Endomines Ore Reserve and Resource Estimate update

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Endomines is making a public announcement of its updated ore reserves and mineral resources estimates. The estimates have been prepared according to the 2012 Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (Joint Ore Reserve Committee - JORC-code). The updates have been prepared by various authors (Endomines - in house and others). The update represents the production situation as of December 31st 2016. 

The results are as follows:

[The table of Gold ore reserves and Mineral Resources is only disclosed in the pdf-version as well as the company website]

In the Pampalo underground mine almost all the ore reserve and resource mined in 2016 has been replaced by new ore reserves and resources. The data included results from the underground drilling campaign completed in 2016. Totally some 21 000 meters were drilled during 2016.

A new resource estimate has been prepared for Pampalo NW and Pampalonlammit. Although the resource estimates are relatively modest, it proves that it is still possible to find new resources near Pampalo.

Hosko and Muurinsuo were removed from ore reserves because the deposits are likely uneconomic with the current gold price. Hosko and Muurinsuo remain as mineral resources.

Pampalo total reserves and additional resources have remained almost on the same level as a year before as new resources have been discovered and resources have been converted to reserves from the Pampalo deep extension area. During the past years we have all the time been able to convert Pampalo deep resources to reserves and discover also new resources from Pampalo Deeps. This exploration history supports our view that the exploration potential of Pampalo deep extension is high and continues”, comments Markus Ekberg, CEO of Endomines AB.

We can certainly be satisfied that new resources Pampalo NW and Pampalonlammit – although modest at this stage - have been discovered and developed during the year 2016. This certainly confirms possibilities for new discoveries on the mining lease area”, continues Markus Ekberg.

This statement has been controlled by Eurogeologist Jani Rautio MSc (Geol) acting as a Qualified Person. Endomines applies Fennoscandian Review Board –standards for public disclosure of mineral resource and reserves. Jani Rautio is a full time employee of Endomines.

Contact person

Markus Ekberg, CEO of Endomines AB, tel. +358 40 706 48 50 or visit the Company´s website www.endomines.com 

This information is information that Endomines AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08:45 CET on JANUARY 27, 2017.

About Endomines
Endomines is a gold concentrate producer with mining, development and exploration operations in Eastern Finland along the 40 kilometer long Karelian Gold Line. Through various regulatory approvals, Endomines controls the exploration rights to this entire area. Endomines vision is to participate in the future structural transformation and consolidation of the Nordic mining industry. The Company may therefore be involved in acquisitions of interesting deposits or companies, should such opportunities arise.

The shares trade on Nasdaq Stockholm (ENDO) and Nasdaq Helsinki (ENDOM).

news release may contain forward-looking statements, which address future events and conditions, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. The Company's actual results, programs and financial position could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of numerous factors, some of which may be beyond the Company's control. These factors include: the availability of funds; the timing and content of work programs; results of exploration activities and development of mineral properties, the interpretation of drilling results and other geological data, the uncertainties of resource and reserve estimations, receipt and security of mineral property titles; project cost overruns or unanticipated costs and expenses, fluctuations in metal prices; currency fluctuations; and general market and industry conditions. 

Forward-looking statements are based on the expectations and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. The assumptions used in the preparation of such statements, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.


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