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January-March pre-tax profit amounted to EUR 39 million (39).
Revenue was EUR 348 million (333).

Excluding non-recurring items, the EBITDA for the period
under review improved from EUR 89 million to EUR 103 million.

Compared with the previous quarter, the churn in Elisa's
mobile communications decreased from 23 per cent to 19 per cent
and the market position continued unchanged

The sales of broadband subscriptions continued robustly; the
number of subscriptions increased by approximately 40,000 from the
beginning of the year

The financial position remained stable: at the end of March,
the equity ratio was 61.5 per cent (61.7 per cent at the end of
2005) and net debt at EUR 293 million (293 at the end of 2005)

In January-March, Elisa's key indicators were as follows:

Income statement              1-3/2006   1-3/2005    1-12/2005
EUR million
Revenue                            348        333        1,337
EBITDA                           99 1)      97 2)       446 3)
EBIT                                43         45          233
Profit before taxes                 39         39          212
Earnings per share, EUR           0.18       0.23         1.22
Capital expenditures                43         42          204

1) Comparable EBITDA EUR 103 million (restructuring provision 
EUR -4 million)
2) Comparable EBITDA EUR 89 million
3) Comparable EBITDA EUR 346 million

Figures describing the financial position and cash flow:

Financial position           31.3.2006  31.3.2005   31.12.2005
Net debt                           293        489          293
Equity ratio, %                   61.5         49         61.7
Cash flow statement           1-3/2006   1-3/2005    1-12/2005
Cash flow after                     
investments                         13         26          308

CEO Veli-Matti Mattila:

”The 3G service bundles got off to a very strong start

Our telecommunications market is taking strong steps towards
service competition. The number of 3G handsets, which support
improved services, has already doubled during April.

3G service bundles, allowed since 1 April, make it easy to
implement and use new services. The packages enable such new
services as e.g. video calls, very fast data connections, data
lines and mobile TV.

The 3G service bundles sale is expected to improve profitability
in the long-term, but will initially strain the profitability
owing to e.g. increasing marketing investments.

The regional coverage of telecommunications services is important
in developing the information society. The authorities could speed
up the expansion of 3G coverage by enabling the use of 900 MHz
frequency for 3G services. The spreading of coverage would thus be
much more cost efficient.

The number of subscriptions to Elisa services continued to
increase in the first quarter. We strengthened our leading
position in the broadband market, achieving 40,000 new

Besides the growth of the subscription base, another significant
factor was the decrease in the churn in mobile communications.
Within a year, the churn has dropped from over 30 per cent to less
than 20 per cent. This indicates that operators are focusing on
their existing customers and service-based competition. It is more
and more important that the product and service function
seamlessly together.

We determinedly continue to improve profitability and to offer
better services for our customers.”


Vesa Sahivirta
Director, IR and Financial Communication

Further information:

Mr Veli-Matti Mattila, President and CEO, tel. +358 10 262 2635
Mr Jari Kinnunen, CFO, tel. +358 10 262 9510
Mr Vesa Sahivirta, Director, IR and Financial Communication, tel.
+358 10 262 3036


Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal media

Interim report for January-March 2006

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the IFRS
recognition and measurement principles. The information presented
in this interim report is unaudited.

Market situation

Average minute prices continued to fall. However, in the mobile
communication business, competition is expanding from prices to
services. At the end of March, Elisa launched its new 3G service
packages, which make it easy to use new services. The number of
mobile network subscriptions continued its positive development,
and usage of subscriptions increased.

In the fixed network business, the number of broadband
subscriptions continued its strong growth. The number and usage of
traditional subscriptions decreased.


EUR million                   1-3/2006    1-3/2005   Change, %
Mobile communications              192         179           7
Fixed network                      180         162          11
Other businesses                     0          21        -100
Sales between segments             -24         -29         -17
Total                              348         333           5

Elisa's revenue for January-March was up 5 per cent compared with
the same period in 2005. Revenue in the mobile communication
business increased by 7 per cent and in the fixed network business
by 11 per cent. In the mobile communication business, revenue was
positively affected by the additional traffic generated by
Saunalahti, and in the fixed network business, the increase in the
number of broadband subscriptions.


EUR million                   1-3/2006    1-3/2005   Change, %
Mobile communications                                         
 EBITDA                             53          49           8
 EBITDA, %                         28%         27%            
 EBIT                               30          27          11
Fixed network                                                 
 EBITDA                             46          40          15
 EBITDA, %                         26%         25%            
 EBIT                               15          13          15
Other business and                                            
corporate functions                                           
 EBITDA                             -1           8            
 EBIT                               -2           5
Group, total                                                  
 EBITDA                            99*        97**           2
 EBITDA, %                         28%         29%            
 EBIT                               43          45          -4

* EBITDA includes a restructuring provision of EUR -4 million
** Comparable EBITDA EUR 89 million

Elisa's EBITDA showed growth of 2 per cent from the corresponding
period in 2005. This increase was attributable to improved
profitability and the additional revenue created by the
acquisition of Saunalahti.

The group’s other financial income and expenses totalled EUR -4
million (-6). Reduced financial expenses were mainly due to a
decrease in net debt.

Income taxes in the income statement amounted to EUR -9 million 

The group’s January-December result after taxes stood at EUR 30
million (33). The group’s earnings per share (EPS) amounted to EUR
0.18 (0.23). At the end of March, the group shareholders' equity
per share was  EUR 7.54 (8.06 at the end of 2005).

Changes in corporate structure

On 28 March 2006, Elisa deposited a security, as referred to in
Chapter 14, section 21 of the Companies Act, with regard to
Saunalahti Group Oyj’s shares that are to be redeemed. As a
result, Elisa's ownership in Saunalahti increased to 100 per cent
and public quotation of Saunalahti shares terminated.

Elisa's wholly-owned subsidiaries, Tikka Communications Oy and
Jyväsviestintä Oy, have resolved to merge with Elisa. The mergers
are scheduled for the summer 2006.

Mobile communication business

Number of subscriptions         31.3.2006 31.3.2005 31.12.2005
Total number of subscriptions   
(Finland and Estonia)           2,261,421 1,674,102  2,228,101
Number of subscriptions in      
Finland *                       1,983,921 1,438,452  1,962,101 
Subscriptions in Estonia          277,500   235,650    266,000

* Elisa's network operator in Finland

Operative figures in Finland**   1-3/2006  1-3/2005       2005
Revenue/subscription**(ARPU),€       28.0      34.6       32.5
Churn**, %                           19.0      33.5       28.4
Usage, million minutes*             1,087       714      3,509
Usage,                                187       158        172
SMS, million msg*                     265       162        827
SMS, msg/subscription/month**          46        36         38
Value-added services/revenue, %        16        15         16

* Elisa's network operator in Finland (the 2005 figures partly
exclude the Saunalahti subscriptions)
** Elisa's service operators in Finland (the 2005 figures exclude
the Saunalahti subscriptions)

Elisa’s network operator increased the number of its subscriptions
by some 545,500 subscriptions during the year, partially as the
result of Saunalahti shifting its subscriptions to Elisa’s
network. The first-quarter increase was approximately 22,000

The call minutes per subscription of Elisa's own service operator
rose by approximately 18 per cent and the number of SMS messages
increased by approximately 28 per cent on the corresponding period
in 2005. The call minutes of the network operator rose by 52 per
cent and SMS messages by 64 per cent. The increase was
substantially affected by the additional traffic generated by

Revenue per subscription (ARPU) decreased by approximately 19 per
cent from the corresponding  period. This was due to the price
erosion in consumer and interconnection fees in June 2005. The
increased usage per subscription failed to completely compensate
for the decrease due to price erosion.

The business operations of Elisa's subsidiary in Estonia continued
to grow rapidly, both in terms of revenue and number of
subscriptions. Revenue was up 17 per cent at EUR 22.3 million
(19.0) and the number of customers grew by 18 per cent to 277,500
(235,650). Profitability also improved: EBITDA was up 17 per cent,
amounting to EUR 6.8 million (5.8), and revenue increased by 26
per cent to EUR 4.4 million (3.5).

In March, Elisa introduced a new pricing model for wireless
subscriptions that is based on a monthly fee similar to broadband

Fixed network business

Number of subscriptions        31.3.2006 31.3.2005  31.12.2005
Broadband subscriptions          459,827   269,232     420,465
ISDN channels                    121,169   149,339     128,665
Cable TV subscriptions           217,600   200,864     214,054
Analogue and other               
subscriptions                    557,859   626,740     578,002 
Subscriptions, total           1,356,455 1,246,175   1,341,186

The demand for broadband subscriptions continued strong in the
first quarter. The number of subscriptions increased by
approximately 40,000 subscriptions from the beginning of the year.
Growth occurred somewhat more heavily in Elisa's own subscriber
network areas, but was also significant in external growth areas.

The number of traditional subscriptions continued to decrease
steadily as voice calls shifted to the mobile communication
network and data transfers to broadband subscriptions.

In March, Elisa initiated the renewal of its telecommunications
network, which comprises renewal of the technology and equipment
of Elisa’s whole broadband and backbone network. The network
renewal continues Elisa’s investments, thanks to which the
broadband connection speeds have increased continuously and the
availability of broadband connections has become more extensive
throughout Finland. Elisa is also updating its intelligent network
services targeted at corporate customers. This will allow
efficient use of new technologies and faster migration to IP-based

Elisa's Annual General Meeting on 27 March 2006

Elisa's Annual General Meeting confirmed the financial statements
and discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO
from liability for 2005. The Annual General Meeting also decided
to pay a dividend of EUR 0.70 per share for 2005.

The number of members of the Board of Directors was confirmed at
five (5), and the following members were re-elected for the term,
ending at the closing of the next Annual General Meeting: Mr Mika
Ihamuotila, Mr Pekka Ketonen, Mr Lasse Kurkilahti, Mr Matti Manner
and Mr Ossi Virolainen.

The Board of Directors elected by the Annual General Meeting held
its organising meeting on 27 March 2006, electing Mr Pekka Ketonen
as Chairman of the Board and Mr Mika Ihamuotila as Deputy
Chairman. Mr Pekka Ketonen (Chairman), Mr Mika Ihamuotila and Mr
Lasse Kurkilahti were appointed to the Committee for Remuneration
Evaluation and Appointments, and Mr Ossi Virolainen (Chairman) and
Mr Matti Manner were appointed to the Committee for Auditing.

KPMG Oy Ab, Authorised Public Accountants, with APA Pekka Pajamo
as the responsible auditor, was appointed to act as the company’s

The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to
decide on increasing the company's share capital. The
authorisation is valid for one year. A maximum aggregate of 33.2
million of the company’s shares can be issued, and the company’s
share capital can be increased by a maximum of EUR 16,600,000 in

The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to
acquire and assign treasury shares. The authorisation applies to a
maximum of 16,000,000 treasury shares.


During January-March, the average number of personnel at Elisa was
4,496 (an average of 4,989 in 2005).

                           31.3.2006    31.3.2005   31.12.2005
Mobile communications          1,506        1,604        1,629
Fixed network                  2,816        2,924        3,001
Other business                     -          604            -
Corporate functions               45           73           51
Total                          4,367        5,205        4,681

Elisa continued its business reorganisation, transferring outbound
telemarketing services to Manpower Business Solutions Oy. In
connection with the business transfer, 134 employees transferred
to Manpower Business Solutions Oy. In addition, Elisa and
Henkilöstövuokraus Barona Oy agreed on the outsourcing of a part
of Elisa's order processing and invoicing functions to Barona. In
connection with the business transfer, a total 119 employees
transferred from Elisa to Barona.

In March, Elisa's Board of Directors approved a new share-based
incentive plan for the Elisa key personnel. The potential reward
from the plan will be based on the total shareholder return in
2006 – 2008. The reward will be partly paid in company shares and
partly as a cash payment in 2008 and 2010.


EUR million                      1-3/2006  1-3/2005  1-12/2005
Capital expenditures, of which         43        42        204
- mobile communication business        15        13         86
- GSM leasing liability buy-backs       2         4          4
- fixed network business               26        24        112
- others                                0         1          2
Shares                                  0         3        415
- of which achieved through an 
exchange of shares                                         361
Total                                  43        45        619

Financial position

Elisa's financial position and liquidity remained stable. This was
particularly attributable to the positive performance. The group's
January-March cash flow after investments amounted to EUR 13
million (26).

Financial key indicators

EUR million                   31.3.2006  31.3.2005  31.12.2005
Net debt                            293        489         293
Gearing, %                         23.2       55.0        21.7
Equity ratio, %                    61.5       49.3        61.7
                               1-3/2006   1-3/2005   1-12/2005
Cash flow after investments          13         26         308

Valid financing arrangements

EUR million                        Maximum           In use on
                                    amount           31.3.2006
Committed credit line                  170                   0
Commercial paper                                          
programme1)                            150                   0 
EMTN programme2)                     1,000                 316

1) The programme is not committed
2) European Medium Term Note programme, not committed.

Long-term credit ratings

Credit rating agency                Rating             Outlook
Moody’s Investor Services             Baa2              Stable
Standard & Poor’s                      BBB            Negative


At the end of March, the company's total number of shares was
166,066,016. The company’s market capitalisation on 31 March 2006
amounted to EUR 2,718 million.

In January-March, a total of 72.4 million shares were traded on
the Helsinki Stock Exchange for an aggregate of EUR 1,216.6
million. The exchange was 43.6 per cent of the number of
outstanding shares.

Treasury shares

The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to
acquire and assign treasury shares. The authorisation has not been
used. On 31 March 2006, the companies consolidated in the Elisa
Group's financial statements held 125,000 Elisa Corporation

Significant legal issues

Since the publication of Elisa's Annual Report 2005, the following
legal developments concerning Elisa have taken place:

The Helsinki Court of Appeal issued a ruling in favour of Elisa
and dismissed the action for annulment of the decision made at the
former Oy Radiolinja Ab's Annual General Meeting in spring 2000.
If the Court gives its permission, the decision may be appealed to
the Supreme Court.

Events after the reporting period

Elisa has launched new service packages, which combine both
services and a phone into one package. As a result of the new
legislation, customers can now acquire a phone with a service
package connected to it.

In accordance with the terms of Elisa's Saunalahti deal as set by
the Finnish Competition Authority, Saunalahti sold the Saunaverkko
network required for the implementation of broadband services and
its customer contracts in the Tampere, Jyväskylä and Riihimäki
regions. Saunalahti also sold the Saunaverkko network without
customer contracts in the Helsinki region. The deals have no
substantial effect on Elisa's financial performance.

Elisa was the first company in the Nordic region to triple the
speed of mobile phone networks, introducing a maximum speed of 1
megabit (1 Mbit/s). This allows ever larger files to be downloaded
in the mobile phone network with speeds similar to fixed broadband

Elisa launched a service targeted at business customers which
includes a mobile communication terminal, accessories and
additional services subject to a monthly fee. For businesses the
service offers convenience and cost-efficiency as they can acquire
mobile phones and related services without having to make any
investments of their own.

Elisa's and Saunalahti's long distance networks will be
integrated, and Saunalahti's phone traffic will transfer to
Elisa's long distance network. The integration brings cost savings
relating to transit fees, transmission network costs and other
synergy benefits. The shared network will be available by the end
of 2006.

Outlook for 2006

Competition in the Finnish telecommunications market remains
challenging, while the focus is increasingly shifting to services.
The use of mobile communications and broadband products continues
to increase. Elisa's aim is to further reinforce its position as
the leading service supplier.

Elisa's revenue is expected to increase markedly on the previous
year. The growth will be partially attributable to an increase in
terminal device sales. EBITDA and EBIT excluding non-recurring
items are expected to improve on the previous year. This will be
due to, e.g. synergy benefits created by the acquisition of
Saunalahti and Elisa's rationalisation procedures.

Capital expenditures during the year are estimated to total 13-15
per cent of revenue, and cash flow will be clearly positive.
Certain non-recurring items related to IT and production system
reforms, which will support the "One Elisa" operational model, are
scheduled for 2006.


Figures are not audited.

EUR million 
                                                    1-3     1-3    1-12
                                                   2006    2005    2005

Revenue                                           348,4   332,9  1337,3
Other operating income                              2,8    11,2   113,9
Operating expenses                               -252,7  -247,0 -1005,1
EBITDA                                             98,5    97,1   446,1
Depreciation and amortisation                     -55,3   -52,4  -213,2
EBIT                                               43,2    44,7   232,9
Share of associated companies' profit               0,0     0,7     1,2
Financial income and expenses                      -4,3    -6,5   -22,2
Profit before tax                                  38,9    38,9   211,9
Income taxes                                       -9,0    -5,9   -34,1
Profit for the period                              29,9    33,0   177,8

Attributable to:
  Equity holders of the parent                     29,6    32,1   176,2
  Minority interest                                 0,3     0,9     1,6
Profit for the period                              29,9    33,0   177,8

Earnings per share (EUR)
Basic                                              0,18    0,23    1,22
Diluted                                            0,18    0,23    1,22

Average number of outstanding shares 
Basic                                            165917  141778  144807
Diluted                                          165917  141778  144807

EUR million 
                                                    1-3     1-3    1-12
                                                   2006    2005    2005

Mobile                                            191,9   179,0   739,9
Fixed Network                                     179,9   161,5   670,9
Other Companies                                            20,9    38,2
Intra-segment sales elimination                   -23,4   -28,5  -111,7
Corporation total                                 348,4   332,9  1337,3

EUR million                                         1-3     1-3    1-12
                                                   2006    2005    2005

Mobile                                             53,3    49,2   220,1
Fixed Network                                      46,4    39,6   159,6
Other Companies                                            10,4    55,8
Unallocated                                        -1,2    -2,1    10,5
Corporation total                                  98,5    97,1   446,1

EUR million                                         1-3     1-3    1-12
                                                   2006    2005    2005

Mobile                                             30,2    26,7   129,9
Fixed Network                                      15,1    13,3    44,8
Other Companies                                             6,7    47,3
Unallocated                                        -2,1    -2,0    10,9
Corporation total                                  43,2    44,7   232,9

EUR million 
                                                 31.3.    31.3.  31.12.
                                                  2006     2005    2005
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                    643,1    706,9   660,6
Goodwill                                         771,1    472,5   770,6
Other intangible assets                          181,2     69,1   178,7
Investments in associated companies                0,4     12,4     0,4
Available-for-sale investments                    44,6      9,8    44,2
Other receivables                                 10,3     50,4    10,6
Deferred tax receivable                           44,2     42,3    42,5
                                                1694,9   1363,4  1707,6
Current assets
Inventories                                       23,8     14,9    20,3
Trade and other receivables                      254,3    328,7   261,8
Cash and cash equivalents                         96,3    114,7   212,7
                                                 374,4    458,3   494,8

Total assets                                    2069,3   1821,7  2202,4

Equity attributable to equity holders 
of the parent                                   1251,8    860,6  1337,3
Minority interest                                 12,7     28,9    12,4
Total equity                                    1264,5    889,5  1349,7

Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities                          39,5     29,7    40,6
Provisions                                         8,8     24,0     9,4
Interest-bearing debt                            370,1    468,8   393,7
Other non-current liabilities                     12,2      9,9    12,7
                                                 430,6    532,4   456,4
Current liabilities
Current liabilities                              349,2    263,5   280,5
Provisions                                         5,4      1,1     3,4
Interest-bearing debt                             19,6    135,2   112,4
                                                 374,2    399,8   396,3

Total equity and liabilities                    2069,3   1821,7  2202,4

EUR million
             Share   issue   Treasury Other    Retained Minority Total
             capital premium shares   reserves earnings interest equity
Total equity 
at 31.12.2004   71,0   530,4     -3,1     34,5    250,8     31,0  914,5
Cash flow hedges
 taken to equity                          -0,1
Other changes   -0,1                                3,6      0,6    4,1
Items recognised 
directly in 
equity          -0,1     0,0      0,0     -0,1      3,6      0,6    4,1
Profit for 
the period                                         32,1      0,9   33,0
Total recognised 
income and 
expenses for the        
period          -0,1     0,0      0,0     -0,1     35,7      1,5   37,0
Dividends                                         -56,8     -3,6  -60,4
Purchase of 
treasury shares                  -1,7                              -1,7
Total equity 
at 31.3.2005    70,9   530,4     -4,8     34,4    229,7     28,9  889,5

Total equity 
at 31.12.2005   83,0   530,4     -2,5    418,9    307,5     12,4 1349,7
Available for 
sale investments                           1,1                      1,1
Other changes                             -0,2     -0,6            -0,8
Items recognised 
directly in 
equity                            0,0      0,9     -0,6      0,0    0,3
Profit for 
the period                                         29,6      0,3   29,9
Total recognised 
income and                       
expense for the 
period                            0,0      0,9     29,0      0,3   30,2
Dividends                                        -116,2          -116,2
Sales of 
treasury shares                   0,8                               0,8
Total equity 
at 31.3.2006    83,0   530,4     -1,7    419,8    220,3     12,7 1264,5

EUR million
                                                   1-3      1-3    1-12
                                                  2006     2005    2005
Cash flow from operating activities
Profit before tax                                 38,9     38,9   211,9
Depreciation and amortisation                     55,3     52,4   213,9
Other adjustments to profit before tax             4,1     -0,9   -66,3
Change in working capital                        -39,4    -30,1   -23,7
Cash flow from operating activities               58,9     60,3   335,1

Received dividends and interests and 
interest paid                                     -6,2     -7,1   -20,5
Taxes paid                                        -0,9     -0,6    -5,1
Net cash flow from operating activities           51,8     52,6   309,5

Cash flow from investments
Capital expenditure                              -43,1    -40,6  -194,9
Investments in shares and other investments       -2,5      0,9    -4,1
Proceeds from asset disposal                       6,8     13,0   197,5
Net cash used in investment                      -38,8    -26,7    -1,5

Cash flow after investments                       13,0     25,9   308,0

Cash flow from financing
Proceeds from treasury shares                      0,9              0,8
Change in interest-bearing receivables                              0,8
Repayment of long-term debt                     -122,4    -15,0  -102,4
Change in short-term debt                                   0,5   -18,6
Repayment of financing leases                     -2,9     -4,4   -16,7
Dividends paid                                    -5,0    -55,1  -122,0
Net cash used in financing                      -129,4    -74,0  -258,1

Change in cash and cash equivalents             -116,4    -48,1    49,9
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of 
period                                           212,7    162,8   162,8
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period        96,3    114,7   212,7

EUR million
                                                 31.3.    31.3.  31.12.
                                                  2006     2005    2005
Mortgages, pledges and guarantees
  For own and group companies                      6,0     19,0    18,7
Pledges given
  Pledges given as surety                          0,9      0,9     0,9
Guarantees given
  For others                                       3,5              3,1
Mortgages, pledges and guarantees total           10,4     19,9    22,6

Derivative contracts
Forward contracts and swap agreements
  Nominal value of underlying instrument                   11,8

Leasing contracts and
other commitments
Leasing commitments                               13,9     17,3    14,3
Repurchase commitments                             0,6      0,9     0,7
Real estate leases                                62,8     73,1    63,3
Lease liabilities total                           77,3     91,3    78,3

Other commitments
Lease-leaseback agreement (QTE facility)
Termination risk                                  20,2     21,4    23,5
Total value of the arrangement                   167,2    156,6   171,5
Other commitments                                  0,6      5,2     0,6

EUR million 
                                                    1-3     1-3    1-12
                                                   2006    2005    2005

Shareholders' equity/share, EUR                    7,54    6,07    8,06
Net debt                                          293,4   489,3   293,5
Gearing                                          23,2 %  55,0 %  21,7 %
Equity ratio                                     61,5 %  49,3 %  61,7 %
Gross investments in fixed assets                  43,5    42,0   204,4
of which finance lease investments                  0,3     1,4     9,5
Gross investments as % of revenue                12,5 %  12,6 %  15,3 %
Investments in shares,                                      2,9   414,8
of which paid in equity issue                                     361,2
Average number of personnel                        4496    5426    4989

Formulae for financial indicators

Gearing  %

                 Interest-bearing debt - cash and cash equivalents
                --------------------------------------------------x 100
                               Total equity

Equity ratio %

                               Total equity
                 ------------------------------------------------ x 100
                    Balance sheet total - advances received

Net debt                       
                      Interest-bearing debt - cash and cash equivalents

Shareholders' equity/share

                 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
                       Number of shares outstanding at end of period


         Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of parent
                        Average number of outstanding shares
