9 weeks to 2 weeks", says Peter Schoor, Managing Director of Elekta in the Netherlands. "The development of these more precise radiation technologies like XVI is a good example of an interaction between scientists and industry, something Elekta has always encouraged and will continue to support both in radiation oncology and non-invasive radiosurgery with Leksell Gamma Knife®", adds Peter Schoor. "Being the leading supplier in the Netherlands of modern radiation systems for cancer means that we look very positively on the future", ends Peter Schoor. At the official opening of the new extension at NKI/AvL, the Chairman of the Board of the hospital and the Mayor of Amsterdam, Mr Job Cohen and Mr Wim van Velzen, Chairman of the EPP-ED and Member of the European Parliament were present. Wim van Velzen is a driving force for increasing the cancer research budget in Europe. Some 400 million Euros will be invested in cancer research hospitals, cancer centers and universities in Europe over the next four years through the EU's Sixth Framework to integrate cancer research and develop new therapies. ***** Elekta is a world-leading supplier of advanced and innovative radiation oncology and neurosurgery solutions and services for precise treatment of cancer and brain disorders. Elekta's solutions are clinically effective, cost efficient and gentle on the patient. For further information, please contact: Lars Jonsteg, Group VP Corporate Communications, Elekta AB (publ), Tel. +46 708 78 37 35 More information about Elekta can be found at: www.elekta.com ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/06/10/20030610BIT00490/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/06/10/20030610BIT00490/wkr0002.pdf