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The Board of Directors of Elisa Corporation proposes that
Extraordinary General Meeting resolves to decrease the share premium
fund and also for the authorisation of distribution of dividends. The
purpose of these measures is to develop the capital structure
according to the economic objectives told in February.

Summons to the EGM

The shareholders of Elisa Corporation are invited to an Extraordinary
General Meeting to be held on Thursday 28 June 2007 at 2 p.m. at the
Marina Congress Centre, address Katajanokanlaituri 6, Helsinki. The
reception for those registered to attend the meeting and coffee will
commence at 1 p.m.

Issues to be addressed at the meeting

1.Proposal for the decrease of the share premium fund - The Board of
Directors proposes that the General Meeting resolves to decrease the
share premium fund recorded in the balance sheet on 31 December 2006
by EUR 530,412,283.69 by moving all funds in the share premium fund
recorded in the balance sheet on 31 December 2006 to the invested
free equity fund.

According to the Companies Act that was in force until 31 August
2006, the share premium fund belongs to tied equity. The new
Companies Act no longer recognises the concept of share premium fund.
However, according to the transition provisions, the share premium
fund can be decreased in compliance with what has been regulated for
in the decrease of the share capital. The decreasing of the fund will
enhance the flexibility of the capital structure and increase the
distributable equity.

2. Proposal for the authorisation of distribution of dividends - The
Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting authorise the
Board of Directors to pass a resolution concerning the payment of
additional dividends to the maximum amount of EUR 165,000,000 in
addition to the resolution to pay dividends made by the Annual
General Meeting of Shareholders on 19 March 2007. The dividend may be
paid in one or several instalments. The Board of Directors shall have
the right to decide on other matters related to the payment of
dividends. The authorisation shall be valid up until the beginning of
the following Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

Participation right and registration

Shareholders registered in the company's shareholders' register
maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd on
Monday, 18 June 2007, and who have registered to attend the meeting
as provided below, are eligible to attend the General Meeting. The
owners of nominee-registered shares who wish to participate in the
General Meeting and exercise their voting rights can be temporarily
registered in the shareholders' register. Those shareholders who wish
to be temporarily registered should contact their maintainer of the
register of nominee registered shares well before 18 June 2007.

Shareholders must announce their intention to attend the meeting
either by writing to Elisa Corporation, Contact Center Services/Sö A
6201, P.O. Box 30, 00061 ELISA, Finland; by telephone: +358 800 0
6242 any day of the week from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm; by fax: +358 10 262
2727; or by e-mail at yhtiokokous@yhteyspalvelut.elisa.fi. The
shareholder's name, possible representative and contact information
should be indicated in the registration. The registration period will
end on Monday 18 June 2007 at 8 pm, by which time the registration
shall be submitted. Signed authorisations should be submitted to the
above mentioned address together with the registration.

Further information for shareholders and participants in the meeting

Shareholders will not receive a separate invitation to the General

Shareholders or authorised persons who have announced their intention
to attend the meeting in the above mentioned manner and whose power
of attorney has been submitted within the period of registration will
receive the ballot for the General Meeting by post during the week
the General Meeting is held. The ballot will be posted to the address
that is entered in the shareholders' register or announced separately
to the company for this purpose in connection with registration. The
ballot should be presented upon arrival at the General Meeting.

The proposals of the Board of Directors and other documents that,
according to the Companies Act, should be available will be available
for shareholders' to view from 20 June 2007 at the address
Rajavartijankatu 5, Helsinki (lobby) or on the company's website at
www.elisa.com. The company will send copies of the documents to
shareholders upon request.


Vesa Sahivirta
Vice President, IR and Financial Communications

For more information, please contact:

Jari Kinnunen
CFO, tel. +358 10 262 9510


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