Eniro Annual General Meeting

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- Dividend per share increased from SEK 0.70 to 1.40. - Decision to reduce share capital through redemption of shares and transfer of approximately SEK 704 M to shareholders - Barbara Donoghue and Urban Jansson elected to Board of Directors - Björn Svedberg and Jan Rudberg declined re-election - other members re-elected

President and CEO summarized the year 2002 and Eniro's development in his adress to the Annual General Meeting "The past year was characterized by a weak economy in large parts of the world. The directory media industry is naturally affected by the weak economy, but as we have shown during this and in previous recessions, our industry is less affected than other media. In view of the demonstration of strength in being able to report stable earnings and cash flow despite these conditions, the Board of Directors decided to increase the transfer of capital to the owners. We will continue working to move closer to users, to enhance our services, to take advantage of new technology and to build a strong brand. On the whole, we have a well-balanced product portfolio and an excellent geographic spread. We are therefore confident in our belief that we will be able to further strengthen our positions and continue to deliver a strong cash flow". At today's Annual General Meeting, Eniro AB (punl) approved the Board of Directors' proposal of a dividend of SEK 1.40 per share. The record date to be entitled to receive the dividend is April 3, 2003. Payment is expected to take place on April 8 through the Swedish Securities Register Center (VPC). In addition, the Annual General Meeting approved the Board of Directors' proposal for redemption of Eniro shares. All Eniro shareholders will receive an offer to redeem one share for each 20 shares held for a cash payment of SEK 80 per share. Redemption rights will be granted for all Eniro shares and when fully exercised will result in the redemption of at most 8,809,047 shares and a transfer of approximately SEK 704 M to the shareholders. Information will be distributed to the shareholders in conjunction with the commencement of the application period and will be available at www.eniro.com with a planned starting date of April 9. Application period is between April 11 - May 9, 2003. The record date established for the receipt of redemption rights is April 3, 2003. The Annual General Meeting elected as members of the Board of Directors John Abrahamsson, Lars Berg, Per Bystedt, Lars Guldstrand and Birgitta Klasén and as new members Barbara Donoghue och Urban Jansson. Björn Svedberg and Jan Rudberg declined re-election.  At the statutory meeting of the Board of Directors following the Annual General Meeting, Lars Berg was elected as new Chairman.