Eniro’s Nomination Committee

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In accordance with the decision by the Annual General Meeting on April 5, 2005, Eniro will have a nomination committee comprising of one representative for each of the four largest shareholders in terms of voting rights plus the Chairman of the Board of Directors. If any of these shareholders does not exercise its right to appoint one representative, that right passes to the shareholder who, next to the above mentioned shareholders, hold the largest number of shares. In case the ownership structure would change substantially thereafter, the composition of the committee shall change accordingly.

The nomination committee for the 2006 Annual General Meeting consists of Wouter Rosingh, Hermes Focus Asset Management, Torsten Johansson, Handelsbanken/SPP Fonder, Magnus Wärn, AMF Pension, Ossian Ekdahl, First National Pension Fund, and Lars Berg, Chairman of the Eniro Board. The Chairman of the nomination committee is Wouter Rosingh.

The nomination committee’s task is to present proposals for the 2006 ordinary Annual General Meeting with respect to the number of Board members to be elected, fees for Board members, possible fees for work in the Board’s committees, composition of the Board, Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Annual General Meeting and, when applicable, for the election of auditors and auditor fees.

Shareholders wishing to make proposals to the Nomination Committee can do so by e-mail to: nominationcommittee@eniro.com

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