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·    The April-June pre-tax profit amounted to EUR 113 million
  (41). Revenue was EUR 336 million (339). The result includes a
  total of EUR 86 million in one-off items.
·    Compared to the previous quarter, Elisa’s number of
subscriptions in mobile communications, exclusive of MVNO
subscriptions, rose by approximately 27 000 subscriptions and the
churn decreased from 33.5 to 32.3 per cent.
·    The sales of broadband subscriptions continued robustly; the
number of broadband subscriptions increased by approximately 
39 000 over the previous quarter.
·    The financial position remained stable: at the end of June,
the equity ratio was 55 per cent (49 per cent at the end of 2004)
and net debt was EUR 364 million (462 million at the end of 2004).
·    The operative EBITDA was EUR 84 million during the review
period, which, as anticipated, was at the level of the previous
quarter, taking changes in corporate structure into account (EUR
86 million in January-March).
In April-June, Elisa’s key figures were:

Income statement               Q2/2005    Q2/2004         2004
EUR million
Revenue                            336        339        1 356
EBITDA                            170*        102          455
EBIT                               118         48          242
Profit before taxes                113         41          212
Earnings per share, EUR           0.66       0.20         1.10
CAPEX                               46         33          182

* EBITDA includes compensations for damage in interconnection
traffic for EUR 28 million, a capital gain on real estate for EUR
15 million, a capital gain on the disposal of Comptel shares and
the related impact on earnings for EUR 40 million, a correction of
EUR -4 million to the allocation of the Yomi purchase price, IFRS
adjustment relating to the transfer of pension liabilities for EUR
13 million, and a provision of EUR -6 million for reorganizing

Figures describing the financial position and cash flow:

Financial position             Q2/2005    Q2/2004         2004
Net debt                           364        581          462
Equity ratio, %                     55         43           49
Cash flow statement            Q2/2005    Q2/2004         2004
Cash flow after                    136         88          225

CEO Veli-Matti Mattila:

Elisa’s market position strengthened.

“Elisa has succeeded well in the fierce competition. Our market
position has strengthened both in the mobile communications and
broadband markets. Since the end of March, the number of
subscriptions in mobile communications has risen by 27 000, and
the number of broadband subscriptions by almost 40 000. The number
of our broadband subscriptions has almost doubled within a year.

“Elisa has announced a public share exchange offer for all
Saunalahti shares. Upon the completion of the deal, Elisa’s market
position will strengthen in line with our strategy.

“Should the deal between Elisa and Saunalahti be enacted,
competition in the market will still remain tight, and may even
become fiercer. In addition to price, services will play a more
significant role in the competition. In conjunction with the deal,
Elisa will continue to support the positive features of Saunalahti
that have persuaded a number of customers to choose its services.
The deal will provide enhanced resources to create new and
improved services.

“A proposal has been submitted to the Parliament to end the ban on
the bundling of 3G subscriptions and handsets. In Elisa’s opinion,
this is a welcome step and should be supported in order to promote
new services in mobile communications in particular.  We would
have been prepared to take a further step and remove the ban on
all subscriptions.”


Vesa Sahivirta
Director, IR and Financial Communication

Further information:

Mr Veli-Matti Mattila, President and CEO, tel. +358 10 262 2635
Ms Tuija Soanjärvi, CFO, tel. +358 10 262 2606
Mr Vesa Sahivirta, Director, IR and Financial Communication, tel.
+358 10 262 3036


Helsinki Stock Exchange
Major media

Interim report for January-June 2005

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the IFRS
booking and valuing principles. Information in this interim report
is not audited.

April-June business review

Market situation

The competitive situation remained fierce. Elisa invested heavily
in sales and strengthened its market position. The number of
Elisa’s mobile phone subscriptions continued to develop
favourably. Prices for the average call minute rate of the mobile
communication business continued to fall and usage by subscribers
increased.  The number of broadband subscriptions in the fixed
network business continued its strong growth, whereas the number
and use of traditional subscriptions decreased.


EUR million                    Q2/2005     Q2/2004    Change %
Mobile communications              180         175         3 %
Fixed network                      170         166         2 %
Other businesses                    10          28       -64 %
Sales between segments             -25         -30       -17 %
Total                              336         339        -1 %

Elisa’s revenue for April-June remained at the same level as in
the corresponding period in 2004. Revenue for the mobile
communication business was affected by increased usage of
subscriptions. Revenue growth was slowed down by the fall in
interconnection fees and consumer prices. Revenue for the fixed
network business increased due to growth in the broadband business
and restructuring measures.


EUR million                       Q2/2005    Q2/2004  Change %
Mobile communications                                         
 EBITDA                               74*         47      57 %
 EBITDA, %                           41 %       27 %          
 EBIT                                  52         25     108 %
Fixed network                                                 
 EBITDA                                43         48     -10 %
 EBITDA, %                           25 %       29 %          
 EBIT                                  17         21     -19 %
Other businesses and corporate                                
 EBITDA                              53**          7          
 EBIT                                  49          2
Group, total                                                  
 EBITDA                               170        102      67 %
 EBITDA, %                           51 %       30 %          
 EBIT                                 118         48     146 %

* EBITDA includes compensations for damage in interconnection
traffic for EUR 28 million,
** EBITDA includes a capital gain on real estate for EUR 15
million, a capital gain on the disposal of Comptel shares and the
related impact on earnings for EUR 40 million, a correction of EUR
-4 million to the allocation of the Yomi purchase price, IFRS
adjustment relating to the transfer of pension liabilities for EUR
13 million, and a provision of EUR -6 million for reorganizing

Elisa’s EBITDA clearly improved over the previous year. This was
affected by the tax-free capital gain on Comptel shares, a
compensation for damages received from TeliaSonera and capital
gain on real estate. Elisa’s comparable EBITDA decreased by 
EUR 18 million over the previous year. Reduced EBITDA was affected 
by the fall in prices of mobile communications and decreased volumes 
in the fixed network. In addition, EBITDA was eroded by sales costs
relating to the enhanced number of mobile and broadband

The group's other financial income and expenses totalled EUR -6
million (-7). Reduced financial expenses were mainly due to the
decreased net debt.

Income taxes in the income statement amounted to EUR -18 million 
(-12). The tax base in Finland was altered from 29 to 26 per cent 
at the beginning of 2005.

The group's April-June result after taxes was EUR 95 million (29).
The group's earnings per share (EPS) amounted to EUR 0.66 (0.20).
At the end of June, the group shareholders' equity per share stood
at EUR 6.98 (6.23 at the end of 2004).

Changes in corporate structure

Elisa revised its operational model to increase customer
orientation and effectiveness, in line with its strategic
decisions. Accordingly, the tasks and responsibilities of the
members in Elisa’s Executive Board were reorganised. The changes
took effect on 2 May 2005.

On 26 May 2005, Elisa’s holding of Tikka Communications Oy
exceeded 50 per cent, after which Tikka Communications Oy was
consolidated as a subsidiary as of 1 June 2005.

Elisa’s ownership of Comptel Corporation decreased from 58.1 per
cent to 19.9 per cent after Elisa sold 40 946 000 Comptel
Corporation shares to institutional investors for EUR 65.1 million
at the end of May. Comptel Corporation was consolidated as a
subsidiary until 31 May 2005.

Finnet International Ltd was merged into Elisa on 31 May 2005.

On 1 June 2005, Elisa sold its 35 per cent holding of Racap
Solutions Oy to Capgemini Finland Oy.

On 27 June 2005, Elisa sold a 55.1 per cent stake of Lippupiste
Oy’s share capital to Interavanti Oyj and a 25 per cent stake to
Cardplus Oy. Elisa still has a 19.9 per cent holding of Lippupiste
Oy, which the buyers have agreed to purchase from Elisa after a
period of two years.

Elisa transferred its personnel’s statutory pension coverage to
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company and the supplementary
pensions to Sampo Life Insurance Company Ltd as of 1 July 2005. At
the same time, Elisa's Pension Fund transferred its statutory
pension liabilities and assets to Varma and supplementary pension
liabilities and assets to Sampo Life. The transfer of pension
liabilities was registered on 30 June 2005.

Mobile business

                                Q2/2005     Q2/2004       2004
Number of subscriptions, 
Finland*                      1 465 066   1 330 901  1 383 515
Number of subscriptions,        244 450     200 270    225 500
Revenue/subscription**(ARPU),€     33.8        38.2       37.8
Churn**, %                         32.3        29.4       33.7
Usage, million minutes*             790         612      2 498
Usage, min./subscription/mth**      175         157        156
SMS, million msg*                   171         128        537
SMS, msg/subscription/mth**          37          34         34
Value-added services/revenue, %      15          13         14

* Elisa’s network operator in Finland, exclusive of MVNO
** Elisa’s service operator

In Q2, the number of subscriptions of Elisa’s network operator in
Finland rose by 26 614. The growth consisted of the increase in
subscriptions of Elisa’s own service operator. The number does not
include MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) subscriptions.

The call minutes per subscription of Elisa’s own service operator
rose by around 12 per cent, and the number of SMS messages
increased by approximately 9 per cent over the corresponding
period in the previous year. The call minutes of the network
operator rose by 29 per cent and SMS messages by 34 per cent. The
increased volume of the network operator was substantially
affected by additional traffic generated by MVNOs.

Revenue per subscription (ARPU) decreased by approximately 12 per
cent over the last year. This was mainly due to a fall in
interconnection fees and consumer prices.

The business operations of Elisa’s subsidiary in Estonia continued
favourably. Revenue was EUR 22.1 million (18.8), EBITDA EUR 7.2
million (5.6) and EBIT EUR 4.9 million (3.2). The number of
subscriptions increased by approximately 22 per cent and reached
244 450 subscriptions (200 270) at the end of June.

Elisa signed an agreement on new mobile interconnection fees with
TeliaSonera Finland and Finnet Networks. Elisa’s mobile
interconnection fee is 8.4 cents per minute as of 1 June 2005.
Previously the fee was 10 cents per minute.

Elisa introduced a Vodafone Push Email service which makes sending
and receiving email with a mobile phone easier. The service allows
the user to automatically and securely transfer email to a mobile
phone. It also supports all email functions, such as the opening
of attachment files.

In collaboration with Nokia, Elisa introduced a new mobile handset
concept in which the handset and the services are in the same
package. Thanks to the Elisa Mobi menu, utility and entertainment
services and the most important features of the handset are easily

Elisa launched the distribution of a SIM card embedded with a
citizen certificate. The service, produced in collaboration with
the Population Register Centre, facilitates an affordable, secure
and user-friendly way to log into electronic services.

Fixed network business

Number of subscriptions         Q2/2005    Q2/2004        2004
Broadband subscriptions         308 183    160 502     222 307
ISDN channels                   141 743    180 618     159 591
Cable TV subscriptions          204 528    189 534     198 447
Analogue and other              608 846    659 447     640 072
Subscriptions, total          1 263 300  1 190 101   1 220 417

Brisk demand for Elisa Broadband subscriptions continued in the
second quarter. During April-June, the number of broadband
subscriptions increased by 38 951. The growth over the last year’s
corresponding period was 92 per cent. The target of one million
broadband subscriptions pursuant to Finland’s national broadband
strategy was exceeded in June. The number of traditional
subscriptions continued its steady decrease as voice is shifting
to the mobile network and data to broadband subscriptions.

Kolumbus launched a new international call service in early April.
The new 99559-prefixed international call functions in all fixed
and mobile subscriptions.

Elisa was awarded with Cisco’s Silver Partner of the Year
acknowledgement as the best partner for Northern Europe in its


During April-June, the average number of people at Elisa was 5 059
(an average of 5 590 in 2004). During the review period, the
disposal of Comptel reduced the number of personnel by
approximately 420. The consolidation of Tikka Communications as
Elisa’s subsidiary increased the personnel by approximately 260.

Number of personnel at the                                    
end of review period           Q2/2005    Q2/2004         2004
Mobile communications            1 507      1 548        1 477
Fixed network                    3 243      3 211        3 015
Other businesses                   166        851          814
Corporate functions                 72         79           70
Total                            4 988      5 689        5 376

As part of extensive streamlining measures, Elisa initiated
personnel negotiations on 9 May 2005 regarding the reorganisation
of operations in Finland. The aim is the simplifying and balancing
of the organisation. The personnel negotiations were completed on
20 June 2005, and as a result, Elisa’s number of personnel will
decrease by 73.


EUR million                       Q2/2005   Q2/2004       2004
Capital expenditures, of which         46        33        182
- mobile business                      22        16         68
- GSM leasing liability buy-            0         1         20
backs                                  23        15         88
- fixed network business                1         1          6
- others                               31         8         61
Shares                                 77        41        243

Financial position

Elisa’s financial position and liquidity strengthened during the
second quarter. This was particularly affected by the good
performance, the divestment of non-core businesses and non-current
assets and the compensations for damages received. The group’s
April-June cash flow after investments amounted to EUR 136 million

On 17 June 2005, Elisa signed a seven-year EUR 170 million
syndicated credit facility. The facility replaces a comparable
arrangement signed in June 2003.

Before shifting Elisa’s TEL pension liabilities to Varma Mutual
Pension Insurance Company, Elisa repaid EUR 64 million in pension
loans ahead of schedule to the Elisa group’s Pension Fund.

Financial key indicators
EUR million                     Q2/2005    Q2/2004        2004
Net debt                            364        581         462
Gearing, %                         36.2       72.3        50.6
Equity ratio, %                    55.0       43.2        49.3
                                Q2/2005    Q2/2004        2004
Cash flow after investments         136         88         225

Valid finance arrangements
EUR million                        Maximum   In use on 30 June
                                    amount                2005
Committed credit line                  170                   0
Commercial paper programme 1)          150                   0
EMTN programme 2)                    1 000                 452

1) The programme is not committed
2) European convertible bond programme, not committed. The
validity of the programme terminated on 30 June 2006.
The programme is being revised to conform to the directives that
took effect on 1 July 2005.

Ratings per long-term loans
Credit rating agency                Rating             Outlook
Moody’s Investor Services             Baa2              Stable
Standard & Poor’s                      BBB              Stable


At the end of June, the company's total number of shares was
141 989 109. The market capitalisation on 30 June 2005 stood at
EUR 1 834 million.

In April-June, a total of 46.8 million company shares were traded
on the Helsinki Stock Exchange for an aggregate of EUR 573.8
million. The exchange was 33.0 per cent of the number of shares in
the market.

The number of Elisa’s A warrants for the year 2000 was 3 600 000
and the number of B warrants 2000 was 3 600 000. At the end of
June, the market capitalisation of the warrants amounted to EUR
0.2 million.

Treasury shares

The Board of Directors has an authorisation issued by the Annual
General Meeting of 14 March 2005 to acquire and assign treasury
shares. The authorisation has not been used.

Shares                            Q2/2005    Q2/2004      2004
Treasury shares owned by 
Elisa  Corp.                            0          0         0
Elisa shares owned by             232 351    766 870   210 672
Treasury shares, total            232 351    766 870   210 672
% of share capital and votes       0.16 %     0.56 %    0.15 %
Shares owned by Elisa Pension           
Fund*)                                  0    263 563   202 263
% of share capital and votes          0 %     0.19 %    0.14 %

*) The handling of Elisa’s pension issues was transferred to
insurance companies on 1 July 2005.

Major legal issues

The following changes have taken place in the legal processes
after the publication of Elisa's annual report for 2004 and
interim report for January-March 2005:

In the redemption proceeding regarding the merger of Yomi Plc,
pursuant to Chapter 14 Section 12 of the Finnish Companies Act,
the arbitration court set the redemption price at EUR 7.30 per
share on 7 April 2005. The redemption concerns 636 294 former
shares of Yomi Plc. The handling of the matter with regard to
428 600 shares is pending in the district court.

On 29 April 2005, Helsinki District Court issued a ruling in
favour of Elisa, and dismissed the action for annulment of the
decision made in Elisa Matkapuhelinpalvelut Oy’s (previously known
as Oy Radiolinja Ab) Annual General Meeting in spring 2000 to
increase the share capital. The plaintiffs have appealed the

On 22 June 2005, Helsinki District Court issued a ruling in favour
of Elisa confirming that Elisa had set sufficient security to some
of the plaintiffs in the action for annulment, as described in the
previous chapter, and to any claims by Oy Multiclearing Ltd
concerning the merger of Elisa Matkapuhelinpalvelut Oy into Elisa
Corporation. The said parties have appealed the decision.

Elisa and TeliaSonera agreed on dropping the legal proceedings,
which started in February 2005, regarding the claim on restitution
and compensation of mobile interconnection fees and the patent
action brought on by TeliaSonera in November 2004. As part of the
overall solution, the parties have agreed that TeliaSonera Finland
will pay EUR 30 million in compensation to Elisa. Elisa also
reached an agreement over mobile interconnection fees regarding
Finnet Networks, and agreed to pay EUR 2 million in compensation
to Finnet Networks. The Finnish Communications Regulatory
Authority has ended its investigation regarding mobile termination

Events after the financial period

On 1 July 2005, Elisa’s holding in Tikka Communications Oy
exceeded 90 per cent. Elisa will make a redemption claim on the
remaining Tikka shares. However, Elisa’s share exchange offer to
the shareholders of Tikka Communications Oy will be extended to 26
August 2005.

On 7 July 2005, Elisa announced a public share exchange offer,
which will be made by 31 August 2005, for all shares issued by
Saunalahti Group Oyj. The consideration of Elisa’s share exchange
offer is one Elisa share for each 5.6 Saunalahti shares.

Elisa has signed an agreement with certain large Saunalahti Group
Oyj owners on 7 July 2005 whereby they have undertaken to
participate in Elisa’s share exchange offer. Novator Finland Oy is
a party to this agreement. According to a notice by Novator
International Holding Ltd, Novator Finland Oy and its affiliates’
holdings in Elisa would increase to approximately 5.26 per cent of
share capital and of voting rights, or, including shares
controlled pursuant to agreements, to approximately 6.57 per cent.


The fierce competition in the Finnish telecommunications market
continues. The use of mobile and fixed network products will
increase rather intensely. Elisa will continue to focus on
strengthening its market position.

Taking into account the changes in the group structure, the year
2005 comparable revenue is estimated to remain at last year’s
level. Thanks to the already implemented and planned
rationalization processes, the company’s competitive edge will
continue to improve and profitability will remain at a good level.

The ongoing structural reorganization and the competition are
eroding the predictability of the result. No significant changes
are estimated to take place in the comparable EBITDA and EBIT
levels during the latter part of 2005 as compared to the first
half of the year, assuming that the traffic generated by MVNO
customers, especially Saunalahti, will increase substantially
during the autumn. The impact of the Saunalahti deal has not been
taken into account in these estimates. Should the Saunalahti deal
be realized, the result will be burdened by the amortizations
caused by the allocation of the purchase price.

The capital expenditure for the whole year will amount to 13 per
cent of revenue at most and the cash flow will continue to be
clearly positive.


Figures are not audited

EUR million 
                                     4-6     4-6     1-6     1-6    1-12
                                    2005    2004    2005    2004    2004

Revenue                            335,9   339,3   668,8   672,0  1356,0
Other operating income              87,1     3,4    98,3    10,0    27,0
Operating expenses                -253,2  -241,2  -500,2  -460,7  -928,2
EBITDA                             169,8   101,5   266,9   221,3   454,8
Depreciation and amortisation      -52,1   -53,2  -104,5  -106,4  -213,2
EBIT                               117,7    48,3   162,4   114,9   241,6
Share of associated companies'
profit                               0,5    -0,3     1,2    -0,3     1,3
Financial income and expenses       -5,6    -6,9   -12,1   -17,2   -30,4
Profit before tax                  112,6    41,1   151,5    97,4   212,5
Income taxes                       -17,9   -11,8   -23,8   -28,5   -53,2
Profit for the period               94,7    29,3   127,7    68,9   159,3
Attributable to:
  Equity holders of the parent      95,3    26,9   127,4    65,3   151,7
  Minority interest                 -0,6     2,4     0,3     3,6     7,6
Profit for the period               94,7    29,3   127,7    68,9   159,3

Earnings per share (EUR)
Basic                               0,66    0,20    0,90    0,48    1,10
Diluted                             0,66    0,20    0,90    0,48    1,10

Average number of outstanding 
shares (1000 shares)
Basic                             141772  137321  141775  137321  137570
Diluted                           141772  137321  141775  137321  137570

EUR million  
                                     4-6     4-6     1-6     1-6    1-12
                                    2005    2004    2005    2004    2004
Mobile                             180,3   174,5   359,3   353,7   712,8
Fixed Network                      170,4   166,5   331,9   330,8   653,6
Other Companies                     10,4    28,5    31,3    51,1   108,4
Unallocated                                                          2,4
Intra-segment sales elimination    -25,2   -30,2   -53,7   -63,6  -121,2
Corporation total                  335,9   339,3   668,8   672,0  1356,0

EUR million
                                     4-6     4-6     1-6     1-6    1-12
                                    2005    2004    2005    2004    2004
Mobile                              73,5    46,6   122,7   110,3   227,0
Fixed Network                       43,0    47,4    82,6   102,8   200,7
Other Companies                     39,4     6,2    49,8     9,2    20,3
Unallocated                         13,9     1,3    11,8    -1,0     6,8
Corporation total                  169,8   101,5   266,9   221,3   454,8

EUR million
                                     4-6     4-6     1-6     1-6    1-12
                                    2005    2004    2005    2004    2004
Mobile                              52,1    25,4    78,8    67,6   138,1
Fixed Network                       16,5    20,6    29,8    47,8    91,1
Other Companies                     34,9     4,0    41,6     5,0    10,2
Unallocated                         14,2    -1,7    12,2    -5,5     2,2
Corporation total                  117,7    48,3   162,4   114,9   241,6

EUR million 
                                                   30.6.   30.6.  31.12.
                                                    2005    2004    2004
Non-current assets
Intangible assets                                   79,0    57,4    75,8
Consolidated goodwill                              470,4   456,9   466,2
Tangible assets                                    702,4   750,3   724,2
Investments in associated companies                  0,5    11,9    11,7
Other investments                                   41,8     7,3    10,4
Deferred tax receivable                             37,4   104,5    42,5
Other receivables                                   51,5    46,4    46,5
                                                  1383,0  1434,7  1377,3
Current assets
Inventories                                         17,1    14,8    15,1
Trade and other receivables                        270,9   265,4   308,5
Cash and cash equivalents                          169,2   152,9   162,8
                                                   457,2   433,1   486,4

Total assets                                      1840,2  1867,8  1863,7

Equity attributable to equity holders 
of the parent                                      989,6   740,8   883,5
Minority interest                                   16,1    61,1    31,0
Total equity                                      1005,7   801,9   914,5

Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities                            34,0    40,5    29,8
Provisions                                           8,8    31,8    21,4
Interest-bearing debt                              407,3   605,1   593,4
Other non-current liabilities                       13,6     6,9    10,3
                                                   463,7   684,3   654,9
Current liabilities
Provisions                                           4,9     6,7     3,3
Interest-bearing debt                              126,3   127,6    31,8
Current liabilities                                239,6   247,3   259,2
                                                   370,8   381,6   294,3

Total equity and liabilities                      1840,2  1867,8  1863,7

EUR million
               Share   issue Treasury    Other Retained Minority   Total
             capital premium   shares reserves earnings interest  equity
Total equity  
at 31.12.2003   69,0   516,7    -24,7      3,4    110,0     73,3   747,7
Cash flow 
hedges                                                               0,0
Other changes                              0,1      1,0    -15,8   -14,7
Net profit for 
the period                                         65,3      3,6    68,9
Total equity  
at 30.6.2004    69,0   516,7    -24,7      3,5    176,3     61,1   801,9

Total equity  
at 31.12.2004   71,0   561,9    -3,1       3,0    250,7     31,0   914,5
Cash flow 
hedges                                                               0,0
Available for 
sale investments                          31,9                      31,9
Treasury shares                  0,1                                 0,1
Dividend                                          -56,8     -3,6   -60,4
Other changes            0,3                        3,2    -11,6    -8,1
Net profit for 
the period                                        127,4      0,3   127,7
Total equity  
at 30.6.2005    71,0   562,2    -3,0      34,9    324,5     16,1  1005,7

EUR million 
                                                     4-6     1-6    1-12
                                                    2004    2004    2004
Profit for the period before minority interest 
according to FAS                                    17,0    49,9   113,9
Effects of adopting IFRS:
Reversal of goodwill amortisation                   11,3    22,5    44,6
Employee benefits                                    1,2     2,4    10,7
Finance leases                                       1,0    -5,7    -9,6
Financial instruments                                0,0    -0,6     0,5
Income tax                                          -1,2     0,4    -0,8
IFRS adjustments, total                             12,3    19,0    45,4

Profit for the period according to IFRS             29,3    68,9   159,3

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                        26,9    65,3   151,7
Minority interest                                    2,4     3,6     7,6
                                                    29,3    68,9   159,3

EUR million
                                                    1.1.   30.6.  31.12.
                                                    2004    2004    2004
Total equity according to FAS                      699,1   735,3   851,0
Effects of adopting IFRS:
Reversal of goodwill amortisation                           22,5    44,6
Employee benefits                                  -24,0   -21,6   -13,5
Finance leases                                       4,7    -1,0    -4,9
Reversal of revaluations                           -11,1     0,0
Financial instruments                                0,9     0,3     1,1
Other adjustments                                    1,7     1,7     1,6
Income tax                                           3,2     3,6     3,6
IFRS adjustments, total                            -24,6     5,5    32,5
Equity holders of the parent                       674,5   740,8   883,5

Minority interest according to FAS                  77,4    65,3    33,6
IFRS adjustments                                    -4,1    -4,2    -2,6
Minority interest                                   73,3    61,1    31,0

Total equity according to IFRS                     747,8   801,9   914,5

EUR million
                                                     1-6     1-6    1-12
                                                    2005    2004    2004
Cash flow from operating activities
Profit before tax                                  151,5    97,4   212,5
Adjustments to profit before tax                    36,7   108,4   199,7
Change in working capital                          -18,6     2,9     4,9
Cash flow from operating activities                169,6   208,7   417,1

Received dividends and interests and 
interest paid                                      -10,7   -30,4   -45,8
Taxes paid                                          -3,0   -10,8   -16,0
Net cash flow from operating activities            155,9   167,5   355,3

Cash flow in investments 
Capital expenditure                                -79,1   -75,9  -171,4
Investments in shares and other investments        -12,9    -8,3   -10,4
Proceeds from asset disposal                        98,1    13,9    51,4
Net cash used in investment                          6,1   -70,3  -130,4
Cash flow after investments                        162,0    97,2   224,9

Cash flow in financing
Sales of treasury shares                                             6,4
Change in interest-bearing receivables                      25,1    24,3
Repayment of long-term debt                        -85,5    -0,9  -110,7
Change in short-term debt                           -1,5   -15,3   -15,3
Repayment of financing leases                       -8,6   -10,9   -21,0
Dividends paid                                     -60,0    -9,5   -13,0
Cash flow in financing                            -155,6   -11,5  -129,3

Change in cash and cash equivalents                  6,4    85,7    95,6
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   162,8    67,2    67,2
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period         169,2   152,9   162,8

EUR million 
                                                   30.6.   30.6.  31.12.
                                                    2005    2004    2004
Mortgages, pledges and guarantees
  For own and group companies                        1,9    73,0    27,6
Pledges given
  Pledges given as surety                            0,9     1,0     0,2
Guarantees given
  For others                                                11,0
Mortgages, pledges and guarantees total              2,8    85,0    27,8

Derivative contracts
Forward contracts and swap agreements
  Nominal value of underlying instrument             0,0    17,0    13,5

Leasing contracts and
other commitments
Leasing commitments                                 19,1    22,8    18,3
Repurchase commitments                               0,9     1,6     1,2
Real estate leases                                  59,4    69,6    77,2
Lease liabilities total                             79,4    94,0    96,7

Other commitments
Lease-leaseback agreement (QTE facility)
Termination risk                                    22,9    25,4    22,8
Total value of the arrangement                     167,9   167,0   149,8
Other commitments                                    0,8     5,0     9,1

                                     4-6     4-6     1-6     1-6    1-12
EUR million                         2005    2004    2005    2004    2004

Shareholders' equity/share, EUR                     6,98    5,40    6,23
Net debt                                           364,4   580,7   462,2
Gearing                                           36,2 %  72,3 %  50,6 %
Equity ratio                                      55,0 %  43,2 %  49,3 %
Gross investments in fixed assets   45,9    33,3    87,9    77,2   181,8
of which finance lease investments   7,4     0,1     8,8     1,3    10,4
Gross investments as % of revenue  13,7%    9,8%  13,1 %  11,5 %  13,4 %
Investments in shares               30,8     7,9    33,7     8,3    61,1
Average number of personnel                         5242    5613    5590

Formulae for financial indicators

Gearing  % 

                  Interest-bearing debt - cash and cash equivalents
              ----------------------------------------------------x 100
                                    Total equity

Equity ratio % 

                                    Total equity
                   ---------------------------------------------- x 100
                           Balance sheet total - advances received

Net debt              Interest-bearing debt - cash and cash equivalents

Shareholders' equity/share

                   Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
                         Number of shares outstanding at end of period


        Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of parent
                        Average number of outstanding shares


This Interim Report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim 
Financial Reporting. Accounting principles are described by detail in 
Elisas' comparative IFRS information for 2004 which was published in 8 
April 2005. Press release is availabe on Elisa's website at elisa.com.
