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Elisa’s Exchange Offer, announced 1 September 2004, to exchange
the 2006 and 2007 maturing Notes to new 2011 maturing Notes has 
been priced and completed.

According company’s CFO Tuija Soanjärvi Elisa reached its goals,
the average maturity of Elisa’s debt was lengthen from 3 years to
5,5 years and a new benchmark bond was created. The good demand
made it possible to reach the Minimum Amount of 200 000 000 euros
with the exchange so no additional Notes were issued, said

For the 31 January 2006 maturing Notes 194 726 000 euros were
exchanged to the New Notes, which represents 64.9 per cent of the
outstanding Notes before the Exchange. For the 18 June 2007
maturing Notes 51 850 000 euros were exchanged to the New Notes,
which represents 72.5 per cent of the outstanding Notes before the
Exchange. The Exchange Offer was accepted by 66.4 per cent of the
combined Amount of both Notes before the Exchange.

New Notes (ISIN: XS0201780516) maturing in 22 September 2011 were
issued totally of 260 010 000 euros according the Exchange Ratios
of 1:1.0506 for the 2007 maturing Notes and  1:1.0556 for the 2006
maturing Notes.


The 18 June 2007 maturing Notes. The 2007 Benchmark Rate (the mid-
market yield of the BUND 6 per cent due 4 January 2007 - ISIN:
DE0001135028) was 2.687 per cent at 16.00 hours Finnish time on 17
September 2004. Based on the Domestic Exchange Spread of 33 bps
over the 2007 Benchmark Rate, the Domestic Exchange Price will be
104.474 per cent.

The 31 January 2006 maturing Notes. The 2006 Benchmark Rate (the
mid-market yield of the BUND 6 per cent due 5 January 2006 - ISIN:
DE0001134997) was 2.388 per cent at 16.00 hours Finnish time on 17
September 2004.  Based on the Euro Exchange Spread of 20 bps over
the 2006 Benchmark Rate, the Euro Exchange Price will be 104.971
per cent.

New Issue Price.  The 7 Year Mid-Swap Rate (the mid-market
arithmetic mean of the bid and offered swap rates for euro swap
transactions with a maturity of 7 years) was 3.800 per cent at
16.00 hours Finnish time on 17 September 2004.  Based on the New
Issue Spread of 67 bps over the 7 Year Mid-Swap Rate, the yield of
the New Notes will be 4.470 per cent. This equates to a New Issue
Coupon of 4.375 per cent and a New Issue Price of 99.440 per cent.

Exchange Ratios. By dividing the Domestic Exchange Price by the
New Issue Price we derive a Domestic Exchange Ratio of 1:1.0506.
By dividing the Euro Exchange Price by the New Issue Price we
derive a Euro Exchange Ratio of 1:1.0556. Accordingly, for each
Existing Note validly submitted into the Exchange Offer, New Notes
will be issued at a ratio of 1:1.0506 (104.474/99.44) per Domestic
Note and 1:1.0556 (104.971/99.44) per Euro Note.


The Settlement Date is expected to be Wednesday 22 September 2004,
on which date the New Notes will be delivered to the holders of
Existing Notes who have validly accepted the Exchange Offer, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Exchange Offer.

Outstanding 2006 and 2007 Notes

The outstanding amount of the 31 January 2006 maturing 6,375 per
cent Notes (ISIN XS50123501636) after the Exchange is 105 274 000
euros and the amount for the 18 June 2007 maturing 4,75 per cent
Notes (ISIN FI0003008870) after the Exchange is 19 650 000 euros.

The Dealer Manager was UBS Limited. The Co-Dealer Manager was OKO,
Osuuspankkien Keskuspankki Oyj.


VeliPekka Nummikoski
Vice President, Corporate Communications

Additional Information:

Juha Kervinen, Group Treasurer, tel +358 10 262 3625

Dealer Manager
UBS Limited
Liability Management Group
Tel. + 44 207 568 3118

Co-Dealer Manager
OKO Osuuspankkien Keskuspankki Oyj
Debt Capital and Treasury markets
Tel. +358 9 404 797

Exchange Agents

JPMorgan Chase Bank
Rachel Owens / Karen Sheridan
Tel. +44 20 7777 5410

OKO Osuuspankkien Keskuspankki Oyj
Sinikka Laurila / Maija Hasanen
Tel. +358 9 404 760

JPMorgan Bank Luxemburg S.A.
ITS Operations
Tel. +35 2 46268 5804

Listing Agent

Dexia Banque Internationale à Luxembourg
Transaction Execution Group
Tel. +35 2 4590 1

Information Agent
Bondholder Communications Group
Tel. +44 207 236 0788
