Terraplay attracts SEK25 million (US $3.2 million) investment

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Cisco Systems, Inc. added as investor in Terraplay at recent financing round.

Swedish provider of middleware solutions and services for connected and multiplayer gaming recently closed an additional round of financing, bringing in Cisco Systems, Inc. as a new shareholder. SEK25 million was raised from Cisco, IT-Provider, Nordic Venture Partners, and VPSA (formerly Viventures). The additional financing will be used to speed up the rollout of Terraplay’s global gaming network, serving games publishers who want to provide connected gaming to a mass market on a global scale. The gaming network is based on the MOVE connected gaming platform, providing support for global and local communities, multiplayer servers with global connectivity, and in-game billing, as well as business tools to operate and monitor global communities. Terraplay is also very active in developing gaming solutions for IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), the new upcoming standard for mobile network service layer architectures, and is participating in trials with a large number of operators. Among other things, IMS enables users to contact friends to talk, chat, video call or play with just a click in the phone book, with one username for all services. Terraplay has demonstrated an IMS gaming solution where gamers can play a multiplayer game and talk to the opponents at the same time, in a similar fashion to Xbox Live. “I welcome Cisco onboard as a shareholder of Terraplay”, says Terraplay CEO Sven Hålling. “Through this partnership we will not only be able to get access to the latest technology but also be able to draw on the global presence of Cisco which will be very useful in building our global gaming network.” “We are seeing connected multiplayer gaming finally taking off at several mobile operators”, says Fredrik Adams, Venture Partner at VPSA, “and we are very pleased that Terraplay is consolidating its position by winning prestigious contracts with leading game publishers and mobile operators.”

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