Ossur's listing on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen approved

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Ossur hf.'s application for listing of the Company's shares on NASDAQ
OMX Copenhagen has been approved.  Ossur's shares will be  officially
listed and admitted to trading  4 September 2009 (stock symbol  OSSR,
ISIN IS0000000040).  Ossur's shares  will continue  to be  listed  on

Ossur has  423,000,000 issued  shares  with a  nominal value  of  one
Icelandic krona. All the shares are of the same class and carry equal

Nordea Bank Danmark A/S  is the issuing agent  for Ossur's shares  in
respect of shares registered with VP Securities A/S in Denmark. Ossur
has moreover  entered  into a  market  making agreement  with  Nordea
Markets (Division of Nordea Bank Danmark A/S).

In connection with the listing  Ossur has issued a Summary  document,
approved by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, that reflects
the essential characteristics and risks associated with Ossur and the
Company's shares.  An  English version  of  the Summary  Document  is
attached hereto. Further information on Ossur, including the  Summary
document (available in Danish and English), an introduction  brochure
about Ossur  and  its operations,  and  detailed information  on  the
trading of Ossur shares and transfer between Iceland and Denmark  can
be found on Ossur's website: www.ossur.com/investors.

Ossur contacts:
Jon Sigurdsson, President & CEO, tel. +354 515 1300
Hjorleifur Palsson, CFO, tel. +354 515 1300
Sigurborg Arnarsdottir, IR Manager, tel. +354 664 1044

About Ossur
Ossur (OMX: OSSR)  is a  global leader  in non-invasive  orthopaedics
that help people  live a  life without limitations.  Its business  is
focused on  improving  people's  mobility  through  the  delivery  of
innovative technologies within  the fields of  bracing and  supports,
prosthetic limbs and compression therapies. A recognized  "Technology
Pioneer",  Ossur  invests  significantly  in  research  and   product
development; its award-winning designs ensuring a consistently strong
position in the market. Successful patient and clinical outcomes  are
further empowered  via  Ossur's  educational  programs  and  business
solutions. Headquartered in  Iceland, Ossur has  major operations  in
America and Europe, with additional distributors worldwide.