Elisa's Interim Report January–June 2015

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Second quarter 2015

  • Revenue amounted to EUR 390 million (384)
  • EBITDA was EUR 131 million (127) and EBIT was EUR 79 million (73)
  • Profit before taxes amounted to EUR 74 million (67)
  • Earnings per share were EUR 0.38 (0.35)
  • Cash flow after investments was EUR 70 million (64)
  • Mobile ARPU grew to EUR 15.7 (15.3 in previous quarter)
  • Mobile churn decreased to 14.4 per cent (17.7 in previous quarter)
  • The number of Elisa’s mobile subscriptions increased by 25,200 during the quarter
  • The number of fixed broadband subscriptions decreased by 5,500 on the previous quarter
  • Net debt / EBITDA was 2.0 (1.9 end 2014) and gearing 136 per cent (114 end 2014)

January–June 2015

  • Revenue was EUR 771 million (766)
  • EBITDA was EUR 260 million (253), EBIT EUR 155 million (145)
  • Earnings per share grew to EUR 0.75 (0.67)
  • Cash flow after investments was EUR 138 million (103)

Key indicators

  2nd Quarter Year-to-date
EUR million 2015 2014 2015 2014
Revenue 390 384 771 766
EBITDA 131 127 260 253
EBIT 79 73 155 145
Profit before tax 74 67 145 131
Earnings per share, EUR 0,38 0.35 0,75 0.67
Capital expenditure 49 52 100 101

Financial position and cash flow

EUR million 30.6.2015 30.6.2014 End 2014
Net debt 1,075 1,075 1,001
Net debt / EBITDA 1) 2.0 2.1 1.9
Gearing ratio, % 135.8 140.7 114.0
Equity ratio, % 35.1 34.4 39.4


  2nd Quarter Year-to-date
EUR million 2015 2014 2015 2014
Cash flow after investments 70 64 138 103

1) (interest-bearing debt – financial assets) / (four previous quarters’ EBITDA exclusive of non-recurring items)

Additional information regarding the Key Performance Indicators is available at: www.elisa.com/investors (Elisa Operational Data.xls)

CEO Veli-Matti Mattila: Mobile services yielding strong earnings

The challenging general economic situation has remained unchanged. Nevertheless, we were able to strengthen Elisa's competitiveness further. In the second quarter of the year, our revenue and earnings grew year-on-year. The growth in earnings was boosted by the increasing demand for mobile data and the improvement of the profitability of operations.

During the quarter, the number of mobile subscriptions increased by more than 25,000, while the number of fixed network broadband subscriptions fell by 5,500. The demand for 4G sub-scriptions grew strongly, and customers are ready to pay more for the use of faster data speeds. Elisa's determined construction of the 4G network has progressed at record speed and Elisa has already fulfilled the terms and conditions set for its licence in connection with the 800 MHz auction well in advance of the time limit of 2019. 97 per cent of Finns live within the reach of the 4G network with the broadest coverage in Finland, and it extends to over 290 localities. Fast Internet connections have been constructed using new frequencies in sparsely populated areas, in particular.

The content of Elisa Viihde was enhanced with both entertainment and sports content. As a continuation to our significant and long-term investments in domestic films, we will produce the first original series in the history of Elisa Viihde. Finnish front-line actors will star in the extensive drama production named Downshiftaajat. Netflix is now for the first time part of the IPTV service, integrated into Elisa Viihde. Beginning next autumn, we will show all European Championship and World Championship football qualification games played in Europe.

We launched a new Elisa Kassa service for companies, which enables trading without heavy cash systems. It makes it possible to introduce efficient product and inventory management. In a groundbreaking experiment, self-measured data is becoming part of health care services. In an internationally advanced experiment, we have adopted digital meters producing information that is integrated more closely into health care services and systems for utilisation. We established a unique test laboratory in Finland, where it is possible to test apps in a genuine mobile phone network already before their launch.

We take corporate responsibility into account in all our business operations. In addition, we invest in important social projects. Together with Nokia, we donated a turnkey mobile phone network providing full internal facility coverage to the New Children's Hospital to be completed in 2017. The latest technology is used in the construction of the network, which will also enable the use of services of the future.

We will continue our determined work to improve both customer satisfaction and our opera-tional productivity. Improving our productivity, developing new services for our customers, and maintaining our strong investment ability create a solid foundation for competitive operations in the future.

Outlook and guidance for 2015

The macroeconomic environment in Finland is still expected to be weak in 2015. Competition in the Finnish telecommunications market also remains challenging.

Full-year revenue is estimated to be at the same level as in 2014. Mobile data, ICT and new online services are expected to increase revenue. Full-year EBITDA, excluding non-recurring items, is anticipated to be at the same level as in 2014. Full-year capital expenditure is expected to be a maximum of 12 per cent of revenue. Elisa’s financial position and liquidity are good.

Elisa is continuing its productivity improvement measures, for example by streamlining the product portfolio and IT systems and operations. Additionally, Elisa is continuing to increase customer service and sales efficiency, as well as to reduce general administrative costs.

Elisa's transformation into a provider of exciting, new and relevant services for its customers is continuing. Long-term growth and profitability improvement will derive from mobile data market growth, as well as new online and ICT services.

Disclosure procedure

Elisa is adopting the disclosure procedure enabled by the Standard 5.2b published by the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority. This is a summary of Elisa’s Q2 2015 Interim Report and the complete report is attached as a pdf-file to this release and is also available on our website at www.elisa.com/investors.


Additional information:

Mr. Veli-Matti Mattila, CEO, tel. +358 10 262 2635
Mr. Jari Kinnunen, CFO, tel.
+358 10 262 9510
Mr. Vesa Sahivirta, IR Director, tel. +358 10 262 3036


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