Össur hf. - Annual General Meeting

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The Annual General Meeting of Össur hf. will be held at the Company's
headquarters, at Grjothals 5, Reykjavik,  on Friday 20th of  February
2009 at 8:30 a.m.

The agenda of the meeting is as follows:

 1. Normal business of the Annual General Meeting pursuant to Section
    4.02 of the Company's Articles of Association.
 2. Motion to grant authorisation to the board of directors to buy
    treasury shares.
 3. Any other business lawfully submitted or approved for discussion
    by the meeting.

 The agenda and final submissions will be available for inspection by
shareholders in the Company's headquarters at Grjótháls 5, Reykjavík,
one week before the Annual  General Meeting. The documents will  also
be published on the Company's website, www.ossur.com.

Admission tickets, ballots and other documents of the meeting will be
available at the place of the meeting.

For details on the candidates for election to the Board of Directors,
please see the attaced document.

                     Reykjavík, 5 February 2009
                 The Board of Directors of Össur hf.