Eniro’s Nomination Committee

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According to the decision by the Annual General Meeting of Eniro on May 4, 2010, Eniro has established a nomination committee in accordance with the following process. The Chairman of the Board of Directors contacted the four largest shareholders in terms of voting rights as of August 31, 2010, who each was invited to appoint one representative to serve as a member of the nomination committee, along with the Chairman of the Board. 

Eniro’s nomination committee for the 2011 Annual General Meeting consists of Maria Wikström, Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning AB, Peter Rudman, Nordea Investment Funds, Hans Hedström, HQ Funds, Hans Ek, SEB Funds, and Lars Berg, Chairman of the Eniro Board. The nomination committee has appointed Peter Rudman to serve as Chairman of the committee.

The nomination committee’s task is to present proposals prior to the General Meeting on April 20, 2011 in regards to the number of members of the Board of Directors to be elected by the General Meeting, the fees for the Board of Directors, possible fees for work in the Board’s committees, the composition of the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, fees for the auditors, the chairman of the General Meeting and, when applicable, the election of auditors.

Shareholders wishing to make proposals to the nomination committee can do so by sending an email to nominationcommittee@eniro.com no later than February 20, 2011.


For more information, please contact:

Lars Berg, Chairman of the Eniro Board of Directors, who can be reached through;
Åsa Wallenberg, Head of Investor Relations, +46 703 61 34 09


Eniro is the leading directory and search company in the Nordic media market. Eniro’s search database connects sellers to buyers and makes it easy to find people using Eniro’s distribution channels Online, Printed directories, Voice and mobile. Eniro has operations in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Poland.

Eniro is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and has around 4,600 employees. In 2009, revenues amounted to SEK 6,581 M, with EBITDA SEK 1,807 M.