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  • Eniro: Changes in publication dates for printed directories in 2006 and distribution of bundled products

Eniro: Changes in publication dates for printed directories in 2006 and distribution of bundled products

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Effects on revenues of changes in publication dates during 2006
Revenues generated from the sale of printed directories are reported at the time each directory is distributed. Consequently, changes in publication dates can affect comparisons between quarterly revenues in different years. In a comparison between 2006 and 2005, the net effect of changed publication dates is estimated as a reduction in comparable revenues of approximately SEK 12 M.

In the first quarter of 2006, it is estimated that the positive effect of changed publication dates will total SEK 8 M. For the second quarter, the corresponding effect is expected to amount to SEK 6 M and in the third quarter, the increase is estimated to be SEK 18 M. In the fourth quarter, the effect is estimated as a reduction of SEK 44 M (see table in attachment).

Possible changes in publication dates for Findexa will be reported in conjunction with the year-end report, which will be published on February 14, when also pro forma figures for the Group, including Findexa will be reported.

Distribution of revenues for bundled sales during 2006
Sales of bundled products in the Swedish operation amount to about SEK 450 M. In reporting these sales revenues as offline or online, a distribution ratio is applied that is based on the usage of the products and which is updated annually. As of January 1, 2006, 40 percent of the revenues, from bundled products, which are sold from January 1, 2006, are booked as online revenues, while 60 percent are reported as offline revenues. In the preceding year, the corresponding ratio was 35 percent for online and 65 percent for offline.

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