Toy-making workshop for post-Christmas blues!

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Kenilworth Castle, 27 – 31 December 2011

The work may be complete for another year for Santa’s elves at the North Pole, but atKenilworthCastletraditional toy-making will just be getting started on 27 December, when the historic site hosts a series of toy-making workshops.

In the workshops, children will try their hand at becoming Santa’s little helpers, making one of a number of Victorian wooden toys that they can take home at the end – they can choose from tumbling acrobats and soldiers, roundabouts, little dogs or a somersaulting monkey who balances between two sticks! Adults and children can also try their hand at making fun balancing peg toys.

The workshop is run by historical toy making interpretation experts, Heuristics, who will also intersperse the serious business of toymaking with light hearted presentation on the history of Christmases past, and the associated traditions that we continue today.

During each session, any hands not fully occupied by toymaking can play other traditional games, including bagatelle – a game dating back to the 17th century - using a seven-foot long board, table skittles and the 19th century classic, tiddledy winks! Traditional music will be playing in the background, and there may even be the odd sing-along!

“After all of the exciting build-up to Christmas, the gap between Christmas and New Year can seem rather dull, so this is a great way of getting all the family together to continue the fun,” comments English Heritage’s regional events manager, Karen Pike. “For the Victorians, spending entertaining time with the family was such an integral part of their festive traditions and we hope to be recreating this at Kenilworth Castle – a fantastic escape away from the turkey left-overs and mad ‘sale’ shopping!”

Each workshop lasts around two and a half hours, with sessions each day running from10.00amto12.30pmand1.00pm to 3.30pm. Delicious refreshments are included – a warming cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate with mince pies- for all participants.

Ticket prices are £20.00 for adults and £10.00 for children. English Heritage members receive discounted admission of £15.00 for adults and £7.50 for children. Workshops should be pre-booked by calling 0870 333 1183. Tickets may be available on the day, subject to availability so pre-booking is recommended.

KenilworthCastleitself will open to non-visitors on 31 December 2011from 10.00amto 4.00pm, resuming its full winter weekend opening on Saturday 7 January. For more information, please call 0870 333 1183 or visit


The Toy Making Workshops are the final events ofKenilworthCastle’s festive events programme. Other events are:

20 January 2012 Ghost   tour
11th - 19th February Half   Term Family Fun Trail
Fri 17 February Valentines   Ghost Tour

For further media information, please contact:

Jay Commins – PRO English Heritage (West Midlands)

Tel: 0113 251 5698

Mob: 07810 546567




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