Changes in Eniro’s Group management

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Work to transform Eniro from print dependency to online opportunities is proceeding according to plan. As of today, Group management will be organized according to function.

In accordance with the goal of moving from a holding structure to a more rational corporate structure, Eniro is reorganizing Group management and introducing three transnational functions Products and Services, Operations and Sales. Mathias Hedlund will be Senior Vice President (SVP) of Products and Services with Group-wide responsibility for development of products and concepts. Hans-Petter Terning will be Senior Vice President of Operations with responsibility for the Group’s local production and local support functions. Peter Kusendahl will be Senior Vice President of Sales with responsibility for the Group’s sales. Eniro’s new management group will thus consist of Jesper Kärrbrink, President and CEO; Jan Johansson, CFO; Mathias Hedlund, Senior Vice President of Products and Services; Hans-Petter Terning, Senior Vice President of Operations; Peter Kusendahl, Senior Vice President of Sales; Roger Asplund, President of Eniro Poland; Mattias Wedar, Chief Information Officer; Charlotta Wikström, Director HR and Åsa Wallenberg Director Communications, Henrik Dyring, previously President of Eniro Denmark, decided to resign in conjunction with the changes