Ossur - Investor meeting Thursday 5 February - live webcast at 12:00 GMT / 13:00 CET / 7:00 EST

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Ossur announces  the results  of the  fourth quarter  and the  annual
results of  2008 before  the opening  of the  markets on  Thursday  5
February 2009.

Thursday 5  February  2009 Jon  Sigurdsson,  President and  CEO,  and
Hjorleifur  Palsson,  CFO,  will   host  a  meeting  presenting   and
discussing  the   2008   results,   for   investors,   analysts   and
shareholders. The meeting will be  at Grand Hotel Reykjavik and  will
be conducted in English.

There will be a live broadcast from the meeting on the Ossur website:

To call in and participate in  the meeting please call the  following
telephone numbers:
Telephone number for Europe: +44 (0)20 3043 2436
Telephone number for the United States: +1 866 458 40 87
Local Icelandic number: 800 8660

Presentation material will be available on the Company's website
www.ossur.com and the News System of the Iceland Stock Exchange/
Nasdaq OMX:
www.omxnordicexchange.com/newsandstatistics/companynotices and on
