Ossur applies for listing on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen

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The Board of Directors  of Ossur hf. has  today decided to apply  for
listing of the  Company's shares  on NASDAQ  OMX Copenhagen.  Ossur's
shares will continue to be listed on NASDAQ OMX Iceland as they  have
been since 1999.

An additional listing on  NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen  is believed to  make
strong strategic sense for the  Company. Copenhagen offers access  to
the international investor community and  is a recognized market  for
healthcare companies. Listing and compliance requirements are similar
in Denmark and Iceland and both exchanges are part of the NASDAQ  OMX
Nordic group.

Jon Sigurdsson,  President  & CEO:  "The  listing of  our  shares  in
Iceland has served us well and we remain committed to all current and
future shareholders. Since our initial listing, our sales have  grown
more than twenty times and we have transformed into a global company.
The additional listing in Copenhagen is  a logical next step for  us.
It is aimed at facilitating trade and fair pricing of our shares  and
strengthening the Company's foundation for future growth."

The new listing  is expected to  be approved next  week. Nordea  Bank
will be the  issuing agent  in Denmark. Further  information will  be
disclosed when the application for listing has been approved.

Following the  listing  the Board  of  Directors will,  in  order  to
facilitate  liquidity,  consider  a   modest  issue  of  new   shares
corresponding to 5-7% of the  Company's share capital. Such an  issue
would  be  directed  towards  institutional  investors  and  in  this
connection Ossur has engaged Nordea Markets as financial advisor.

Trading with Icelandic financial instruments is currently subject  to
Icelandic Foreign Exchange Rules. Investors domiciled outside Iceland
will, in general, be able to trade Ossur shares freely on the  Danish
market. Investors domiciled in Iceland can trade Ossur shares  freely
on the Icelandic market.

Further information on Ossur, including an introduction brochure  and
additional information on  the trading of  Ossur shares and  transfer
between  Iceland  and  Denmark  can  be  found  on  Ossur's  website:

Ossur contacts:
Jon Sigurdsson, President & CEO, tel. +354 515 1300
Hjorleifur Palsson, CFO, tel. +354 515 1300
Sigurborg Arnarsdottir, IR Manager, tel. +354 664-1044

About Ossur
Ossur (OMX: OSSR)  is a  global leader  in non-invasive  orthopaedics
that help people  live a  life without limitations.  Its business  is
focused on  improving  people's  mobility  through  the  delivery  of
innovative technologies within  the fields of  bracing and  supports,
prosthetic limbs and compression therapies. A recognized  "Technology
Pioneer",  Ossur  invests  significantly  in  research  and   product
development; its award-winning designs ensuring a consistently strong
position in the market. Successful patient and clinical outcomes  are
further empowered  via  Ossur's  educational  programs  and  business
solutions. Headquartered in  Iceland, Ossur has  major operations  in
North America and Europe, with additional distributors worldwide.
