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Second quarter 2009

Revenue was EUR 355 million (372)

EBITDA excluding non-recurring items was EUR 116 million (109), EBIT
EUR 64 million (57)

Profit before tax amounted to EUR 56 million (38)

Earnings per share was EUR 0.27 (0.20)

Cash flow after investments was strong, EUR 89 million (59)

The  full year outlook is reiterated

Revenue per subscription (ARPU) in the mobile business was at the
previous quarter's level EUR 24.0 (24.1 in the first quarter)

Churn was 14.7 per cent  (14.0 in the first quarter)

The number of Elisa's mobile subscriptions increased by 127 000
during the quarter, due in particular to the new 3G and 2G customers,
as well as mobile broadband

The number of fixed broadband subscriptions decreased by 13,600 on
the previous quarter

Net debt / EBITDA was 1.6 (1.7 at the end of 2008) and gearing 89%
(93 at the end of 2008)

January-June 2009

Revenue was EUR 706 million (739)

EBITDA was EUR 231 million (213), EBIT EUR 126 million (110)

EBITDA excluding non-recurring items was EUR 231 million (220), EBIT
EUR 126 million (117)

Cash flow after investments was EUR 135 million (125)

Key indicators:

EUR million             4-6/2009 4-6/2008 1-6/2009 1-6/2008
Revenue                      355      372      706      739
EBITDA                       116      105      231      213
EBITDA excluding
non-recurring items          116      109      231      220
EBIT                          64       53      126      110
Profit before tax             56       38      109       90
Earnings per share, EUR     0.27     0.20     0.53     0.45
Capital expenditures          36       41       70       78

Financial position and cash flow:

EUR million          30.6.2009 30.6.2008 31.12.2008
Net debt                   773       898        812
Net debt / EBITDA 1)       1.6       1.9        1.7
Gearing ratio, %          89.2     109.3       92.8
Equity ratio, %           44.6      40.4       43.3

| EUR million     | 4-6/2009 | 4-6/2008 | 1-6/2009 | 1-6/2008 |
| Cash flow after |          |          |          |          |
| investments     |       89 |       59 |      135 |      125 |

1) (interest-bearing debt - financial assets) / (4 previous quarters'
EBITDA exclusive of non-recurring items)

Additional information regarding the Key Performance Indicators is
available on www.elisa.com/investors, in the section: Financial info,
Financial Statements & Interim Reports: Elisa Quarterly Data.

CEO Veli-Matti Mattila:

"Elisa's result good despite economic downturn

Elisa's profitability continued to be strong. Continuous improvement
of productivity and service quality have created prerequisites for a
good result despite the general economic downturn. In the second
quarter, cash flow also continued to be strong. Revenue fell slightly
from the previous year, mainly as a result of lower equipment sales
volume as well as decreased interconnection fees and roaming revenue.

The competitive situation remained challenging. In the consumer
business, we continued to develop an attractive service and product
offering as well as to improve productivity. We launched the Elisa
Viihde service -  a modern, versatile digital IPTV service. Elisa was
the first in Finland to launch a mobile broadband prepaid
subscription, which has been well received. Elisa has also managed to
strengthen its position in the corporate customer business.

We continued to build our 3G network, which has the best coverage in
Finland. The network currently covers an area of almost five million
inhabitants. Through our cooperation partners we can also offer
excellent global mobile coverage to our customers. Together with a
strong growth in subscriptions, our mobile network consolidates our
position as a 3G market leader.

We continue determinedly to implement our strategy by developing the
productivity of our operations and by offering our customers more
services relevant to them. Our competitiveness in cost and investment
efficiency, as well as good cash flow allows us to continue
implementing this strategy. However, the general economic downturn
will continue to affect our business to some extent. We believe that
with firm improvement of productivity and expanding service offering,
we can meet these challenges and that our business will continue to
develop favourably in the years to come."


Vesa Sahivirta
Director, IR and Financial Communications
tel. +358 50 520 5555

Additional information:

Mr Veli-Matti Mattila, CEO, tel. +358 10 262 2635
Mr Jari Kinnunen, CFO, tel. +358 10 262 9510
Mr Vesa Sahivirta, Director, IR and Financial Communications,
tel. +358 50 520 5555


Principal media


The interim report has been prepared in accordance with the IAS 34
standard, "Interim reports". The information presented in this
interim report is unaudited.

Market situation

The general economic downturn has so far had only a marginal impact
on the telecom operator business. The impact has been felt mainly in
equipment sales, roaming revenues and corporate customer business.
Elisa's Estonian business has also suffered to some extent. It is
still uncertain how much the possible deterioration of the corporate
business environment will impact the telecom sector.

The competitive environment has been keen but stable in Finland. The
number of mobile subscriptions and the use of data services have
evolved favourably in Finland with 3G subscriptions comprising a
significant proportion of new subscriptions. The use of services made
available through 3G subscriptions has also increased. Another factor
contributing to the growth has been the use of multiple terminal
devices for different purposes and mobile broadband services. Churn
in mobile subscriptions has been at a normal level, and competition
has been mainly in services and campaigning.

The number and usage of traditional fixed network subscriptions
decreased at the same pace as in the previous year. The fixed
broadband market has matured, while the strong subscription growth in
mobile broadband continued.

Revenue, earnings and financial position

Revenue and earnings:

EUR million                      4-6/2009 4-6/2008 1-6/2009 1-6/2008
Revenue                               355      372      706      739
EBITDA                                116      105      231      213
EBITDA-%                             32.8     28.2     32.8     28.8
EBITDA excl. non-recurring items      116      109      231      220
EBITDA-% excl.
non-recurring items                  32.8     29.3     32.8     29.7
EBIT                                   64       53      126      110
EBIT excl. non-recurring items         64       57      126      117
EBIT-% excl. non-recurring items     18.0     15.4     17.8     15.9

Second quarter 2009
Revenue decreased by 4 per cent mainly due to lower equipment sales
volumes, lower interconnection fees both in Finland and Estonia and a
decrease in traditional fixed business.

EBITDA improved by 11 per cent and EBITDA excluding non-recurring
items by 7 per cent on the previous year. The improvement was mainly
due to improved efficiency measures. The total OPEX decreased by EUR
28million. In 2008, extra implementation costs of the billing and CRM
system, as well as revenue correction affected EBITDA negatively.

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -8 million (-15). The
decrease in financial expenses was mainly due to mark-to-market
valuation of the interest rate swap (negative effect in 2008),
decrease in net debt and lower interest rates. Income taxes in the
income statement amounted to EUR -14 million (-6). Elisa's earnings
after taxes were EUR 42 million (32). The Group's earnings per share
(EPS) amounted to EUR 0.27 (0.20).

January-June 2009
Elisa's revenue decreased by 4 per cent on last year mainly given the
same reasons as in the second quarter.

EBITDA improved by 9 per cent and EBITDA excluding non-recurring
items by 5 per cent on the previous year. The improvement was mainly
due to improved efficiency measures. The total OPEX decreased by EUR
51 million. In 2008, extra implementation costs of the billing and
CRM system, as well as revenue correction affected EBITDA negatively.
During the first half of 2009, sales costs increased due the strong
growth in mobile subscriptions.

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -16 million (-20). The
decrease in financial expenses was mainly attributed to
mark-to-market valuation of the interest rate swap (negative effect
in 2008), a decrease in net debt and lower interest rates. Income
taxes in the income statement amounted to EUR -26 million (-18).
Elisa's earnings after taxes were EUR 84 million (72). The Group's
earnings per share (EPS) amounted to EUR 0.53 (0.45).

Financial position:

EUR million          30.6.2009 30.6.2008 31.12.2008
Net debt                   773       898        812
Net debt / EBITDA 1)       1.6       1.9        1.7
Gearing ratio, %          89.2     109.3       92.8
Equity ratio, %           44.6      40.4       43.3

| EUR million     | 4-6/2009 | 4-6/2008 | 1-6/2009 | 1-6/2008 |
| Cash flow after |          |          |          |          |
| investments     |       89 |       59 |      135 |      125 |

1) (interest-bearing debt - financial assets) / (4 previous quarters'
EBITDA exclusive of non-recurring items)

Second quarter 2009
Elisa's financial position and liquidity remained good. Elisa's net
debt decreased from EUR 898 million to EUR 773 million. April - June
cash flow after investments increased by 51 per cent to EUR 89
million mainly due to the improved result, the decrease in capital
expenditure and investment in shares.

January-June 2009
Cash flow after investments increased by 8 per cent to EUR 135
million (125) on the previous year mainly due to the improved result
and the decrease in capital expenditure.

Changes in corporate structure

January-June 2009
In February, Elisa acquired the entire share capital of Xenetic Oy.
Xenetic is a hosting service company, the business of which consists
of data centres, monitoring, data communications and data security
services and equipment, and application leasing among other things.
In February Elisa also acquired the business operations of Trackway
Oy, which provides e.g. solutions for asset tracking. There were no
major changes in the corporate structure in the second quarter 2009.

Consumer Customer business

EUR million 4-6/2009 4-6/2008 1-6/2009 1-6/2008
Revenue          209      218      410      439
EBITDA            68       56      132      123
EBITDA-%        32.5     25.8     32.1     28.0
EBIT              38       27       71       64
CAPEX             19       22       37       43

Second quarter 2009
The Consumer Customer business revenue was EUR 209 million (218) and
EBITDA EUR 68 million (56). The decrease in revenue was mainly a
result of lower equipment sales volumes, lower interconnection fees
both in Finland and Estonia and a decrease in the traditional fixed
business. EBITDA was positively affected by productivity improvement
measures. Total OPEX decreased by EUR 22 million. The decrease in the
Estonian business due to the general economic downturn had a negative
effect on EBITDA.

January-June 2009
The Consumer Customer business revenue was EUR 410 million (439) and
EBITDA EUR 132 million (123). The decrease in revenue was mainly
attributable to the to same reasons as in the second quarter. EBITDA
was positively affected by productivity improvement measures and
interconnection costs. Total OPEX decreased by EUR 38 million. The
decrease in the Estonian business due to the general economic
downturn had a negative effect on EBITDA.

Corporate Customer business

EUR million 4-6/2009 4-6/2008 1-6/2009 1-6/2008
Revenue          146      153      296      299
EBITDA            48       48      100       90
EBITDA-%        33,2     31,6     33,7     30,1
EBIT              26       26       54       47
CAPEX             17       19       33       35

Second quarter 2009
Corporate Customers business revenue was EUR 146 million (153) and
EBITDA EUR 48 million (48). The decrease in revenue was mainly due to
lower interconnection fees, a decrease in mobile revenue and a
decrease in the traditional fixed business. Growth in ICT services
increased revenue. EBITDA was positively affected by productivity
improvement measures and negatively by decreased revenue. Total OPEX
decreased by EUR 7 million.

January-June 2009
Corporate Customers business revenue was EUR 296 million (299) and
EBITDA EUR 100 million (90). The decrease in revenue was mainly due
to lower interconnection fees, decrease in equipment sales volumes
and decrease in the traditional fixed business. Growth in ICT
services increased revenue. Increase in EBITDA was mainly due to
productivity improvement. Total OPEX decreased by EUR 13 million.


In January-June the average number of personnel at Elisa was 3,143
(2,970). Personnel by segment at the end of the period:

                    30.6.2009 30.6.2008 31.12.2008
Consumer Customers      1,596     1,545      1,522
Corporate Customers     1,725     1,309      1,495
Total                   3,321     2,854      3,017

The number of personnel increased by about 300 from the beginning of
the year. Personnel growth mainly occurred in call centers as a
result of an increase in the customer service business. The call
center headcount varies flexibly according to customer demand and
business activity.


EUR million                    4-6/2009 4-6/2008 1-6/2009 1-6/2008
Capital expenditures, of which       36       41       70       78
- Consumer Customers                 19       22       37       43
- Corporate Customers                17       19       33       35
Shares                                1       11        6       13
Total                                37       52       76       91

The main capital expenditures arose from the capacity and coverage
increase of the 3G network.

Financing arrangements and ratings

Valid financing arrangements:

                              Maximum amount In use on 30.6.2009
EUR million
Committed credit limits                  300                   5
Commercial paper programme ¹)            250                 119
EMTN programme ²)                      1,000                 600

1) The programme is not committed.
2) European Medium Term Note programme, not committed.

Long-term credit ratings:

Credit rating agency      Rating Outlook
Moody's Investor Services   Baa2  Stable
Standard & Poor's            BBB  Stable

The Group's cash and undrawn committed credit lines totalled EUR 324
million at 30 June 2009 (EUR 258 million at the end of 2008). There
are no major refinancing needs expected before the year 2011.


Trading of shares       4-6/2009 4-6/2008 1-6/2009 1-6/2008
Shares traded, millions     57.2     94.4    106.4    177.2
Volume, EUR million        602.3    1,372   1156.6    2,984
% of shares                   34       57       64      107

Shares and market values   30.6.2009   30.6.2008  31.12.2008
Total number of shares   166,307,586 166,307,586 166,307,586
Treasury shares           10,688,629   7,688,629  10,688,629
Outstanding shares       155,618,957 158,618,957 155,618,957
Closing price, EUR             11.73       13.33       12.30
Market capitalisation,
EUR million                    1,825       2,114       1,914
Treasury shares, %               6.4         4.6         6.4

In March, Elisa distributed a dividend of 0.60 euros per share,
totalling EUR 93.4 million, in accordance with the decision of the
Annual General Meeting.

In June, the Government of Finland transferred its Elisa shares to
its fully-owned company Solidium Oy. Following this transfer, the
Government of Finland has no direct ownership in Elisa. The number of
shares that transferred to Solidium Oy was 16,006,000 representing
9.62 per cent of the share capital and votes.

In June,  Solidium Oy announced that it has exceeded 10 per cent
ownership in Elisa. Solidium Oy's ownership increased to 16,631,000
shares, or 10.00 per cent of the share capital and votes.

The Board of Directors' authorisations

On 18 March 2009, the Annual General Meeting accepted the proposal to
authorize the Board of Directors to decide on the distribution of
funds from the unrestricted equity to a maximum of EUR 150,000,000.
The authorization is effective until the beginning of the following
Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting decided on the authorization to repurchase
or accept as pledge the company's own shares. The repurchase may be
directed. The amount of shares under this authorization is 15,000,000
shares at maximum. The authorization is effective until June 30,

The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Board of
Directors on the issuance of shares as well as the issuance of
special rights entitling to shares. The issue may be directed. The
authorization is effective until June 30, 2013. A maximum aggregate
of 50 million of the company's shares can be issued under the

Regulatory issues

On April 2009, Elisa was handed a decision made by the Finnish
Communications Regulatory Authority, that Elisa was allocated more
frequencies in both the 1,800Mhz and 2,100Mhz wavebands. In the
1,800Mhz waveband,  the radio license is valid until November 2017
and in the 2,100Mhz waveband, the radio licence is valid to March
2019. The 1,800Mhz frequencies can be used for the LTE (Long Term
Evolution technology).

Significant legal issues

On 28 May 2009, The Court of Appeal of Helsinki rendered its verdict
in the proceedings concerning the stock exchange disclosures of the
Jippii Group in 2001. Jippii is Saunalahti Group's predecessor, which
Elisa acquired in 2005. The Court has ordered Elisa to pay a
corporate fine of EUR 200,000 and a forfeiture of EUR 85,000
concerning the events of 2001.

The Finnish Competition Authority has withdrawn its intent to make a
report concerning the pricing of Elisa's broadband and removed  the
matter from the agenda.

Substantial risks and uncertainties associated with Elisa's

Risk management is part of Elisa's internal control system. It aims
to ensure that risks affecting the company's business are identified,
influenced and monitored. The company classifies risks into
strategic, operational, insurable and financial risks.

Strategic and operational risks:

The telecommunications industry is under intense competition in
Elisa's main market areas, which may have an impact on Elisa's
business. The telecommunications industry is subject to heavy
regulation. Elisa and its businesses are monitored and regulated by
several public authorities. This regulation also affects the price
level of some products and services offered by Elisa.

The rapid developments in telecommunications technology may have a
significant impact on Elisa's business.

Elisa's main market is Finland, where the number of mobile phones per
inhabitant is among the highest in the world, which means that growth
in subscriptions is limited. Furthermore, the volume of phone traffic
in Elisa's fixed network has decreased in the past few years. These
factors may limit the opportunities for growth.

The deterioration of the economic environment may impact the demand
for Elisa's services and products, and therefore growth prospects.
However, a good demand for communication services is expected to
continue also during a recession.

Accident risks:

The company's core operations are covered by insurance against damage
and interruptions caused by accidents. Accident risks also include
litigations and claims.

Financial risks:

In order to manage interest rate risk, the Group's loans and
investments are diversified in fixed- and variable-rate instruments.
Interest rate derivatives are used to manage interest rate risk.

As most of Elisa Group's cash flow is denominated in euros, the
exchange rate risk is minor. Elisa's Estonian business, which is
approximately 7 per cent of the consolidated revenue is denominated
in Estonian crowns.

The objective of liquidity risk management is to ensure the Group's
financing in all circumstances. The Group's cash and undrawn
committed credit lines totalled EUR 324 million at 30 June 2009 (EUR
258 million at the end of 2008).

Liquid assets are invested within confirmed limits to investment
targets with a good credit rating. Credit risk concentrations in
accounts receivable are minor as the customer base is wide.

In connection to the counterparty risk hedging Elisa provided a
maximum USD 60 million guarantee for a credit derivative portfolio
(CDO). The risk for the guarantee being called increased due to the
credit crisis in 2008, after which there have not been any material
changes. The rating of the portfolio is at B1 level. The guarantee is
valid until 15 December 2012. The maximum liability USD 60 million,
if realised, would mean cash payments of USD 0.5 million in 2010, USD
33.0 million in 2011 and USD 26.5 million in 2012.

Given the recent financial market turmoil, the banking sector has
suffered and the banks' ability  to finance companies have
deteriorated, with some capital market activities not operating
fully. However, Elisa has cash reserves, committed credit facilities
and a sustainable cash flow to cover its foreseeable financing needs.

A detailed description of the financial risk management can be found
in the 2008 Annual Report on page 15.

Events after the financial period

There have not been any significant events following the reporting

Outlook for 2009

The current economic environment and financial market turmoil creates
uncertainty for the 2009 outlook. Competition in the Finnish
telecommunications market remains challenging.

The general economic downturn has so far had a slight impact on the
Elisa's Estonian business and the Corporate Customer segment. The
main risks still relate to the development of the Estonian economy
and the corporate customer business.

Full year revenue is estimated to be at the same or slightly lower
level than last year. The use of mobile communications and mobile
broadband products is continuing to rise. The equipment sales volumes
and service sales in some customer segments may decrease. EBITDA
excluding non-recurring items is also expected to be at the same or
slightly lower level than last year. Elisa will determinedly continue
to stimulate demand for its services and continue to drive
productivity improvements of its operations. Likewise, capital
expenditure will be actively controlled to a maximum 12 per cent of
revenue, and it may be reduced clearly if the general economy
deteriorates further.

The contributory factors for long-term growth and profitability
improvement include the 3G market growth and efficiency measures,
which are continuing as expected. Elisa's financial position and
liquidity are good. There are no major refinancing needs expected
before the year 2011.


Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 30.6.2009

                                  4-6     4-6     1-6     1-6    1-12
EUR million              Note    2009    2008    2009    2008    2008

Revenue                     1   354,9   371,5   705,9   738,5  1485,0

Other operating income            1,1     1,1     2,0     2,0     6,5

Materials and services         -143,6  -169,2  -289,3  -327,7  -652,4
Employee expenses           7   -47,6   -41,7   -94,5   -87,0  -162,5
Other operating expenses        -48,4   -57,0   -92,8  -112,9  -205,0
EBITDA                      1   116,4   104,7   231,3   212,9   471,6

Depreciation and
amortisation                3   -52,5   -51,5  -105,7  -102,5  -207,1
EBIT                        1    63,9    53,2   125,6   110,4   264,5

Financial income                  2,7     1,9     6,1     8,7    17,1
Financial expense               -10,8   -17,3   -22,5   -28,9   -54,0
Share of associated
companies' profit                 0,0     0,0     0,0     0,0     0,0
Profit before tax                55,8    37,8   109,2    90,2   227,6

Income taxes                    -13,5    -6,0   -25,7   -18,2   -50,6
Profit for the period            42,3    31,8    83,5    72,0   177,0

Attributable to:
  Owners of the parent           42,1    31,7    83,1    71,7   176,3
  interests                       0,2     0,1     0,4     0,3     0,7
                                 42,3    31,8    83,5    72,0   177,0

Earnings per share (EUR)
Basic and diluted                0,27    0,20    0,53    0,45    1,12

Average number of
outstanding shares
Basic and diluted             155 619 158 492 155 619 158 375 157 450

Profit for the period            42,3    31,8    83,5    72,0   177,0
Other comprehensive
income, net of tax:
investments                       1,0    -2,3    -0,1    -1,8   -10,4
Total comprehensive
income                           43,3    29,5    83,4    70,2   166,6

Total comprehensive
income attributable to:
  Owners of the parent           43,1    29,4    83,0    69,9   165,9
  interests                       0,2     0,1     0,4     0,3     0,7
                                 43,3    29,5    83,4    70,2   166,6

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 30.6.2009

                                                    30.6. 31.12.
EUR million                                 Note     2009   2008
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment               3       610,2  630,5
Goodwill                                    3       781,6  778,6
Other intangible assets                     3       166,8  177,5
Investments in associated companies                   0,1    0,1
Available-for-sale investments                       29,2   29,0
Receivables                                          12,5   12,4
Deferred tax assets                                  27,7   28,3
                                                   1628,1 1656,4
Current assets
Inventories                                 4        22,3   21,7
Trade and other receivables                         272,9  319,4
Cash and cash equivalents                            28,8   33,0
                                                    324,0  374,1

Total assets                                       1952,1 2030,5

Equity attributable to owners of the parent 5       864,8  873,4
Non-controlling interests                             1,2    1,6
Total equity                                        866,0  875,0

Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities                             26,3   30,9
Provisions                                            5,1    5,6
Interest-bearing debt                       6       622,5  672,3
Other non-current liabilities                        14,1   14,0
                                                    668,0  722,8
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                            232,3  255,5
Tax liabilities                                       5,5    3,4
Provisions                                            1,4    1,5
Interest-bearing debt                       6       178,9  172,3
                                                    418,1  432,7

Total equity and liabilities                       1952,1 2030,5

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 30.6.2009

                                                1-6    1-6   1-12
EUR million                                    2009   2008   2008
Cash flow from operating activities
Profit before tax                             109,2   90,2  227,6
  Depreciation and amortisation               105,7  102,5  205,8
  Other adjustments                            15,5   20,3   32,1
                                              121,2  122,8  237,9
Change in working capital
  Change in trade and other receivables        51,0  110,0  132,5
  Change in inventories                        -0,5    3,6    6,7
  Change in trade and other payables          -16,3  -61,2  -56,2
                                               34,2   52,4   83,0

Financial items, net                          -17,0  -19,8  -38,8
Taxes paid                                    -34,5  -33,6  -59,5
Net cash flow from operating activities       213,1  212,0  450,2

Cash flow from investing activities
Capital expenditure                           -69,6  -77,4 -179,2
Purchase of shares                             -9,3  -10,0  -11,6
Proceeds from asset disposal                    0,8    0,4    0,8
Net cash used in investing activities         -78,1  -87,0 -190,0

Cash flow before financing activities         135,0  125,0  260,2

Cash flow from financing activities
Purchase of treasury shares                                 -43,3
Proceeds from long-term borrowings                    80,0   80,0
Repayment of long-term borrowings             -36,0  -30,0  -30,0
Change in short-term borrowings                -6,9  109,9   38,6
Repayment of finance lease liabilities         -2,4   -2,0   -4,0
Dividends paid and capital repayment          -93,9 -284,9 -285,4
Net cash used in financing activities        -139,2 -127,0 -244,1

Change in cash and cash equivalents            -4,2   -2,0   16,1
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
period                                         33,0   16,9   16,9
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period     28,8   14,9   33,0

1.1. -


                 Share Treasury     Other restricted  Retained  Minority   Total
EUR million    capital   shares  reserves     equity  earnings  interest  equity
Balance at
January 1,
2008              83,0   -165,8     403,9      535,7     176,6       2,0  1035,4
repayment                                     -284,9                      -284,9
Dividends                                                           -0,6    -0,6
compensation                7,0                           -5,7               1,3
income                               -1,8                 71,7       0,3    70,2
Balance at
June 30,
2008              83,0   -158,8     402,1      250,8     242,6       1,7   821,4

EUR million
Balance at
January 1,
2009              83,0   -202,0     393,5      250,8     348,1       1,6   875,0
Dividends                                                -93,4      -0,8   -94,2
compensation                                               1,8               1,8
income                               -0,1                 83,1       0,4    83,4
Balance at
June 30,
2009              83,0   -202,0     393,4      250,8     339,6       1,2   866,0

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 30.6.2009


The Interim consolidated financial statements are
in compliance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting".
The Interim consolidated financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) effective at the time of
preparation and adopted for use by the European Union.

This Interim consolidated financial statements should be read
in conjunction with the 2008 consolidated financial statements.

Except for accounting principle changes listed below,
the accounting principles applied in this Interim report
are the same as in the Consolidated financial statements
at December 31, 2008.

Changes in accounting

The Group adopted the following standards, amendments to
standards and interpretations as from 1 January 2009 onward:

- IFRS 8 Operating Segments standard which requires segment
information to be presented on the basis of internal reporting
provided to management. Elisa's internal organizational and
management structure is based on a customer-oriented operating
model. The new operating segments to be presented are Consumer
Customers and Corporate Customers. Accounting principles and
comparable figures for 2008 have been published on 17 April, 2009.

- IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. The amendments
concerning the income statement and statement of changes in
equity have affected the presentation of Interim consolidated
financial statements.

Following newly adopted standards and interpretations have not
had any effect on Interim consolidated financial statements.

- Revised IAS 23 Borrowing Costs

- Revised IFRS 2 Share-based Payment

- IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes

- IFRIC 14 The Limit on a Defined Benefit Assets,
  Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction


4-6/2009                       Consumer Corporate Unallocated Group
EUR million                   Customers Customers       Items Total
Revenue                           208,7     146,2             354,9
EBITDA                             67,9      48,5             116,4
Depreciation and amortisation     -30,1     -22,4             -52,5
EBIT                               37,8      26,1              63,9
Financial income                                          2,7   2,7
Financial expense                                       -10,8 -10,8
Share of associated
companies' profit                                         0,0   0,0
Profit before tax                                              55,8

Investments                        18,9      17,4              36,3

4-6/2008                       Consumer Corporate Unallocated Group
EUR million                   Customers Customers       Items Total
Revenue                           218,3     153,2             371,5
EBITDA                             56,3      48,4             104,7
Depreciation and amortisation     -29,6     -21,9             -51,5
EBIT                               26,7      26,5              53,2
Financial income                                          1,9   1,9
Financial expense                                       -17,3 -17,3
Share of associated
companies' profit                                         0,0   0,0
Profit before tax                                              37,8

Investments                        22,2      18,5              40,7

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 30.6.2009

1-6/2009                       Consumer Corporate Unallocated  Group
EUR million                   Customers Customers       Items  Total
Revenue                           410,2     295,7              705,9
EBITDA                            131,7      99,6              231,3
Depreciation and amortisation     -60,5     -45,2             -105,7
EBIT                               71,2      54,4              125,6
Financial income                                          6,1    6,1
Financial expense                                       -22,5  -22,5
Share of associated
companies' profit                                         0,0    0,0
Profit before tax                                              109,2

Investments                        37,2      33,0               70,2

1-6/2008                       Consumer Corporate Unallocated  Group
EUR million                   Customers Customers       Items  Total
Revenue                           439,2     299,3              738,5
EBITDA                            122,8      90,1              212,9
Depreciation and amortisation     -59,0     -43,5             -102,5
EBIT                               63,8      46,6              110,4
Financial income                                          8,7    8,7
Financial expense                                       -28,9  -28,9
Share of associated
companies' profit                                         0,0    0,0
Profit before tax                                               90,2

Investments                        42,8      35,5               78,3

1-12/2008                      Consumer Corporate Unallocated  Group
EUR million                   Customers Customers       Items  Total
Revenue                           881,5     603,5             1485,0
EBITDA                            267,3     204,3              471,6
Depreciation and amortisation    -118,7     -88,4             -207,1
EBIT                              148,6     115,9              264,5
Financial income                                         17,1   17,1
Financial expense                                       -54,0  -54,0
Share of associated
companies' profit                                         0,0    0,0
Profit before tax                                              227,6

Total assets                     1143,3     780,8       106,4 2030,5
Investments                       101,8      82,1              183,9

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 30.6.2009


Elisa Oyj acquired all shares of Xenetic Oy on
February 13, 2009. Xenetic was founded in 2000
and it is a leading Finnish hosting service company,
the business of which consists of computer rooms,
monitoring, control, data communications, data
security services and equipment, and application
leasing. Xenetic Oy was consolidated with the Group
since March 2009. If the acquisition had been made
as of the beginning of the financial period 2009, it would
not have had any major impact in Group's revenue
or earnings for the period.

In a business deal signed on 6 February 2009,
Elisa Oyj has acquired the asset management
and logistics system business of Trackway Oy.

The total acquisition cost was EUR 5.1 million,
of  which EUR 6.2 million effected on cash flow
(including cash limit repayment). The business
combinations resulted in goodwill of
EUR 2.0 million.

Additional purchase price relating to previous
year's acquisitions resulted in goodwill of
EUR 1.0 million.


                                        Property                Other
                                       plant and           intangible
EUR million                            equipment  Goodwill     assets
Cost, 1 January 2009                      2320,3     778,6      379,3
Additions                                   57,6                 12,6
Acquisitions of subsidiaries                 2,2       3,0        2,5
Disposals                                   -0,5
Reclassifications                            0,5                 -0,5
30 June 2009                              2380,1     781,6      393,9

Accumulated depreciation/
amortisation, 1 January 2009              1689,8                201,8
Depreciation for the period                 80,5                 25,3
Disposals and reclassifications             -0,4
30 June 2009                              1769,9                227,1

Net carrying amounts:
1 January 2009                             630,5     778,6      177,5
30 June 2009                               610,2     781,6      166,8

Commitments to purchase property, plant
and equipment and intangible assets amounts to
EUR 33,9 million as at 30 June 2009.


Write-downs of inventories amounting to
EUR 0,7 million were recognised at 30
June, 2009 (EUR 1,6 million,
31 December, 2008)


On 18 March, 2009 Elisa's Annual General Meeting
decided of a dividend of 0,60 euros per share.
The total dividend amounts to EUR 93,4 million and
payment started on 30 March, 2009.

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 30.6.2008


No bonds have been issued
during the first half of 2009.

Repayments of Bonds

                       Nominal     Book  interest Effective Maturity
EUR million              value    value      rate  interest     date
EMTN programme 2001/
EUR 1,000 million
                                        euribor +
III/2002                  20,0     20,0     1,02%   6,439 % 8.4.2009
                                        euribor +
V/2002                     6,0      6,0     1,00%   6,419 % 8.4.2009
                                        euribor +
VI/2002                   10,0     10,0     1,00%   6,419 % 8.4.2009
Total of repayments       36,0     36,0

The unused amount of EUR 1,000 million
EMTN program is EUR 400 million as at
30 June 2009.


Elisa Group's related parties include
subsidiaries, associates and key management.
Key management consists of Elisa's Board of
Directors, the CEO and the Executive Board.

Changes in subsidiary relationships
during the period are as follows:

Xenetic Oy            acquired    100 %

Related party transactions
with associated companies      1-6/2009
  Sales                             0,0
  Purchases                         0,3

Management remuneration will be announced
in Annual financial statements.

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 30.6.2009

                                                        30.6. 31.12.
EUR million                                              2009   2008
Due within 1 year                                        20,9   22,2
Due after 1 year but within 5 years                      35,9   36,8
Due after 5 years                                        15,6   15,2
Total                                                    72,4   74,2

                                                        30.6. 31.12.
EUR million                                              2009   2008
  For own and group companies                             0,7    0,4
Pledges given
  Pledges given as surety                                        0,8
Guarantees given
  For others (*                                          43,4   44,3
Mortgages, pledges and guarantees total                  44,1   45,5

Other commitments
  Repurchase commitments                                  0,0    0,1

*) EUR 42.5 million is related to the guarantee given
on a CDO portfolio.

                                                        30.6. 31.12.
EUR million                                              2009   2008
Interest rate swaps
  Nominal value                                         150,0  150,0
  Fair value recognised in the balance sheet              1,6    1,0
Credit default swaps (*
  Nominal value                                          44,8   47,4

*) CDS is related to hedging of the guarantor bank
in the QTE-arrangement. In 2008 Elisa wrote down
the fair value of the CDS agreement.


No significant events have taken place
after the balance sheet date.

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 30.6.2009

                                                       1-6    1-6  1-12
EUR million                                           2009   2008  2008

Shareholders' equity per share, EUR                   5,56   5,17  5,61
Interest bearing net debt                            772,6  898,1 811,6
Gearing                                              89,2% 109,3% 92,8%
Equity ratio                                         44,6%  40,4% 43,3%
Return on investment (ROI) *)                        17,0%  16,3% 15,6%
Gross investments in fixed assets                     70,2   78,3 183,9
of which finance lease investments                     0,6    0,9   4,7
Gross investments as % of revenue                    10,0%  10,6% 12,4%
Investments in shares                                  6,2   12,6  14,8
Average number of employees                           3143   2970  2946

*) rolling 12 months profit preceding
the reporting date

Formulae for financial indicators

Gearing  %

Interest-bearing debt -
cash and cash equivalents
------------------------------------ x 100
Total equity

Equity ratio %

Total equity
-------------------------------x 100
Balance sheet total -
advances received

Return on investment % (ROI)

Profit before taxes +
interest and other
financial expenses
------------------------------------------x 100
Total equity +
interest bearing liabilities (average)

Net debt

Interest-bearing debt -
cash and cash equivalents

Shareholders' equity per share

Equity attributable to equity holders
of the parent
Number of shares outstanding
at end of period


Profit for the period attributable to
equity holders of parent
Average number of outstanding shares


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