Össur - First Quarter Report 2012

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Sales - Sales growth was good, 5% measured in local currency. Total sales
amounted to USD 100 million compared to USD 97 million in the first quarter of
2011. All markets and product segments contribute to the growth. Sales of
bracing and supports were slow with 2% growth, measured in local currency. Sales
growth in prosthetics was strong or 7%, measured in local currency.

Profitability - Net profit amounted to USD 10 million or 10% of sales, an
increase of 22% compared to the first quarter of 2011. EBITDA amounted to USD
18 million or 18% of sales and gross profit amounted to USD 62 million or 62% of

Jón Sigurðsson, President & CEO, comments:
"The sales growth in the first quarter was good and in line with our guidance
for the full year. As in past quarters all segments and regions are contributing
to the growth, with yet another quarter where EMEA is delivering strong overall
growth. Among major milestones last year was the introduction of SYMBIONIC LEG,
our latest addition to the Company's comprehensive Bionic platform. During the
first quarter, the SYMBIONIC LEG has been well received by the market and
feedback is positive."

Products - Innovation is a key element driving growth. During the quarter eight
new products and product upgrades were launched. Among new products  launched is
a redesigned version of the PROPRIO FOOT. The new version offers smaller sizes
and higher weight limits, broadening the user profile that can use this
important product.

Guidance 2012 - Management reiterates its previously announced guidance for
2012. LCY organic sales growth is expected to be in the range of 4-6% and
adjusted EBITDA margin is estimated to be in the range of 20-21% of sales.

Conference call tomorrow 25 April at 12:00 CET/ 10:00 GMT/ 6:00 EST

Tomorrow,  Wednesday 25 April Jón Sigurðsson,  President and CEO, and Hjörleifur
Pálsson,  CFO, will host a conference call presenting and discussing the results
of  the first quarter of 2012. The conference  call will be conducted in English
and can be heard on Össur's website: www.ossur.com

To participate in the meeting please call one of the following telephone
Europe: +44 (0)20 3043 2436 or +46 (0)8 505 598 53
The United States: +1 866 458 40 87
Iceland: 800 8660