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- Excluding non-recurring items, the pre-tax profit improved
from EUR 26 million to EUR 40 million and the EBITDA from EUR 84
million to EUR 100 million

- The pre-tax profit amounted to EUR 35 million (113)

- Revenue increased by 14 per cent to stand at EUR 382 million

- Revenue per subscription (ARPU) in the mobile business
improved from EUR 28 in the first quarter to EUR 31

- Churn in mobile business decreased further to stand at 13 per
cent, compared with 19 per cent in the first quarter

- The introduction of new 3G service bundles contributed to an
increase in the number of mobile subscriptions

- The number of broadband subscriptions increased by
approximately 12,700 on the previous quarter

- The financial position remained stable: at the end of June,
equity ratio was 64 per cent (62 per cent at the end of 2005) and
net debt was EUR 381 million (293 at the end of 2005)

In April-June, Elisa's key indicators were as follows:

Income statement              4-6/2006   4-6/2005    1-12/2005
EUR million
Revenue                            382        336        1,337
EBITDA                           95 ¹)     170 ²)       446 ³)
EBIT                             39 ¹)     118 ²)       233 ³)
Profit before taxes              35 ¹)     113 ²)       212 ³)
Earnings per share, EUR        0.16 ¹)    0.66 ²)      1.22 ³)
Capital expenditures                54         46          204

1) Income statement figures excluding non-recurring items
(restructuring provision EUR -5 million) EBITDA EUR 100 million,
EBIT EUR 44 million, profit before taxes EUR 40 million and
earnings per share EUR 0.19

2) Excluding non-recurring items: EBITDA EUR 84 million, EBIT EUR
32 million, profit before taxes EUR 26 million and earnings per
share EUR 0.15

3) Excluding non-recurring items: EBITDA EUR 346 million, EBIT EUR
133 million, profit before taxes EUR 112 million and earnings per
share EUR 0.61

Figures describing the financial position and cash flow:

Financial position           30.6.2006  30.6.2005   31.12.2005
Net debt                           381        364          293
Equity ratio, %                   64.1       55.0         61.7
Cash flow statement           4-6/2006   4-6/2005    1-12/2005
Cash flow after investments         29       136*          308

* Includes a total of EUR 104 million of compensations for damage
in interconnection traffic and sale income on shares and real

CEO Veli-Matti Mattila:

”3G service bundles popular – use of services increasing

The 3G service bundles have been very popular and already account
for a significant number of new subscriptions. The reform has
already proven its necessity and value.

We estimate the number of 3G customers in Finland to exceed
150,000 at the moment. We believe the number will be 250,000 -
300,000 by the end of the year. This was also clearly the
intention of legislative authorities: to encourage people to
upgrade to handsets that meet the requirements of the information

Customers subscribing to service bundles use new services more
than the average user. New handsets allow more versatile use of
services and, on the whole, the adoption of many new services.

Elisa achieved a successful performance in the second quarter. The
churn in mobile communications decreased significantly from 19 per
cent to 13 per cent, and the declining trend in the revenue per
subscription (ARPU) levelled off. Growth in the broadband market
is somewhat slower, and there Elisa retained its leading position.
We increased the speeds of broadband connections, thus offering
our customers more efficient data communications and increasingly
versatile services.

Interconnection traffic prices are of crucial importance to
operators. The current system with a range of different prices
distorts the conditions of competition. The system should be
developed to better take fair operating conditions into account."


Vesa Sahivirta
Director, IR and Financial Communications

Further information:

Mr. Veli-Matti Mattila, President and CEO, tel. +358 10 262 2635
Mr. Jari Kinnunen, CFO, tel. +358 10 262 9510
Mr. Vesa Sahivirta, Director, IR and Financial Communication, 
tel. +358 10 262 3036


Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal media

Interim report for January-June 2006

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the IFRS
recognition and measurement principles. The information presented
in this interim report is unaudited.

Market situation

Allowed since 1 March, the new 3G service bundles have clearly
strengthened the service competition. The bundles, which offer new
services, have been highly popular. The number of mobile network 
subscriptions showed a positive development, and usage of 
subscriptions increased.

The fixed network business continued its earlier trend: the number
of broadband subscriptions continued to grow, while the number and
usage of traditional subscriptions decreased.


EUR million                   4-6/2006    4-6/2005   Change, %
Mobile communications              239         180          33
Fixed network                      166         170          -2
Other businesses                     0          10        -100
Inter-segment sales                -23         -25          -8
Total                              382         336          14

Elisa's revenue for April-June was up 14 per cent on last year.
The growth was positively affected by Elisa's acquisition of
Saunalahti's business and an increase in the sale of mobile


EUR million                    4-6/2006   4-6/2005   Change,%
Mobile communications                                         
 EBITDA                           57 ¹)      74 ²)        -23
 EBITDA, %                           24         41          
 EBIT                             29 ¹)      52 ²)        -44
Fixed network                                                
 EBITDA                           39 ¹)         43         -9
 EBITDA, %                           24         25          
 EBIT                             11 ¹)         17        -35
Other business and                                            
corporate functions                                           
 EBITDA                              -1      53 ²)          
 EBIT                                -2      49 ²)
Group, total                                                  
 EBITDA                           95 ¹)     170 ²)        -44
 EBITDA, %                           25         51          
 EBIT                             39 ¹)     118 ²)        -67

1) Figures excluding non-recurring items: mobile network: EBITDA
EUR 59 million, EBIT EUR 31 million; fixed network: EBITDA EUR 42
million and EBIT EUR 14 million; the group's EBITDA EUR 100
million and EBIT EUR 44 million

2) The figures excluding non-recurring items: mobile network:
EBITDA EUR 46 million, EBIT EUR 24 million; other business: EBITDA
EUR -5 million and EBIT EUR -9 million; the group's EBITDA EUR 84
million and EBIT EUR 32 million

Elisa's EBITDA excluding non-recurring items showed growth of 19
per cent on the corresponding period in 2005. This increase was
attributable to improved profitability and the synergy benefits
created by the acquisition of Saunalahti.

The group’s other financial income and expenses totalled EUR -4
million (-6). Reduced financial expenses were mainly due to a
decrease in average net debt in the period under review.

Income taxes in the period under review amounted to EUR -7 million

The group’s April-June result after taxes amounted to EUR 28
million (95). The group’s earnings per share (EPS) amounted to 
EUR 0.16 (0.66). At the end of June, the group shareholders' 
equity per share was EUR 7.71 (8.06 at the end of 2005).

Changes in corporate structure

In accordance with the terms of Elisa's Saunalahti deal set by the
Finnish Competition Authority, Saunalahti sold the Saunaverkko
network required for the implementation of broadband services and
its customer contracts in the Tampere, Jyväskylä and Riihimäki
regions. Saunalahti also sold the Saunaverkko network without
customer contracts in the Helsinki region.

On 29 May 2006, Elisa and Relacom Finland Oy signed an agreement
on the partial transfer of Elisa's field operations in the area of
customer installations and maintenance to Relacom. The business
transfer will take effect as of 1 September 2006. The agreement is
subject to the approval of the Finnish Competition Authority. The
companies also signed a letter of intent concerning the transfer
of Elisa's PBX installation teams in Uusimaa and Häme to Relacom.

In June, Elisa offered to buy all the shares in Lounet Oy, paying
EUR 1,310 per share certificate for 1,000 shares in Lounet Oy. In
addition, the General Meeting of Lounet Oy held on 19 June 2006
decided to pay a dividend of EUR 90.00 per each share certificate
for 2005. The total value of the tender following the payment of
dividends was approximately EUR 14 million. The tender offer began
on 21 June 2006 and ends on 18 August 2006.

Tikka Communications Oy and Jyväsviestintä Oy merged with Elisa as
of 1 July 2006.

Mobile communication business

Number of subscriptions         30.6.2006  30.6.2005   31.12.2005
Total number of subscriptions                               
(Finland and Estonia)           2,343,885  1,709,516    2,228,101
Total number of subscriptions   
in Finland *                    2,060,385  1,465,066    1,962,101
Subscriptions in Estonia          283,500    244,450      266,000

* Elisa's network operator in Finland

Operating figures in Finland    4-6/2006    4-6/2005         2005
Revenue/subscription**(ARPU),€      31.3        33.8         32.5
Churn**, %                          12.9        32.3         28.4
Usage, million minutes*            1,207         790        3,509
min/subscription/month**             204         175          172
SMS, million msg*                    288         171          827
SMS, msg/subscription/month**         49          37           38
Value-added services/revenue, %       17          15           16

* Elisa's network operator in Finland (2005 figures include some
Saunalahti subscriptions)

** Elisa's service operator in Finland (2005 figures exclude

Elisa’s network operator increased the number of its subscriptions
by some 595,300 subscriptions during the year. The increase was
markedly due to Saunalahti shifting its subscriptions to Elisa’s
network. The second-quarter increase was approximately 76,500

The call minutes per subscription of Elisa's own service operator
rose by approximately 17 per cent and the number of SMS messages
increased by approximately 32 per cent on the corresponding period
in 2005. The call minutes of the network operator rose by 53 per
cent and SMS messages by 68 per cent. The increase was affected by
the additional traffic generated by Saunalahti.

Revenue per subscription (ARPU) decreased by approximately 7 per
cent on the comparison period. This was due to a fall in consumer
prices and interconnection fees in June 2005.  The increased usage
per subscription failed to completely compensate for the decrease
due to price erosion. Compared with the previous quarter, revenue
per subscription was up 12 per cent, increasing from EUR 28 to EUR

As of 1 June 2006, Saunalahti changed its mobile interconnection
fee to 8.4 cents per minute (previously 11 cents per minute),
which corresponds to Elisa's mobile interconnection fee. The
change is due to Saunalahti's operations being part of Elisa's
business operations.

In May, Elisa agreed on new mobile interconnection fees with
TeliaSonera Finland. As of 1 January 2007, Elisa will apply the
rate of 7.25 cents per minute and TeliaSonera Finland the rate of
6.6 cents per minute (6.8 cents per minute in 2006). Elisa's
current rate of 8.4 cents per minute will be valid until 31
December 2006.

In April, Elisa was the first operator in the Nordic region to
open its HSDPA network, tripling the connection speeds in the
mobile phone network. Elisa's customers can also use HSDPA abroad
when roaming within HSDPA network. Elisa's Vodafone partners
currently offer HSDPA networks in 11 countries.

In Finland, Elisa's 3G network covers 40 cities and towns and 10
holiday resorts, the total coverage being approximately 40 per
cent of the population.

Elisa’s Estonian subsidiary continued to grow. Revenue was EUR
25.8 million (22.1), EBITDA EUR 8.3 million (7.2) and EBIT EUR 
5.9 million (4.9). The number of subscriptions increased by 16 
per cent to 283,500 subscriptions at the end of June (244,450).

Fixed network business

Number of subscriptions   30.6.2006  30.6.2005 31.12.2005
Broadband subscriptions     472,532    308,183    420,465
ISDN channels               113,285    141,743    128,665
Cable TV subscriptions      220,253    204,528    214,054
Analogue and other                                    
subscriptions               541,004    608,846    578,002
Subscriptions, total      1,347,074  1,263,300  1,341,186
The number of broadband subscriptions rose by 12,700 in the April-
June period, showing an increase of 53 per cent on the previous

The number of traditional subscriptions continued to decrease
steadily as voice calls shifted to the mobile communication
network and data transfers to broadband subscriptions.

Elisa continued its investments targeted at increasing the speeds
of the fixed broadband network and enabling the company to offer
new services.

As  of  1  July  2006,  Elisa  introduced  a  new  pricing  system
concerning  the  Elisa ADSL subscriptions.  In  Elisa's  own  ADSL
production,  the  fees  for  256  kbit/s  and  512  kbit/s   speed
categories increased by three euros. Outside the Elisa Network the
monthly fee increased by five euros in all speed categories.

In May, Cisco Systems awarded Elisa the IP Communications
Specialization certificate for its role as an expert partner in IP-
based communications solutions. Elisa is the first Finnish
operator to receive this award. The certificate is granted to
selected partners for their excellent performance in the sale,
design, installation or maintenance of Cisco's IP-based
communications solution, or for their prominent role in innovative


During April-June, the average number of personnel at Elisa was
4,264 (an average of 4,989 in 2005).

                       30.6.2006  30.6.2005  31.12.2005
Mobile communications      1,434      1,507       1,629
Fixed network              2,741      3,243       3,001
Other business operations      -        166           -
Corporate functions           41         72          51
Total                      4,216      4,988       4,681

In February, Elisa initiated statutory labour negotiations
concerning the reorganisation of the Business Customers unit. The
negotiations were concluded in April. The number of employees was
reduced by approximately 70 prior to the negotiations, followed by
a further reduction of 112 employees during and after the

The outsourcing of Elisa's field operations in the area of
customer installations and maintenance to Relacom as of 1
September 2006 affected a total of 281 employees in Uusimaa and
Häme. They transferred from Elisa to Relacom as established

According to the letter of intent signed by Elisa and Relacom Oy
on 29 May 2006, 42 members of Elisa's PBX installation teams in
Uusimaa and 17 in Häme will transfer to Relacom.

On 13 June 2006, Elisa and the Pretax Group (Pretax BSP Oy) signed
a letter of intent concerning the outsourcing of external
accounting processes related to Elisa's financial administration
to Pretax. According to the agreement, approximately 35 Elisa
employees will transfer to Pretax as established employees as of 1
September 2006.


EUR million                    4-6/2006  4-6/2005  1-12/2005
Capital expenditures, of which       54        46        204
- mobile communication business      22        22         86
- GSM leasing liability buy-backs     0         0          4        
- fixed network business             32        23        112
- others                              0         1          2
Shares                                1        31        415                 
- of which achieved through an       
exchange of shares                                       361
Total                                55        77        619

Financial position

Elisa's financial position and liquidity remained stable during
the second quarter. The group's April-June cash flow after
investments amounted to EUR 29 million (136).

Financial key indicators

EUR million                  30.6.2006  30.6.2005 31.12.2005
Net debt                           381        364        293
Gearing, %                        29.5       36.2       21.7
Equity ratio, %                   64.1       55.0       61.7
                              4-6/2006   4-6/2005  1-12/2005
Cash flow after investments         29        136        308        
Valid financing arrangements

EUR million                    Maximum             In use on
                                amount             30.6.2006
Committed credit line              170                     0
Commercial paper programme 1)      150                    35
EMTN programme 2)                1 000                   336

1) The programme is not committed
2) European Medium Term Note programme, not committed.

Long-term credit ratings

Credit rating agency             Rating           Outlook
Moody’s Investor Services          Baa2            Stable
Standard & Poor’s                   BBB          Negative


At the end of June the company's total number of shares was
166,066,016 and its market capitalisation stood at EUR 2,471

In April-June, a total of 64.9 million shares were traded on the
Helsinki Stock Exchange for an aggregate of EUR 1,033.8 million.
The exchange was 39.1 per cent of the number of shares on the

Treasury shares

The Annual General Meeting held on 27 March 2006 authorised the
Board of Directors to acquire and assign treasury shares. The
authorisation has not been used. At the end of June, the total
companies consolidated in the Elisa Group's financial statements
held 125,000 Elisa Corporation shares (180,000 at the end of
2005). The nominal value of the shares totalled EUR 62,500, and
their proportion of the share capital and voting rights was 0.1
per cent.

Significant legal issues

Since the publication of Elisa's Annual Report 2005 and the
interim report for January-March, the following legal developments
concerning Elisa have taken place:

The Helsinki Court of Appeal issued a ruling in favour of Elisa
and dismissed the action for annulment of the decision to increase
the share capital made at the former Oy Radiolinja Ab's Annual
General Meeting in spring 2000. If the Court gives its permission,
the decision may be appealed to the Supreme Court.

On 8 May 2006, a court of arbitration appointed by the Central
Chamber of Commerce decided to set the redemption price of Tikka
Communications Oy, a subsidiary of Elisa Corporation, at EUR 1,940
per share. There were some 360 shares to be redeemed and thus the
redemption price for the remaining shares amounted to
approximately EUR 700,000. The redemption price and the 5.5 per
cent interest will be paid within three months.

On 9 May 2006, Elisa's subsidiary Saunalahti Group Oyj (formerly
Jippii Group) was informed that the prosecutor will propose that a
fine of EUR 800,000 be imposed on the company for suspected
securities market offences, along with a further unspecified

On 16 May 2006, a court of arbitration appointed by the Central
Chamber of Commerce decided to set the redemption price of
Saunalahti Group Oyj, a subsidiary of Elisa Corporation, at EUR
2.56 per share. There are some 3.83 million shares in total to be
redeemed and thus the redemption price for the remaining shares
will amount to approximately EUR 9.8 million. The redemption price
and the 5.75 per cent interest calculated from 28 March 2006 will
be paid within three months.

The Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority has issued new
significant market power (SMP) decisions concerning
interconnection fees in mobile communications. Elisa's obligations
remain unchanged. The new decision also applies to Saunalahti's

The Finnish Competition Authority is conducting an investigation
into Elisa concerning the pricing of broadband subscriptions in

Events after the reporting period

Elisa launched its HSDPA network in Tallinn and Pärnu. The maximum
speed of the network is 1 Mbit/s. Elisa has updated its entire
current 3G network to HSDPA technology. Thus, the new speeds can
be utilised throughout Elisa's 3G network also in Finland.

Outlook for 2006

The outlook for 2006 remains unchanged.

Competition in the Finnish telecommunications market remains
challenging, while the focus is increasingly shifting to services.
The use of mobile communications and broadband products continues
to increase. Elisa's aim is to further reinforce its position as
the leading service supplier.

The group's revenue is expected to increase clearly on the
previous year. The growth will be partially attributable to an
increase in handset sales. Elisa expects to see an improvement in
EBITDA and EBIT excluding non-recurring items in 2006. This will
be due to e.g. the synergy benefits created by the Saunalahti deal
and Elisa's rationalisation procedures.

Capital expenditures during the year are estimated to total 13 to
15 per cent of the revenue, and cash flow will remain clearly
positive. Certain non-recurring items due to IT and production
system reforms, which will support the "One Elisa" operational
model, are scheduled for 2006.


Figures are not audited.

EUR million
                                   4-6     4-6     1-6     1-6     1-12
                                  2006    2005    2006    2005     2005

Revenue                          382,4   335,9   730,8   668,8   1337,3
Other operating income             1,1    87,1     3,9    98,3    113,9
Operating expenses              -288,7  -253,2  -541,4  -500,2  -1005,1
EBITDA                            94,8   169,8   193,3   266,9    446,1
Depreciation and amortisation    -56,2   -52,1  -111,5  -104,5   -213,2
EBIT                              38,6   117,7    81,8   162,4    232,9
Share of associated companies' 
profit                             0,1     0,5     0,1     1,2      1,2
Financial income and expenses     -4,1    -5,6    -8,4   -12,1    -22,2
Profit before tax                 34,6   112,6    73,5   151,5    211,9
Income taxes                      -7,0   -17,9   -16,0   -23,8    -34,1
Profit for the period             27,6    94,7    57,5   127,7    177,8

Attributable to:
  Equity holders of the parent    27,3    95,3    56,9   127,4    176,2
  Minority interest                0,3    -0,6     0,6     0,3      1,6
Profit for the period             27,6    94,7    57,5   127,7    177,8

Earnings per share (EUR)
Basic                             0,16    0,66    0,34    0,90     1,22
Diluted                           0,16    0,66    0,34    0,90     1,22

Average number of outstanding 
shares (1000 shares)
Basic                           165941  141772  165929  141775   144807
Diluted                         165941  141772  165929  141775   144807

EUR million 
                                    4-6     4-6     1-6     1-6    1-12
                                   2006    2005    2006    2005    2005

Mobile                            239,4   180,3   431,4   359,3   739,9
Fixed Network                     166,3   170,4   346,2   331,9   670,9
Other Companies                            10,4            31,3    38,2
Intra-segment sales elimination   -23,3   -25,2   -46,8   -53,7  -111,7
Corporation total                 382,4   335,9   730,8   668,8  1337,3

EUR million
                                    4-6     4-6     1-6     1-6    1-12
                                   2006    2005    2006    2005    2005

Mobile                             57,0    73,5   110,3   122,7   220,1
Fixed Network                      39,3    43,0    85,7    82,6   159,6
Other Companies                            39,4            49,8    55,8
Unallocated                        -1,5    13,9    -2,7    11,8    10,5
Corporation total                  94,8   169,8   193,3   266,9   446,1

EUR million
                                    4-6     4-6     1-6     1-6    1-12
                                   2006    2005    2006    2005    2005

Mobile                             29,0    52,1    59,2    78,8   129,9
Fixed Network                      11,2    16,5    26,3    29,8    44,8
Other Companies                            34,9            41,6    47,3
Unallocated                        -1,6    14,2    -3,7    12,2    10,9
Corporation total                  38,6   117,7    81,8   162,4   232,9

EUR million
                                                 30.6.    30.6.  31.12.
                                                  2006     2005    2005
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                    634,6    702,4   660,6
Goodwill                                         772,1    470,4   770,6
Other intangible assets                          187,2     79,0   178,7
Investments in associated companies                0,4      0,5     0,4
Available-for-sale investments                    36,0     41,8    44,2
Other receivables                                 18,8     51,5    10,6
Deferred tax receivable                           37,8     37,4    42,5
                                                1686,9   1383,0  1707,6
Current assets
Inventories                                       26,8     17,1    20,3
Trade and other receivables                      275,1    270,9   261,8
Cash and cash equivalents                         40,6    169,2   212,7
                                                 342,5    457,2   494,8

Total assets                                    2029,4   1840,2  2202,4

Equity attributable to equity holders 
of the parent                                   1279,9    989,6  1337,3
Minority interest                                 10,6     16,1    12,4
Total equity                                    1290,5   1005,7  1349,7

Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities                          38,9     34,0    40,6
Provisions                                        10,5      8,8     9,4
Interest-bearing debt                            325,5    407,3   393,7
Other non-current liabilities                     11,6     13,6    12,7
                                                 386,5    463,7   456,4
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                         249,6    239,6   280,5
Provisions                                         6,9      4,9     3,4
Interest-bearing debt                             95,9    126,3   112,4
                                                 352,4    370,8   396,3

Total equity and liabilities                    2029,4   1840,2  2202,4

EUR million
             Share   issue   Treasury Other    Retained Minority Total
             capital premium shares   reserves earnings interest equity
Total equity 
at 31.12.2004   71,0   530,4     -3,1     34,5    250,8     31,0  914,5
Available for 
sale investments                          31,9
Other changes                              0,3      3,1    -11,6   -8,2
Items recognised 
directly in 
equity                                    32,2      3,1    -11,6   23,7
Profit for 
the period                                        127,4      0,3  127,7
Total recognised 
income and          
expense for the 
period                                    32,2    130,5    -11,3  151,4
Dividends                                         -56,8     -3,6  -60,4
Purchase of 
treasury shares                   0,1                               0,1
Total equity 
at 30.6.2005    71,0   530,4     -3,0     66,7    324,5     16,1 1005,7

Total equity 
at 31.12.2005   83,0   530,4     -2,5    418,9    307,5     12,4 1349,7
Available for 
sale investments                           1,3                      1,3
Other changes                             -0,3      0,4     -1,3   -1,2
Items recognised 
directly in 
equity                                     1,0      0,4     -1,3    0,1
Profit for 
the period                                         56,9      0,6   57,5
Total recognised 
income and                        
expense for the 
period                                     1,0     57,3     -0,7   57,6
Dividends                                        -117,1     -1,1 -118,2
Sales of 
treasury shares                   0,8               0,1             0,9
Share based 
compensation                      0,5                               0,5
Total equity 
at 30.6.2006    83,0   530,4     -1,2    419,9    247,8     10,6 1290,5

EUR million
                                                   1-6      1-6    1-12
                                                  2006     2005    2005
Cash flow from operating activities
Profit before tax                                 73,4    151,5   211,9
Depreciation and amortisation                    111,5    104,5   213,2
Other adjustments to profit before tax            10,3    -67,8   -66,3
Change in working capital                        -47,3    -18,6   -23,7
Cash flow from operating activities              147,9    169,6   335,1

Received dividends and interests and interest
paid                                              -8,2    -10,7   -20,5
Taxes paid                                        -1,0     -3,0    -5,1
Net cash flow from operating activities          138,7    155,9   309,5

Cash flow from investments
Capital expenditure                              -97,0    -79,1  -194,9
Investments in shares and other investments       -7,0    -12,9    -4,1
Proceeds from asset disposal                       7,1     98,1   197,5
Net cash used in investment                      -96,9      6,1    -1,5

Cash flow after investments                       41,8    162,0   308,0

Cash flow from financing
Proceeds from treasury shares                      0,9              0,8
Change in interest-bearing receivables                              0,8
Repayment of long-term debt                     -122,4    -85,5  -102,4
Change in short-term debt                         35,0     -1,5   -18,6
Repayment of financing leases                     -5,6     -8,6   -16,7
Dividends paid                                  -121,8    -60,0  -122,0
Net cash used in financing                      -213,9   -155,6  -258,1

Change in cash and cash equivalents             -172,1      6,4    49,9
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of 
period                                           212,7    162,8   162,8
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period        40,6    169,2   212,7

EUR million
                                                 30.6.    30.6.  31.12.
                                                  2006     2005    2005
Mortgages, pledges and guarantees
  For own and group companies                      0,0      1,9    18,7
Pledges given
  Pledges given as surety                          0,7      0,9     0,9
Guarantees given
  For others                                       3,9              3,1
Mortgages, pledges and guarantees total            4,6      2,8    22,6

Leasing contracts and
other commitments
Leasing commitments                               12,8     19,1    14,3
Repurchase commitments                             0,6      0,9     0,7
Real estate leases                                59,9     59,4    63,3
Lease liabilities total                           73,3     79,4    78,3

Other commitments
Lease-leaseback agreement (QTE facility)
Termination risk                                  19,4     22,9    23,5
Total value of the arrangement                   159,7    167,9   171,5
Other commitments                                  0,1      0,8     0,6

EUR million 
                                    4-6     4-6     1-6     1-6    1-12
                                   2006    2005    2006    2005    2005

Shareholders' equity/share, EUR                    7,71    6,98    8,06
Net debt                                          380,8   364,4   293,5
Gearing                                          29,5 %  36,2 %  21,7 %
Equity ratio                                     64,1 %  55,0 %  61,7 %
Gross investments in fixed assets  54,4    45,9    97,9    87,9   204,4
of which finance lease investments  0,6     7,4     0,9     8,8     9,5
Gross investments as % of 
revenue                          14,2 %  13,7 %  13,4 %  13,1 %  15,3 %
Investments in shares,              1,3    30,8     1,3    33,7   414,8
of which paid in equity issue                                     361,2
Average number of personnel                        4380    5242    4989

Formulae for financial indicators

Gearing  % 

               Interest-bearing debt - cash and cash equivalents
               --------------------------------------------------x 100
                                       Total equity

Equity ratio %

                                       Total equity
               ------------------------------------------------- x 100
                        Balance sheet total - advances received

Net debt                       

                      Interest-bearing debt - cash and cash equivalents

Shareholders' equity/share 


                    Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
                          Number of shares outstanding at end of period


         Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of parent
                                   Average number of outstanding shares
