Eniro enhances the efficiency of its Swedish sales unit

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Eniro is concentrating advertising sales for the Swedish Yellow Pages (Gula Sidorna) and eniro.se in Sweden into one sales organization to strengthen customer relations and enhance efficiency. In conjunction with this, a surplus of about 60 employees will occur.

In accordance with the strategy of transforming Eniro from print dependency to online opportunity, the company’s offering and product mix are changing. As part of this change process, Eniro is discontinuing the use of two sales teams in Sweden and, as of February, will operate on the basis of a joint sales team for the directory Gula Sidorna and eniro.se. The sales unit for these brands will sell combined packages that encompass all of Eniro’s distribution channels and focus on selling searchability, visibility and leads. “The new sales concept is entirely in line with the development in progress at Eniro and we are convinced that this will lead to enhanced customer relations, more motivated sales representatives and more efficient sales,” says Peter Kusendahl, Senior Vice President Sales. The efficiency enhancements resulting from the merger mean that the offices in Jönköping and Borås will be discontinued and that a surplus of about 60 employees will occur. The negotiations with personnel organizations have been conducted and concluded.