Endomines AB has applied for delisting of Endomines AB's shares from Nasdaq Stockholm

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 Endomines AB (publ), stock exchange release 30 November 2022, 8:00 CET 

Endomines AB (publ) ("Endomines AB") has, in accordance with what has previously been communicated, applied for delisting of Endomines AB's shares from Nasdaq Stockholm. The planned delisting is made in connection with Endomines' ongoing domicile change, carried out through a cross-border downstream merger, through which Endomines AB will merge into the wholly owned subsidiary Endomines Finland Plc ("Endomines Finland", jointly with Endomines AB, "Endomines"), which will continue as the surviving company (the "Merger"). In connection with the Merger, Endomines Finland's shares will be admitted to trading on Nasdaq Helsinki.

As previously announced, it is not possible to list the shares in Endomines Finland on Nasdaq Stockholm after the completion of the Merger due to technical affiliation reasons in relation to Euroclear Sweden AB. Endomines Finland's shares will therefore only be admitted to trading on Nasdaq Helsinki following the completion of the Merger.

The formal delisting application was submitted today, 30 November 2022, to Nasdaq Stockholm.

The Merger is expected to be carried out on or about 16 December 2022 and Endomines Finland's shares are intended to be admitted to trading on Nasdaq Helsinki on 20 December 2022.

Prior to the resolution to apply for the delisting, Endomines requested a statement from the Swedish Securities Council (Sw. Aktiemarknadsnämnden) whether the planned delisting of Endomines AB's shares was in accordance with good practice on the Swedish stock market. In the statement (AMN 2022:23), the Council concludes, based on the facts stated in the request, that an application for delisting of Endomines AB's shares from Nasdaq Stockholm will not, in the Council's opinion, violate good practice on the Swedish stock market.

Important information to shareholders who have their shares in Endomines AB registered in a VPC account

The merger consideration will be issued automatically, and no actions are required from the shareholders of Endomines AB in relation thereto. However, the merger consideration cannot be delivered automatically to shareholders in Endomines AB who have their shares registered in a CSD-account in their own name in Euroclear Sweden (“VPC Account”). In order to receive the merger consideration, such shareholders must submit the account information of a CSD-account registered in the name of a nominee on behalf of the shareholder (“Nominee Account”) to Endomines AB, after which the merger consideration will be delivered to the specified account. The specified Nominee Account may be an existing Nominee Account or a new Nominee Account opened by the shareholder specifically for this purpose. If shareholders in Endomines AB who have their shares registered in a VPC account with Euroclear Sweden transfer their shares to a Nominee Account before implementation of the Merger, the merger consideration will be issued automatically to the same Nominee Account.
Endomines AB has appointed Aktieinvest FK AB as issuer agent in connection with the Merger. Shareholders who have their shares registered in a VPC account are asked to provide the following information regarding the Nominee Account they wish to have the merger consideration shares delivered to by e-mail to emittentservice@aktieinvest.se together with the shareholder's name and personal identification number/corporate registration number.

-          Bank/nominee

-          Nominee Account number


A Finnish citizen, corporate entity or foundation that currently has its shares registered in a CSD-account in Euroclear Sweden, will need to provide a 1) bank and 2) a Finnish book-entry account number, in order to receive the merger consideration.


In case you have any questions regarding the administration for the merger, please contact Aktieinvest FK AB on telephone +46 8 5065 1795 or via e-mail emittentservice@aktieinvest.se.


For further information, please contact:

Mikko Sopanen, CFO, mikko.sopanen@endomines.com, +358 50 434 7439


About Endomines

Endomines is a mining and exploration company with its primary focus on gold. Endomines is engaged in mining operations at the Pampalo mine in Ilomantsi, and in exploration activities along the Karelian Gold Line in Eastern Finland. Endomines also owns rights to several gold deposits in Idaho and Montana, US, where the Endomines aims to continue the development work through partnership agreements.



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