Ossur Outlook - Q3 2008

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Ossur Outlook - Q3 2008


*          Sales estimated to be 87 million USD up 6% from Q3 last
*          Operational profit estimated to be 15 million USD up 79%
*          Net profit estimated 12 million USD up 480% from Q3 last
*          EBITDA estimated 20 million USD up 43%

At a Board of Directors meeting 10 October, it was decided to publish
immediately outlook for Q3. This is  done in light of highly  unusual
situation at the  financial markets  and in order  to facilitate  and
enable  primary  insiders  to  trade  their  shares.  The   Financial
Statements are in  the process  of being finalized.  This outlook  is
based on actual  performance for  July and August  and estimates  for
September.  One-time  other  income includes  USD  2 million  due  to
milestone payment from the advanced wound care product line which was
divested earlier this year.

For further details, see the press release in the attachment.
