IMImobile, India to offer multiplayer mobile games to the market based on Terraplay MOVE connected gaming technology
Stockholm May 18, 2005 The Indian mobile VAS service provider IMImobile provides connected and multiplayer mobile games to the Indian market using Terraplay’s MOVE technology
IMImobile, India’s leading mobile VAS enabler and content aggregator, signs agreement with Terraplay to offer connected mobile games to the market. Utilising Terraplay’s leading connected gaming technology, IMI Mobile will provide a unique and compelling gaming service to its Indian subscriber’s base. Currently IMImobile is providing its content and technology services to over 40million subscribers though its agreements with the most of the leading mobile operators in India. The extra functionality provided to mobile games by connected MOVE gaming will be used to lead IMImobile in the development and growth of a loyal community of subscribers. “With increasing popularity of Mobile games in India and by providing Terraplay’s solution for connecting mobile games we can enhance our service offering to the market. The fast paced sports and action 3D games that we can offer and develop are also quite unique from what’s available in the Indian market today”, says Mr. Vishwanath, CEO of IMImobile. “Our solution has been chosen and installed by a rapidly growing list of network operators and service providers and we are very pleased that we now can include IMImobile to that list with this agreement”, says Sven Hålling, CEO of Terraplay, “The Indian market represents a huge potential for connected mobile gaming and IMImobile plays an important role as a leading content aggregator in making this happen”.