Ossur Second Quarter Report for 2005

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ssur: Sales in the second quarter of 2005 exceeded all previous single-quarter sales in the Company's history, at USD 35.4 million, as compared to USD 31.8 million in the preceding year.

Sales increased by 13% as measured in USD, and 11% as measured in local currencies, taking into account discontinued operations.

Profit for the second quarter was USD 4,6 million, increasing by 20% from the preceding year.

Earnings per share (EPS) came to 1.47 US cents, as compared to 1.22 US cents per share in the second quarter of 2004, increasing by 20%.

The Ossur hf. interim Consolidated Financial Statements for the second quarter of 2005 were approved at a meeting of the Company's Board of Directors on 27 July. The quarterly statement, prepared in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), has been reviewed and endorsed by the Company auditors.

Second Quarter Operations

Excellent sales are the most prominent feature of Ossur's operations in the second quarter. The sales figures represent the highest single-quarter sales in the Company's history, with the corresponding quarter of last year taking second place. Sales from continuing operations increased by 13% as measured in USD, and 11% as measured in local currencies. Including sold operating units, sales increased by 11% in US dollars, and by 10% as measured in local currencies. The favourable results can be attributed to successful operation in all market regions, but the excellent growth in US prosthetics sales is a significant factor. The division in sales between prosthetic and orthotic products was as follows:

  Thousand USD                Q1 2005   Q1 2004   Change in  
                                                    USD %    
  Prosthetics                  27,455   23,577          16%  
  Orthotics                     7,589     7,799         -3%  
  Other                           378       399         -5%  
  Total                        35,422    31,775         11%  

The ratio of operating expenses to sales showed no significant change. Marketing and sales expenses were comparatively low, but administrative expenses rose slightly. Profit from operations amounted to 18% of sales, while earnings before interest, tax and depreciation amounted to 22%. Net profit was 13% of sales.

Key Operating Results, Second Quarter

  Income statement for                  Change  
  the second                                                         
  quarter of 2005 (USD             % of              % of            
  '000)                  Q2 2005   sales   Q2 2004   sales           


  Net sales               35,422    100%    31,775    100%      11%  

  Cost of goods sold     -13,863    -39%   -12,595    -40%      10%  

  Gross profit            21,559     61%    19,180     60%      12%  


  Other income               510      1%       307      1%      66%  

  Sales and marketing                                                
  expenses                -7,002    -20%    -6,856    -22%       2%  

  Research &                                                         
  development expenses    -2,767     -8%    -2,156     -7%      28%  

  General &                                                          
  expenses                -5,800    -16%    -4,853    -15%      20%  

  Profit from                                                        
  operations               6,500     18%     5,622     18%      16%  

  Interest income /                                                  
  (expenses)                -271     -1%      -696     -2%     -61%  

  Profit before tax        6,229     18%     4,926     16%      26%  

  Income tax              -1,614     -5%    -1,066     -3%      51%  

  Net profit for the                                                 
  period                   4,615     13%     3,860     12%      20%  

  Earnings per                                                       
  outstanding shares                                                 
  (US cents)                1,47              1,22              20%  

  EBITDA                   7,758     22%     6,738     21%      15%  

The operating units of the consolidation are comparable between years, with the exception that the subsidiary Mauch Inc. in Dayton, Ohio, was sold at year-end 2004, and Ossur's Icelandic retail operations were sold in early June. Sales of discontinued operating units amounted to USD 230 thousand in the second quarter, as compared to USD 624 thousand in the corresponding quarter of last year.

Key Operating Results, January through June

  Consolidated Income    Jan. -            Jan. -                    
  Statements (USD         June     % of     June     % of    Change  
  '000)                   2005     sales    2004     sales           

  Net sales               66,572    100%    62,443    100%       7%  

  Cost of goods sold     -26,364    -40%   -24,728    -40%       7%  

  Gross profit            40,208     60%    37,715     60%       7%  


  Other income               586      1%       332      1%      77%  

  Sales and marketing                                                
  expenses               -13,995    -21%   -13,696    -22%       2%  

  Research &                                                         
  development expenses    -5,202     -8%    -4,476     -7%      16%  

  General &                                                          
  expenses               -10,696    -16%    -9,707    -16%      10%  


  Profit from                                                        
  operations              10,901     16%    10,168     16%       7%  


  Interest income /                                                  
  (expenses)                -682     -1%      -974     -2%     -30%  


  Profit before tax       10,219     15%     9,194     15%      11%  

  Income tax              -2,431     -4%    -2,071     -3%      17%  


  Net profit for the                                                 
  period                   7,788     12%     7,123     11%       9%  


  Earnings per                                                       
  outstanding shares                                                 
  (US cents)                2,48              2,24              11%  


  EBITDA                  13,291     20%    12,477     20%       7%  

 Balance Sheet at End of June

 Consolidated balance sheets                                        
  (USD '000)                        30.6.2005   31.12.2004   Change  


  Fixed assets                         66,519       67,944      -2%  

  Current assets                       41,914       40,971       2%  

  Total assets                        108,433      108,915       0%  


  Stockholders' equity                 60,755       54,720      11%  

  Long-term liabilities                29,646       35,622     -17%  

  Current liabilities                  18,032       18,573      -3%  

  Total equity and liabilities        108,433      108,915       0%  

Total assets at end of June amounted to USD 108 million, with the Company's total assets remaining unchanged from the turn of the year. Equity increased by 11%, putting the end-June equity ratio at 56%, up by 50% from the year-end level.

 Cash Flow, January through June
                                          Jan. - June   Jan. - June  
  Cash Flow 2005 (USD '000)                  2005          2004      

    Working capital from operating                                     
    activities                                 12,095        11,690  


  Cash from operating activities net of                              
  taxes and interest                            7,693         6,011  

  Net cash used in investing activities        -3,880        -3,148  

  Net cash provided by financing                                     
  activities                                   -4,386        -4,443  

  Net change in cash and cash                                        
  equivalents                                   3,590         2,664  

Cash from operating activities, net of interest, amounted to USD 7.7 million, as compared to USD 6.0 million in 2004. The increase amounted to 28%.

 Financial ratios
                                                       2005   2004  

  Earnings per share over past 12 months (US                         
  cents)                                                5,04   2,65  

  P/E ratio                                             24,4   35,7  

  Return on common equity                                29%    18%  

  Current ratio                                          2,3    2,1  

  Equity ratio                                           56%    48%  

  Market value of stock (Million USD)                    388    302  

 Sales Trends by Market Region

  Thousand USD          Q2 2005   Q2 2004    Change     Change in    
                                            in USD %      local      
                                                       currencies %  
  North America          18,133    16,299        11%            10%  

  Europe                  9,562     8,352        14%            10%  

  The Nordic                                                         
  countries               5,002     4,343        15%            11%  

  Other markets           2,495     2,157        16%            16%  

  Total continuing                                                   
  operations             35,192    31,151        13%            11%  

  operations                230       624                            

  Total                  35,422    31,775        11%            10%  

The favourable results can be attributed to successful operation in all market regions, but the excellent growth in US prosthetics sales, amounting to 16% between years, proved a significant factor. Sales of orthotic products was also more successful in the US market than previously, remaining stable as opposed to previous slides. On the whole, sales in the North American market increased by 10% as measured in local currency. The European markets showed good progress, with sales increasing by 10% in local currencies. Temporary problems which slowed growth in the first quarter as reported earlier, are now resolved. Nordic operations continued to do well, with the increase in sales at 11%, as measured in local currencies. Sales in other international markets were excellent, increasing by 16% between years.

Gross profit was satisfactory in the second quarter at 61%, as compared to 60% in the corresponding quarter last year. The average rate of the dollar was 12% lower as measured in Icelandic kronur in the second quarter of 2005 than the second quarter of 2004. The same applied in the first quarter, when the average rate was 12% lower than in the preceding year. This has the effect of undermining the gross profit of the Company, as described in earlier reports. However, the strength of the euro against the US dollar contributes to the gross profit of the Company. The euro was on the average approximately 5% higher than the dollar in both these quarters as compared to comparable periods in the preceding year. Some boost is provided to gross profit by the fact that growth in Europe was strong in countries where average prices are higher, which had the results that gross profit exceeded anticipations by a small margin. Approximately 0.7% gross profit margin can be attributed to lowering of a reserve for write-down of obsolete products.

The ratio of operating expenses to sales was similar to previous figures. Marketing and sales expenses were comparatively low, while administrative expenses rose slightly. As before, all research and development costs are expensed in the income statement. Profit from operations amounted to 18% of sales, while earnings before interest, tax and depreciation were 22%. Net profit was 13% of sales.

 Five-year comparison
                               Q2        Q2                        
                     Q2 2005    2004      2003    Q2 2002   Q2 2001  

  Net sales           35,422    31,775   22,726    21,223    16,882  

  Profit from                                                        
  operations           6,500     5,622    2,549     2,989     1,949  

  Interest income                                                    
  / (expenses)          -271      -696     -247       338       213  

  Earnings before                                                    
  taxes                6,229     4,926    2,302     3,309     2,185  

  Earnings after                                                     
  taxes                4,615     3,860    1,908     2,589     2,707  


  equity              60,755    49,669   44,171    33,559    30,547  

  Total assets       108,433   103,515   85,825    67,199    58,201  

  Working capital                                                    
  from operating                                                     
  activities           6,748     9,519    3,183     3,558     2,664  

  Net cash                                                           
  provided by                                                        
  activities           5,649     5,325    2,230       554     2,733  


  Return on common                                                   
  equity ( based                                                     
  on operations                                                      
  for the last 12                                                    
  months)                29%       18%      25%       29%       26%  

  Current ratio          2.3       2.1      3.5       2.0       1.7  

  Equity ratio           56%       48%      51%       50%       50%  

  Earnings per                                                       
  shares over last                                                   
  12 months             5.04      2.65     3.02      2.74      2.07  

  Average number                                                     
  of shares              318       318      328       328       328  

  Price per share                                                    
  at the end of                                                      
  the quarter          79.50        69    51.50     55.50        47  

  Market value in                                                    
  USD million            388       302      221       211       148  

Ossur Asia-Pacific

Ossur has acquired the Australian company Advanced Prosthetic Components, one of the Company's distributing agents. Ossur Asia-Pacific will concentrate on Ossur's current markets in Australia, China and Japan, in addition to working on further development of markets in Korea, Taiwan and other Asian markets. Ossur Asia-Pacific has five employees, with Harvey Blackney, former owner of the company, as CEO. The acquisition price was USD 1.2 million, in addition to inventory.

Changes in Icelandic Operations

In early June, pharmaceutical retailer Lyf og heilsa took over Ossur hf.'s retail operation in Reykjavik, together with all the services offered by the outlet, including gait analysis. The sale of the retail operation means that Ossur hf. has divested itself of all operations in the domestic market which are not linked to the Company's core activities. The total proceeds from the sale of the operation and inventory fell just short of USD 900 thousand; the turnover of the operation in 2004 amounted to just over USD 700 thousand. Gains on the sale, amounting to approximately USD 450 thousand, are recognised under other income in the income statement.


In the course of the year, strong emphasis has been placed on research and design involving a new bionic product line. For this reason, new products in Ossur's current product line have not been prominent. Some smaller products have been introduced and older products improved. The new bionic product line is scheduled for launching in the third quarter.

Operating Prospects

Prospects for third quarter are fair. One time integration and restructuring expenses will be expensed in third quarter as explained in a separate news release.

Investor Meetings

On Wednesday, 3 August, Ossur hf. will host a presentation meeting for investors.

At 8.30 a.m., local time, an open meeting will be held with the Company's management in Hvammur conference room at the Grand Hotel in Reykjavik. At the meeting, Jon Sigurdsson, CEO, and Hjorleifur Palsson, CFO, will discuss the Company's operation over the quarter.

A telephone conference in English will be held at 12:00 noon, local time, 14:00 CET. The meeting can be heard on the Ossur website: www.ossur.com.

Please call the following telephone numbers to participate in the conference:

   Telephone number for Europe: +44 (0) 20 7162 0191
   Telephone number for the United States: +1 334 323 6203

Queries can also be sent to the meeting held in English by e-mail to investormeeting@ossur.com.

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Jon Sigurdsson, president & CEO
tel. (+354) 664-1044
