Enersense’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board’s proposals to the 2023 Annual General Meeting

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Enersense International Plc
Stock exchange release, 26 January 2023 at 5:00 p.m

Enersense International Plc’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board has submitted the following proposals to the company’s Board of Directors for the Annual General Meeting 2023 planned for 4 April 2023:

Proposal for the number of members in the Board of Directors and the composition of the Board of Directors

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the Board of Directors is composed of six (6) members.

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes that, for the term of office lasting until the end of the Annual General Meeting 2024, Jaakko Eskola, Sirpa-Helena Sormunen, Sari Helander and Petri Suokas will be re-elected as board members, and Anna Miettinen and Carl Haglund will be elected as new board members. Current board members Herkko Plit and Päivi Jokinen will no longer continue as board members.

The Nomination Board has considered the requirements set by Enersense’s operations and Enersense’s diversity principles as it has prepared the composition of the Board of Directors.

Information about the proposed board members is available on Enersense’s website at https://enersense.fi/sijoittajalle/hallinnointi/yhtiokokous/.

The Board of Directors elects its Chair and Vice Chair from among its members. The Nomination Board recommends the first meeting of the Board of Directors that Jaakko Eskola is re-elected as Chair of the Board of Directors and Sirpa-Helena Sormunen is elected as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors.

All candidates have given their consent to be elected for the duty and the Nomination Board assesses that all candidates are independent of the company at the time of submitting the proposal. In addition, Sirpa-Helena Sormunen, Sari Helander, Carl Haglund and Anna Miettinen are independent of any significant shareholders. Jaakko Eskola is not independent of one of the company’s significant shareholders as he holds the position of Senior Industrial Advisor at Nidoco AB. Petri Suokas is not independent of one of the company’s significant shareholders as he is a member of the Board of Directors of MBÅ Invest Oy.

Proposal for the fee to be paid to the members of the Board of Directors

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting 2023 that the fees to be paid to the members of the Board of Directors in the upcoming term of office will be:

  • annual fee of EUR 42,000 (40,000) for the Chair
  • annual fee of EUR 32,000 (30,000) for the Vice Chair
  • annual fee of EUR 27,000 (25,000) for each member

in addition, meeting fees for each meeting of the Board of Directors and committees:

  • EUR 1,000 for Chairs of the Board of Directors and committees
  • EUR 500 for other members.

Travel expenses are proposed to be reimbursed in accordance with the company’s current travel reimbursement policy.

Chair of the Shareholder’s Nomination Board which prepared the proposals for the Annual General Meeting 2023 is Alexander Ehrnrooth, Nidoco AB, and members are Risto Takkala, MBÅ Invest Oy and Janne Vertanen, Verman Group Oy. Jaakko Eskola, Chair of the Board of Directors, serves as an expert for the Nomination Board.

The Nomination Board’s proposals will be added to the notice of the Annual General Meeting.

Enersense International Plc
Jussi Holopainen
President and CEO

More information:

Alexander Ehrnrooth
Chair of the Nomination Board
Telephone: +358 9 6122340

Media contacts:
Tommi Manninen, SVP, Communications and Public Affairs
Tel. +358 (0)40 043 7515
Email: tommi.manninen@enersense.com

Enersense in brief:     

Enersense International Plc is a creator of zero emission energy solutions and strongly supports the ongoing energy transition and enabling a zero-emission society. Enersense Group’s revenue in 2021 was approximately EUR 239 million. The company has approximately 2,000 employees, with operations in Finland and globally in roughly 40 countries. Enersense’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki (ESENSE). The company’s investor pages can be found at www.enersense.com/investors.