Eniro interim report January – March 2018
Eniro publishes the interim report for the first quarter 2018. The report is available on the company’s website www.enirogroup.com.
FIRST quarter: JaNUARY–MARCH 2018
- Total operating revenue amounted to SEK 354 M (432), a decrease of 18%. Excluding Print, which was discontinued during 2017, total operating revenue decreased 15%.
- EBITDA decreased by 19% to SEK 48 M (59). The EBITDA margin was 13.6% (13.7%).
- Net income for the period was SEK 3 M (-51).
- Earnings per ordinary share for the period were SEK 0.00 (-0.10) before and after dilution.
- Eniro has applied the new accounting standard IFRS 15 (Revenue from Contracts with Customers) as of January 2018. All comparative figures for 2017 have been restated accordingly.
- A new scalable business model was launched, entailing a more comprehensive customer offering and a transition to subscription-based contracts.
- The new offering continues to be implemented in the Scandinavian countries. At the end of the quarter, this comprised more than 60% of the customers in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
- The action program to further reduce costs in 2018 by more than SEK 100 M has largely been implemented.
- After successfully contributing to Eniro’s recapitalization, Fredrik Sandelin is leaving his position as CFO at Eniro. The new CFO will be Hassan Tabrizi, who will take up the post in August.
- The Board of Directors proposes that the 2018 Annual General Meeting resolve to not pay any dividend – neither for common nor preference shares.
Jan-Mar | Jan-Mar* | Apr-Mar | Jan-Dec* |
SEK M | 2018 | 2017 | 2017/18 | 2017 |
Operating revenue | 354 | 432 | 1,571 | 1,649 |
EBITDA | 48 | 59 | 215 | 226 |
Adjusted EBITDA | 49 | 66 | 279 | 296 |
Operating income | 9 | -41 | 36 | -14 |
Net income for the period | 3 | -51 | 178 | -124 |
Cash flow from operating activities | -11 | 10 | -16 | 5 |
Interest-bearing net debt excluding convertible bond and pension obligations | -618 | -1,228 | -618 | -575 |
* Retrospective restatement of financial statements in accordance with IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
For more information, please contact:
Örjan Frid, President and CEO, Eniro, tel. +46-70 561 1615
This information is information that Eniro AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08.30 on April 25, 2018.
Eniro is a leading search company for individuals and businesses in the Nordic region. With quality-assured content and an unrivaled user experience, Eniro inspires local discoveries and makes local communities thrive. Eniro’s content is available through Internet and mobile services, printed directories, directory assistance and SMS services. Each week Eniro Group’s digital services have 8 million unique visitors. Eniro Group has about 1,600 employees and operations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Poland. The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm [ENRO] and headquartered in Stockholm. More on Eniro at enirogroup.com.