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                              28 OCTOBER 2003 AT 8:00 a.m.


The improvement of the Group’s performance continued:
profitability improved, cash flow remained positive and net debt
was reduced.

In July-September the Group’s key figures were as follows:

·    revenue EUR 385 million(388)
·    EBITDA EUR 107 million (51, exclusive of non-recurring items
     the figure is 84)
·    EBIT EUR 26 million (-43, exclusive of non-recurring items
     the figure is 6)
·    EBIT exclusive of amortisation of Group goodwill EUR 40
     million (-29, exclusive of non-recurring items the figure is 
·    result before extraordinary items and taxes EUR 17 million 
     (-56, exclusive of non-recurring items the figure is -7).

Operative investments in fixed assets during July-September were
EUR 42 million (45), investments in shares amounted to EUR 22
million (5) and GSM leasing liability buy-backs to EUR 3 million

The January-September cash flow for the consolidated cash flow
statement was EUR 36 million, and EUR 21 million during the third
quarter. Stable performance development and a moderate investment
level had a positive impact on the operative cash flow. The
financial position remained stable.

At the end of the review period
·    net debt amounted to EUR 722 million (757 at the end of
·    the Group’s equity ratio stood at 40.4 per cent (38.3 at the
     end of 2002).

Information in this interim report is not audited.


Velipekka Nummikoski
Vice President, Corporate Communications

Additional information:

Mr Veli-Matti Mattila, President and CEO, tel. +358 10 262 2635
Mr Jukka Heikkilä, acting CFO, tel. +358 10 262 9781
Mr Vesa Sahivirta, Vice President, IR, tel. +358 10 262 3036


Elisa Corporation’s Interim Report, July-September 2003

Helsinki Exchanges
Major media



The demand for new telecom products has continued brisk and
volumes have grown. However, intensified competition has caused
price erosion. The demand for traditional analogue products and
their volumes have also decreased.

The Group’s July-September revenue amounted to EUR 385 million
(388). Revenue decreased by 0.7 per cent compared with the
corresponding period last year.


The improvement of the Group’s profit continued. This favourable
trend was largely affected by the improved results of Elisa Mobile
and Comptel, as well as the reduction of losses in Germany-based

The Group’s July-September EBIT was EUR 26 million (-43, exclusive
of non-recurring items the figure is 6). Without amortisation on
consolidated goodwill the July-September EBIT was EUR 40 million 
(-29, exclusive of non-recurring items the figure is 20). The Q3
result does not include any substantial non-recurring items.

Planned depreciation and value adjustments on fixed assets
totalled EUR 67 million (80, exclusive of non-recurring items the
figure is 64). The shortening of depreciation time for mobile
networks in early 2003 and buy-backs of mobile networks that
Radiolinja previously leased were reflected in an increased

EUR 14 million (14) amortisation was booked on consolidated
goodwill. The Group’s goodwill resulting from the acquisition of
subsidiaries amounted to EUR 560 million at the end of the period
under review (583 at the end of 2002).

The July-September taxes were EUR -14 million (+1). The taxes for
the comparison year included EUR 22 million deferred tax assets
from a non-recurring expense booking on the GSM network.

July-September performance:
·    result before extraordinary items and taxes amounted to EUR
     17 million (-56, exclusive of non-recurring items the figure 
     is -7)
·    result after taxes and minority interests amounted to EUR 2
     million (-49)

The Group’s July-September earnings per share stood at EUR 0.01

Elisa Mobile business area

Mobile number portability, which was initiated during the review
period, increased customer churn and intensified competition.

The Elisa Mobile business area's July-September results were:
•    revenue EUR 195 million (188)
•    EBITDA EUR 58 million (-28, exclusive of non-recurring items
     the figure is 50)
•    EBIT EUR 25 million (-74, exclusive of non-recurring items
     the figure is 15)
•    EBITA exclusive of amortisation on Group goodwill EUR 34
     million (-64, exclusive of non-recurring items the figure is

Owing to an increase in the number of subscriptions, the revenue
rose by EUR 6 million over to the previous year’s Q3 results.
However, revenue growth was slowed down by intensified
competition, which was reflected in considerable increase of

The improved profitability of EUR 86 million was due to an expense
booking on GSM network leasing liability (EUR 77 million) carried
out in the third quarter of 2002, as well as reduced fixed costs
achieved through streamlining of operations and increased revenue.
On the other hand, higher interconnection traffic expenses have
hampered the growth of profitability.

The EBIT, at EUR 25 million (-74), was EUR 99 million higher
compared to the corresponding period in 2002. In addition to non-
recurring value adjustments and expense bookings (EUR 89 million
in total), the increased EBIT was also due to improved EBITDA.

At the end of September 2003, Radiolinja's network in Finland had
1 374 847 subscriptions (1 301 621).

Subscriptions of Radiolinja's service operator in Finland:
•   annualised churn for the review period was 24.2 per cent
•   average monthly use per customer totalled 151 minutes (139),
    and customers sent an average of 28 (27) SMS messages per
•   average revenue per subscription (ARPU) amounted to EUR 42.5
Radiolinja customers increased their use of mobile phones during
the third quarter. The number of customer-specific call minutes
grew by 9 per cent and the number of SMS messages by 5 per cent
compared to the previous year. However, owing to lower customer
tariffs in the Finnish mobile market, revenue per subscription
(ARPU) was at a more modest level compared to the corresponding
period in 2002.

Radiolinja’s number of subscriptions rose by almost 18 000
subscriptions compared with those of Q2. This was due to GSM
number portability, effective from the beginning of July, and
Radiolinja’s exclusive customer programme, launched during the
review period. Number portability and intensive sales campaigns
were also reflected in the increased churn rate.

At the end of September, Radiolinja Eesti, Radiolinja's Estonian
subsidiary had 163 160 subscriptions (151 200).

Radiolinja Eesti reported the following figures for July-

•    revenue EUR 16 million (15)
•    EBITDA EUR 5 million (5)
•    EBIT EUR 2 million (2).

The July-September investments of the Elisa Mobile business area
amounted to EUR 22 million (16). The investments include GSM
leasing liability buy-backs from telcos of EUR 3 million (5).

Fixed Network Business (ElisaCom and Elisa Networks business

Sales of fixed-priced broadband subscriptions have increased. As
voice shifts to mobile products the number of traditional voice
and subscription products has decreased. Outsourcing of
companies’ call center services continued lively.

Fixed network business' results for July-September were:
·    revenue EUR 163 million (177)
·    EBITDA amounted to EUR 50 million (93, exclusive of non-
     recurring items the figure is 57)
·    EBIT totalled EUR 21 million (64, exclusive of non-recurring
     items the figure is 28).

The comparable figures of 2002 included one-time sales profits on
the disposal of shares and business operations of EUR 36 million.

At the end of September, the Group with its associated companies
had 1.18 million fixed subscriptions (1.14) in total.

The number of broadband subscriptions was approximately 107 900
(59 000). There were 179 900 TV cable subscriptions (165 000) at
the end of September.

K-Alliance’s customer loyalty scheme, Plussa, was acquired for
ElisaCom to manage. In this context, 20 client advisers of K-Plus
Oy were transferred into Elisa’s employment.

Germany-based Business (Elisa Kommunikation business area)

Revenue of Germany-based business grew despite the economic slump
in Germany and the weak market outlook.

Operations in Germany reported for July-September:
 ·    revenue EUR 34 million (31)
 ·    EBITDA EUR 1 million (-9)
 ·    EBIT EUR -12 million (-19), and exclusive of amortisation on
      Group goodwill EUR -9 million (-16).

Improvement of EBITDA and reduction of losses were due to
increased revenue, streamlining operations and labour cost saving
measures. Owing to the cost savings programme, the number of
personnel has decreased by approximately 200 people during this

Focusing on business customers in accordance with strategy has
increased the market share and also improved profitability. Since
early 2003, the number of business customers has grown by
approximately 33 per cent, amounting to 20 000 (15 500 at the
beginning of 2003).

Other companies

Comptel Corporation disclosed its July-September interim report
on 22 October 2003. Yomi Plc disclosed its interim report on 27
October 2003. The key figures of these listed companies in the
July-September reports were:

Comptel Group
·    revenue EUR 12.0 million (12.1)
·    EBITDA EUR 3.7 million (-1.1)
·    EBIT EUR 3.0 million (-2.1).

Estera Oy
·    revenue EUR 4.5 million
·    EBITDA EUR 0.4 million
·    EBIT EUR 0.2 million.

In line with corporate strategy, these companies are financial

Yomi Group
·    revenue EUR 13.5 million (14.0)
·    EBITDA EUR 2.8 million (12.4, includes EUR 8.4 million of non-
     recurring items)
·    EBIT EUR 0.1 million (5.7, includes EUR 4.0 million of non-
     recurring items).

Yomi´s subsidiaries Kestel Oy and Kesnet Oy operations are
associated with the fixed line business.


The Group's gross investments in fixed assets in July-September
amounted to EUR 45 million (50), of which operative investments
accounted for EUR 42 million (45) and acquisition of shares EUR 22
million (5).

Investments in fixed assets amounted to:
·    EUR 22 million in Radiolinja
·     EUR 12 million in the fixed network business, and
·    EUR 7 million in Germany-based business.
Radiolinja's investments include GSM leasing liability buy-backs
from telcos for the amount of EUR 3 million (5).

Financial position

The Group's financial position and liquidity improved according to
the plan. Net debt amounted to EUR 722 million at the end of
review period. The Group’s gearing was 87.9 per cent (94.8 per
cent at the end of 2002) and its equity ratio stood at 40.4 per
cent (38.3 per cent at the end of 2002). The January-September
cash flow after investments in accordance with the consolidated
cash flow statement was EUR 36 million, and EUR 21 million in the
third quarter.


Elisa Corporation’s A share closed at EUR 8.19 on 30 September
2003. The highest quotation in July-September was EUR 9.49 and the
lowest EUR 7.25. The average rate was EUR 8.38.

The company's number of shares was 138 011 757, all of which were
A Shares. On 30 September 2003, their market capitalisation stood
at EUR 1 124 million.

During the period from 1 July 2003 to 30 September 2003, a total
of 19.6 million A Shares of the company were traded on the
Helsinki Exchanges for a total of EUR 164.4 million. The exchange
was 14.3 per cent of the number of A Shares on the market.

The number of Elisa Corporation's A options for the year 2000 is
3 600 000. Between 1 July 2003 - 30 September 2003, the total
number of A options traded on the Helsinki Exchanges was 45 800
at a total price of EUR 3 323 and their average rate was EUR
0.07. The highest quotation of the A options in the July-
September period was EUR 0.10, and the lowest EUR 0.03. The
closing rate of the A option was EUR 0.06.

Quotations of Elisa Corporation’s B options for the year 2000
started on the Helsinki Exchanges on 2 May 2003. The number of B
options is 3 600 000. Between 1 July 2003 - 30 September 2003,
the total number of B options traded on the Helsinki Exchanges
was 31 650 at a total price of EUR 7 287 and their average rate
was EUR 0.23. The highest quotation of the B options was EUR
0.30, and the lowest EUR 0.20. The closing rate of the B option
was EUR 0.25.

The total number of Elisa Corporation's A Shares owned by the
subsidiaries was 781 563 (781 563 at the end of 2002). The par
value of the shares totalled EUR 390 781.50, and their proportion
of the share capital and voting rights was 0.57 per cent. The
book value of these company shares has been deducted from the
distributable assets of the Group.

Moreover, the Group’s pension funds own 1 236 963 A shares.

Major legal issues

The following changes have taken place in the legal processes
referred to in the company's annual report of 2002 and the interim
reports published thereafter:

Elisa Corporation had proposed a redemption claim in accordance
with Section 14 Paragraph 19 of the Companies Act to redeem the
minority shareholders of Riihimäen Puhelin Oy at the price of EUR
1 525 per share. On 28 August 2003, the Court of Arbitration
confirmed the incontestability of the right of redemption and the
interest payable on the redemption price to be 5.0 per cent. Elisa
gave the EUR 2.8 million security set by the Court of Arbitration
on 3 September 2003, and, therefore, it has a 100 per cent holding
in Riihimäen Puhelin Oy. After the period under review, on 6
October 2003, the Court of Arbitration set a EUR 2 077 redemption
price per share. There are approximately 780 shares to be redeemed
by Elisa.

On 11 December 2001, the Finnish Competition Council ruled that
Radiolinja and Sonera have no joint dominant market position in
the network market of mobile communications. Telia Mobile Ab
appealed against the decision in the Supreme Administrative
Court. In its decision announced on 16 September 2003, the
Supreme Administrative Court concluded the appeal. Thus, the
ruling by the Finnish Competition Council will remain in force.

Authorities are investigating whether Radiolinja acted
appropriately in campaigns targeted at Telia customers in 2002.


Personnel negotiations concerning certain Corporate Staff
functions and Major Account Sales at the Elisa Group were
initiated in August. The negotiations were completed on 6 October
2003, and, as a consequence, the number of permanent staff will
decrease by 115 people.

Management groups reporting to the members of the Corporate
Executive Board have been renewed and strengthened mainly by
internal rotation.

Changes in Group structure

Proceeding with restructuring of its non-core business operations,
Elisa Corporation sold a 50 per cent stake in EPStar Ltd, a
network design and telecom consultancy company, to the firm’s
other principal owner Jaakko Pöyry Group Oyj. Elisa will still
retain a 17.5 per cent holding in EPStar and continue as an
important customer of the company.

Münster's electricity utility used its right to sell its 4.95 per
cent stake in Tropolys GmbH to Elisa Corporation's German
subsidiary Elisa Kommunikation GmbH for EUR 19 million. Through
this transaction, Elisa Kommunikation's holding in Tropolys rose
to 70.85 per cent.

Events after the review period

Telenor Ab and ElisaCom signed a Preferred Partner cooperation
agreement. The cooperation agreement will significantly enhance
both companies' capacity to serve Nordic customers.

On 28 October 2003, the Elisa Group is going to announce an
extensive reorganisation programme, which aims to increase the
Group’s customer-centricness and efficiency as well as streamline
the corporate structure and operations. The personnel negotiations
to be initiated within the Group are based on productivity and
restructuring grounds.

Future outlook

The Group’s revenue for 2003 is estimated to remain slightly less
than in 2002. EBITDA and the result adjusted for non-recurring
items will grow moderately compared with the previous year.

Owing to improved profitability and the moderate investment level
the Group's cash flow will remain positive and net debt will be
further reduced. Operative investments in the fourth quarter are
restricted to 15 per cent of the revenue at the maximum.
Restructuring of non-core businesses will continue.

EBITDA of the Group's Germany-based business area is estimated to
be positive in 2003.



(Figures in this interim report are not audited)

 			       Jul-   Jul-    Jan-    Jan-     Jan-
 CONSOLIDATED INCOME           Sep    Sep    Sep-     Sep      Dec
 STATEMENT, EUR million       2003   2002    2003    2002     2002

Revenue                        385    388   1 147   1 178    1 563
Other operating income           8     46      21      54       92
Operating expenses            -286   -383    -879  -1 017   -1 322
Depreciation and value 
  On fixed assets              -67    -80    -198    -255     -322
  On Corporation's goodwill    -14    -14     -42     -47      -59
EBIT                            26    -43      49     -87      -48
Financial income and expenses:
  Share of associated companies' 
  profit                         1     -1       0      -4       -5
  Other financial income and 
  expenses                     -10    -13     -29     -38      -50
Profit before extraordinary 
items                           17    -56      20    -129     -103
Extraordinary items                                     3        3
Profit after extraordinary 
items                           17    -56      20    -126     -100
Income taxes                   -14      1      13       0        3
Minority interest               -2      6      -2      20       26
Net profit                       2    -49      30    -106      -71

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                   30.9    30.9   31.12.
EUR million                                  2003    2002     2002

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                              70      80       77
Consolidated goodwill                         560     624      583
Tangible assets                               870     944      962
Share in associated companies                  21      18       21
Other investments                              12      16       13
                                            1 533   1 682    1 656
Current assets
Inventories                                    17      21       21
Deferred tax receivable                        54      42       14
Receivables                                   385     382      334
Marketable securities                           7       3        2
Cash in hand and in banks                      50      77       71
                                              513     525      442
Total assets                                2 046   2 207    2 098

Shareholders' equity
Share capital                                  69      69       69
Share premium account                         517     517      517
Contingency fund                                3       3        3
Retained earnings                             127     181      198
Net profit                                     30    -106      -71
                                              746     664      716

Minority interests                             76     111       83

Provisions for liabilities and charges         44      79       71

Long-term creditors                           710     600      715
Short-term creditors                          470     753      513
                                            1 180   1 353    1 228
Total shareholders' equity and liabilities  2 046   2 207    2 098

Deviating from the year 2002 interim reports,
the Tropolys subgroup has applied an IAS-
compliant procedure for the acquisition of 
subsidiaries, which has affected the 
Corporation's goodwill and minority interest,
since the financial statements of 31 December 

Income taxes refer to taxes based incurred
during the period.
CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT             Jan-    Jan-     Jan-
                                              Sep     Sep      Dec
EUR million                                  2003    2002     2002

Cash inflow from operating activities
Net profit for the financial period           30    -106      -71

Depreciation and value adjustments           239     303      381
Reduction in value of investments                               1
Sales profits from business operations         0     -31      -48
Sales profits from the disposal of
fixed assets and shares                       -1      -2       -5
Expense booking for GSM leasing liability             77       70
Other adjustments                              2     -15      -21
Change in deferred tax liability/receivable  -40     -61      -34
Change in working capital and other items    -56      41       32
                                             144     312      376

Cash inflow from operating activities        174     206      305

Cash flow in investments
Investments in fixed assets                 -131    -188     -268
Disposal of fixed assets                       1       4        6
Investments in shares                        -24      -5       -7
Disposal of shares and business operations    16      33       53
Other investments                              0      -2        0
Cash flow in investments                    -138    -158     -216

Cash flow after investments                   36      48       89

Cash flow in financing
Change in long-term loans                      3     -38       75
Change in short-term loans                   -55     -30     -209
Dividends paid                                -1      -4       -4
Sale of own shares                                             18
Cash flow in financing                       -53     -72     -120

Change in financial assets                   -17     -24      -31
Financial assets at the end of the 
financial period                              57      80       74

                              Jul-   Jul-    Jan-    Jan-    Jan-
                               Sep    Sep     Sep     Sep     Dec
                              2003   2002    2003    2002    2002
Earnings/share (EPS), EUR     0,01  -0,36    0,22   -0,80    -0,54
Shareholders' equity/share,
EUR                                          5,44    4,89     5,21
Gross investments in fixed 
assets                          45     50     131     188      269
Gross investments as % of 
revenue                       11,7   12,9    11,4    16,0     17,2
Purchase of shares              22      5      24      11       16
Non-interest-bearing debt                     401     456      396
Average number of personnel                 7 285   8 531    8 115

                                             Jan-    Jan-     Jan-
                                              Sep     Sep      Dec
                                             2003    2002     2002
For own                                        75      70       67
Pledges given
Pledges given as surety                         9      19       10
Guarantees given
For others                                     11      11       11
Leasing commitments                            73      74       72
Repurchase commitments                          4       5        3
Lease-leaseback agreement commitment
(QTE facility)                                174     206      194
Other commitments                              25      79       52
Total liabilities                             371     464      409

GSM and data network lease agreement 
liabilities outside the Corporation on 30 
September 2003 amounted to approximately EUR 
229 million (EUR 216 million at the end of 
2002). For the future redemption of the 
relevant GSM network financial agreements, 
an obligatory reserve has been entered in the 
balance sheet, which covers around EUR 43 
million of the remaining lease agreement 
Derivative contracts
Forward contracts
Market value of underlying security            15       6       13
Market value                                    1       0        1
Interest and currency swaps
Market value of underlying security                     8        0
Market value                                            0        0

ADJUSTED GROUP                Jul-   Jul-    Jan-    Jan-     Jan-
KEY FIGURES                    Sep    Sep     Sep     Sep      Dec
(exclusive of non-            2003   2002    2003    2002     2002
recurring items)                 

Revenue                        385    388   1 147   1 178    1 563
EBITDA                         107     84     289     255      342
EBITDA, %                     27,8   21,7    25,2    21,6     21,9
EBIT                            26      6      49      23       32
EBIT, %                        6,8    1,6     4,3     2,0      2,0
Profit before extraordinary 
items                           17     -7      20     -19      -23

Adjusted key figures have been calculated without the 
following non-recurring items:

Sales profits                          44              44       73
Expense booking for GSM network 
leasing liability                     -77             -77      -77
Writedowns of the GSM network         -12             -51      -51
Writedowns of Cityphone and
submarine cable networks                               -6       -8
Other writedowns in Finland            -4              -4       -4
Rundown costs of Mäkitorppa GmbH                      -10       -8
Other writedowns in Germany                            -6       -5

Non-recurring items, total            -49            -110      -80
Impact on EBITDA                      -33             -40       -9
Impact on EBIT                        -49            -110      -80
Impact on profit before extraordinary 
items                                 -49            -110      -80

Items presented in the interim report 
tables for each row have been rounded.

1 JANUARY - 30 SEPTEMBER 2003 *)
EUR million
                      Revenue       EBITDA             EBIT
                    1-9/03 1-9/02  1-9/03  1-9/02   1-9/03  1-9/02
Fixed Network
Services               470    518      22      32       -8      -4
Network                216    237     130     162       77     107
Intra-BA sales        -178   -194
Corporation bookings                                    -2      -3
Total                  508    561     152     194       67     100

Elisa Mobile
Radiolinja             559    554     149      80       72     -43
Corporation bookings                                   -29     -29
Total                  559    554     149      80       43     -72

Carrier business       101     84       2     -21      -23     -42
Mäkitorppa GmbH                 2              -7              -10
Corporation bookings                                    -8     -13
Total                  101     86       2     -28      -31     -65

Other Companies
Comptel                 41     37       7      -2        5      -5
Other companies **)     36     31      -3       0       -6      -7
Intra-BA sales          -5
Corporation bookings                                    -3      -2
Total                   72     68       4      -2       -4     -14

Corporate functions     26     26     -18     -29      -26     -36
Corporation, total    1147   1178     289     215       49     -87

Business Area (BA)    Revenue         EBITDA          EBIT
                     (Adjusted)      (Adjusted)      (Adjusted)
                    1-9/03 1-9/02  1-9/03  1-9/02   1-9/03  1-9/02

Fixed Network          508    561     152     158       67      70
Elisa Mobile           559    554     149     157       43      56
Germany                101     86       2     -21      -31     -49
Other Companies         98     94     -14     -39      -30     -54
Intra-BA sales        -119   -117
Corporation Total, 
(adjusted)            1147   1178     289     255       49      23

*) Owing to structural changes in the fixed networks, the figures 
   are not fully comparable with the previous year.
**)Includes Yomi IT companies and the parent company of 
   Yomi Group


EUR million               30.9.03 30.6.03 31.3.03 31.12.02 30.9.02

Long term loans
 Bonds and notes              572     572     572      572     472
 Loans from the Pension funds  80      80      80       80      83
 Loans from financial 
 institutions                  57      55      48       54      38
Total                         709     707     700      706     593
Short-term loas
 Bonds and notes                                        52      52
 Loans from financial 
 institutions                  7        2       2        2      34
 Committed credit line 1)                                       40
 Commercial papers 2)         37       81     124       44     128
 Others                       27 3)    26      27       28      50
Total                         71      109     153      126     304
Interest-bearing debt, total 779      816     853      831     897

 Securities                    7       12       1        3       3
 Cash and bank                50       62      85       71      77
Interest-bearing receivables  57       74      86       74      80

Net debt 4)                  722      742     767      757     817

1) The committed credit line is a joint EUR 170 million revolving 
   credit facility with eight banks, which Elisa Corporation 
   may flexibly use on agreed pricing. The loan arrangement is 
   valid until 16 June 2008.
2) Elisa Corporation has agreed on a joint programme with six 
   banks on issuing commercial papers. The arrangement is not 
   committed. The maximum amount of the arrangement is EUR 150 
3) Redemption liability for minority shareholders in Radiolinja 
   (EUR 16m) and Riihimäen Puhelin(EUR 2m) and deposits in the 
   Financial Services Office (EUR 9m).
4) Net debt is interest-bearing debt less interest-bearing 

Key financial indicators  30.9.03 30.6.03 31.3.03 31.12.02 30.9.02

Gearing                       88 %   91 %    97 %     95 %   105 %
Equity ratio                  40 %   40 %    38 %     38 %    35 %
